Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Zone 1
FE 1-1 Type - DC / 5# Serial# - B-7155545 Office Lobby
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 1-2 Type - Clean Guard / 10# Serial# - F-72807798 Bacti Lab
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 1-3 Type - DC / 5# Serial# - E-95820273 Outside Bacti Lab
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 1-4 Type - Clean Guard / 10# Serial# - F-72807793 Quality Lab by shower
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 1-6 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - B-04307060 Main Cafeteria
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 1-7 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - E-95820278 Hall beside safety boards
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 1-8 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - E-95916895 Health Center
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 1-9 Type - DC Serial# - C-93565940 Accounting Office beside door
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 1-10 Type - DC / 5# Serial# - B-04307036 Accounting Office copy room
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 1-11 Type - N Serial# - C-94941940 Accounting Office computer room
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 1-12 Type - CG / 5# Serial# - F-64457294 Accounting Office computer room
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 1-13 Type - 5# Clean Guard Serial# - F-83853651 Accounting Office computer room
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 1-14 Type - DC Serial# - C-93565208 Across from Plant Manager's Office
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 1-15 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97506028 2nd floor hallway above depalletizers
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 1-16 Type - DC / 5# Serial# - E95820311 2nd floor hallway above depals
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 1-17 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508037 2nd floor time clocks
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 1-18 Type - DC Serial# - C-97508013 Women's locker room
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 1-20 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72771507 Men's rest room
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 1-5 Type - DC Serial# - F-72771509 Men's locker room
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 1-21 Type - DC / 5# Serial# - F-95820303 Across from HR office
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 1-22 Type - DC / 5# Serial# - F-83604150 Hall by engineering office
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 1-23 Type - Clean Guard 9.5# Serial# - F-72807797 Engineering office
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 1-30 Type - DC / 5# Serial# - F-83604152 Track Mobile
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 1-31 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063618 Diesel Tank Gate 9
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 1-36 Type - DC / 5# Serial# - F-83604145 Engineering office
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 1-24 Type - DC / 5# Serial# - B-04307047 Conference room A
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 1-25 Type - DC / 5# Serial# - E-95820292 Hallway between quality & cafeteria
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 1-26 Type - DC / 2.5# Serial# - G-12448187 Inside elevator
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 1-28 Type - DC / 5# Serial# - E-95820285 Main cafeteria
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 1-29 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72771516 Guard House
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 1-34 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - A-40225304 Elevator control room
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 1-35 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97506577 Main Elevator Control Room
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
Zone 2
FE 2-1 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508015 Inside Spice Kitchen West Wall
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 2-4 Type - DC / 20# Serial# - F-72771517 RBW - North Wall, West of middle overhead door
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 2-5 Type - DC / 20# Serial# - F-72771454 RBW – North Wall, East of East Side Overhead Door
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 2-6 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508030 RBW - East wall by M-4
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 2-7 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72771515 RBW – West wall by barrel room
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 2-8 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - E-95916905 BW - North wall by fire exit
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 2-9 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508049 BW - South wall
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 2-10 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508053 Scheduling area
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 2-11 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - B-09691799 F - East wall by MSDS
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 2-12 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - E-95916922 F - Pouch lead desk
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 2-13 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72771511 F - I-beam J-9
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 2-14 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F72771456 F - by desk
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 2-16 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-64413452 F - by elevator
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 2-17 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F72771508 F - Maintenance shop
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 2-18 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-93565207 F - Maintenance shop
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 2-19 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508040 F - Maintenance shop
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 2-20 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - E-95916913 F - I-beam K-11
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 2-21 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-85033609 Stock room South end
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 2-22 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97506570 Stock room middle
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 2-23 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508041 Stock room North
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 2-28 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508043 L - I-beam I-20
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 2-29 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508063 L - Line 1 packer E-15
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 2-30 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72771514 L - Line 5 labeler
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 2-31 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - E-95916899 L - Line 7 C-13
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 2-32 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - B-09691804 L - Labeling Maintenance shop
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 2-33 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - A-40225301 L - Ladder to catwalk
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 2-34 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72686971 L - Catwalk above line 1 labeler
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 2-39 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063614 I-Beam M-18 East of L-5
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
Zone 3 & 4
FE 3-1 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F72764495 2nd - At L-8
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 3-2 Type - DC / 5# Serial# - G-16565303 2nd Welding Cart near red flammable cabinet
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 3-3 Type - DC / 5# Serial# - F-83604156 Maintenance shop welding cart
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 3-4 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508062 2nd – Maint. Shop Torch Cart
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 3-5 Type - DC / 2.5# Serial# - B-09691789 2nd – Maint. Shop Plasma Cutter Cart
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 3-7 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F72764491 2nd – Maint. Shop East Wall M7
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 3-16 Type - DC / 5# Serial# - F-93063602 2nd - Welding Cart
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 3-8 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72764541 2nd – E-8
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 3-9 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063600 2nd - C-8
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 3-10 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - A-40225289 K - North Kitchen East
