Conducted on
Completed by
Shipping office water and CO2 fire extinguishers and emergency lighting
Is the water and CO2 extinguishers in place?
Do the extinguishers have an intact tag?
Are the extinguishers full (check the gauge)?
Is the information sign in place next to or above the extinguishers?
Physical condition of emergency lighting
Emergency lighting battery
Emergency lighting luminous
Overall Assessment
Main reception water fire extinguisher and emergency lighting
Is the water extinguisher in place?
Does the extinguisher have an intact tag?
Is the extinguisher full (check the gauge)?
Is the information sign in place next to or above the extinguisher?
Physical condition of emergency lighting
Emergency lighting battery
Emergency lighting luminous
Overall Assessment
Downstairs kitchen fire blanket
Is the fire blanket correctly located in its designated place?
Is it unobstructed and visible?
Are operating instructions clear, legible, and facing outwards
Is the container not obviously damaged and that the hand-hold devices (straps) are visible and undamaged
Are tamper indicators broken or missing
Server room CO2 fire extinguisher
Is the CO2 extinguisher in place?
Does the extinguisher have intact tags?
Is the extinguisher full (check the gauge)?
Is the information sign in place next to or above the extinguisher?
Accounts office water and CO2 fire extinguishers
Is there a water and CO2 extinguisher in place?
Do the extinguishers have intact tags?
Are the extinguishers full (check the gauge)?
Is the information sign in place next to or above the extinguishers?
Engineering Director office CO2 fire extinguisher
Is the CO2 extinguisher in place?
Does the extinguisher have an intact tag?
Is the extinguisher full (check the gauge)?
Is the information sign in place next to or above the extinguisher?
Engineering accounts office CO2 fire extinguisher and emergency lighting
Is the CO2 extinguisher in place?
Does the extinguisher have an intact tag?
Is the extinguisher full (check the gauge)?
Is the information sign in place next to or above the extinguisher?
Physical condition of emergency lighting
Emergency lighting battery
Emergency lighting luminous
Overall Assessment
Engineering office water fire extinguisher and emergency lighting
Is the water extinguisher in place?
Does the extinguisher have an intact tag?
Is the extinguisher full (check the gauge)?
Is the information sign in place next to or above the extinguisher?
Physical condition of emergency lighting
Emergency lighting battery
Emergency lighting luminous
Overall Assessment
Engineering office fire blanket
Is the fire blanket correctly located in its designated place?
Is it unobstructed and visible?
Are operating instructions clear, legible, and facing outwards
Is the container not obviously damaged and that the hand-hold devices (straps) are visible and undamaged
Are tamper indicators broken or missing
Bottom of back stairs powder and water fire extinguishers & emergency lighting
Is the 5x 9kg powder, 1x 6kg powder and 1x 6L water extinguishers in place?
Do the extinguishers have an intact tag?
Are the extinguishers full (check the gauge)?
Is the information sign in place next to or above the extinguisher?
Physical condition of emergency lighting
Emergency lighting battery
Emergency lighting luminous
Overall Assessment
Inside cupboard at bottom of back stairs foam extinguisher
Is the foam extinguisher in place?
Do the extinguishers have an intact tag?
Is the extinguisher full (check the gauge)?
Is the information sign in place next to or above the extinguisher?
Lower middle corridor water fire extinguisher
Is the water extinguisher in place?
Does the extinguisher have intact tags?
Is the extinguisher full (check the gauge)?
Is the information sign in place next to or above the extinguisher?
Outside Paul Bell’s office foam and CO2 fire extinguishers and emergency lighting
Is the 1x 6L foam and 1x 2KG CO2 extinguishers in place?
Do the extinguishers have an intact tag?
Are the extinguishers full (check the gauge)?
Is the information sign in place next to or above the extinguisher?
Physical condition of emergency lighting
Emergency lighting battery
Emergency lighting luminous
Overall Assessment
Show room foam and CO2 fire extinguishers
Is the 1x 6L foam and 1x 2KG CO2 extinguishers in place?
Do the extinguishers have an intact tag?
Are the extinguishers full (check the gauge)?
Is the information sign in place next to or above the extinguisher?
Workshop (at entrance from workshop to Aaron’s area) foam, powder and CO2 fire extinguishers
Is the 1x 6L foam, 1x 4KG powder and 1x 2KG CO2 extinguishers in place?
Do the extinguishers have an intact tag?
Are the extinguishers full (check the gauge)?
Is the information sign in place next to or above the extinguisher?
Mini workshop (Aaron’s area)
Is the 1x 6L foam, 1x 4KG powder and 1x 2KG CO2 extinguishers in place?
Do the extinguishers have an intact tag?
Are the extinguisher full (check the gauge)?
Is the information sign in place next to or above the extinguisher?
Workshop kitchen/canteen fire blanket and eye station
Is the fire blanket correctly located in its designated place?
Is it unobstructed and visible?
Are operating instructions clear, legible, and facing outwards
Is the container not obviously damaged and that the hand-hold devices (straps) are visible and undamaged
Are tamper indicators broken or missing
Is the eye station in place unobstructed and visible?
Does the eye station contain 4 eye wash bottles?
Is each eye wash bottle in date and in good condition?
Entrance to workshop (from front roller door) foam and powder fire extinguishers and emergency lighting
Is the 1x 6L foam and 1x 4KG powder extinguishers in place?
Do the extinguishers have an intact tag?
Are the extinguisher full (check the gauge)?
Is the information sign in place next to or above the extinguisher?
Physical condition of emergency lighting
Emergency lighting battery
Emergency lighting luminous
Overall Assessment
Top of stairs water fire extinguisher and emergency lighting
Is the water extinguisher in place?
Does the extinguisher have intact tags?
Is the extinguisher full (check the gauge)?
Is the information sign in place next to or above the extinguisher?
Physical condition of emergency lighting
Emergency lighting battery
Emergency lighting luminous
Overall Assessment
Bottom of stairs water fire extinguisher
Is the water extinguisher in place?
Does the extinguisher have intact tags?
Is the extinguisher full (check the gauge)?
Is the information sign in place next to or above the extinguisher?