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 3-11 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063615 K - North Kitchen Under Platform
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 3-12 Type - DC / 17# Serial# - C-97508024 K - North Kitchen West Exit
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 3-13 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - A-40225303 K - South Kitchen by Eyewash
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 3-15 Type - DC / 20# Serial# - F-72807796 Kitchen Control Room
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 3-17 Type - Clean / 9.5# Serial# - F-88154460 Kitchen Control Room Back
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 4-2 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508064 Sugar Mix E-21
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 4-3 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063627 Behind Centralized Maintenance
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 4-4 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508012 Centralized Maintenance E-24
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 4-7 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-64413449 Centralized Maintenance Welding Cart
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 4-8 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - A-40225290 Centralized Maintenance
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 4-9 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063612 Centralized Maintenance Cart
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 4-10 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508033 Centralized Maintenance
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 4-21 Type - DC / 2.5# Serial# - G-12448161 Centralized Maintenance Torch Cart
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 4-13 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - E-95916915 Casemaking Line 7 C-27
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 4-15 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - E-95916910 Casemaking Line 3 I-31
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 4-16 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - E-95916911 Casemaking Office
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 4-17 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508059 WH-1 Loading Dock
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 4-18 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063604 WH-1 Loading Dock
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 4-19 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - E-95916894 Casemaking K-25
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 4-20 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - A-40225294 Casemaking Line 5 M-24
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 4-22 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063596 Centralized Maintenance Library
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 4-23 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - A-40225277 CL - Can Line M-29
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 4-24 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063638 Centralized Maintenance Production Offices
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
Zone 5 Vinegar & Waste
FE 5-1 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - E-95916898 Vinegar MCC Room
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-2 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508056 Vinegar by Nutrient Mixer
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-4 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508034 Generac Building, Inside door to Left
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-5 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063616 Vinegar Generator Building, North Wall by Office
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-6 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - E-95916916 Vinegar Generator Building, West End East Wall
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-20 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-64413455 Vinegar Cooling Tower Room
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-21 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-64413482 Vinegar Cooling Tower Room
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-22 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063601 New WW Office
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-23 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - D-07019938 New WW East Man Door
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-24 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - D-07019934 New WW Screen Room Man Door
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-25 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - D-07019933 Waste Water Screen Room East wall
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-26 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - BW-891772 New WW Chemical Room South Wall
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-27 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - D-07019930 New WW Chemical Room West Wall
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-12 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72686987 WW - Spare Parts Area
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-13 Type - DC / 2.5# Serial# - G-12448172 WW - Control Room
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-14 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72764546 Q - Main Aisle
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-15 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72764536 Q - NE Corner by Door
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-16 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - A-40225285 Q - Chemical Storage North Wall
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-17 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72764532 Q - Chemical Storage by Overhead Door
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-97 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063626 New Generator Building Waste Water
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-99 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063610 Alcohol Tanks Storage Shed
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-100 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063621 Heavy Corn Syrup Hut
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
Zone 5 Warehouse
FE 5-60 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063598 Quality Office Warehouse 3 Appendage
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-61 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508061 3 - South Appendage Exit Door
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-62 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72686988 3 - Entrance to Quality Appendage
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-63 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - B-09691784 3 - Exit Door by Truck Docks
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-64 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72686982 3 - North Wall of Film Room
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-65 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72686985 3 - Southwest Corner M-14
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-66 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063607 3 - Exit Door
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-67 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063624 3 - M-Aisle North Exit Door
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-68 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72686973 3 - First Post East of East Ramp
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-69 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - B-06961798 3 - East Wall by baler
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-70 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063622 3 - East Row by I-beam L-3
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-75 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063603 4 - Top of Ramp to Bag Paste
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-76 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063613 4 - Forklift Charging area
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-77 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72764537 Warehouse Cafeteria
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-78 Type - DC / 2.5# Serial# - B-02931757 Palletizer Welding Cart
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-80 Type - DC / 2.5# Serial# - F-52432800 Palletizer Maintenance cart
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-81 Type - DC / 2.5# Serial# - F-72507801 4 - Palletizer Golf Cart
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-82 Type - DC / 2.5# Serial# - F-52432760 4 - Palletizer Torch cart
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-83 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063628 4 - Palletizer #3
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-84 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - A-40225297 4 - Palletizer #1
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-85 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72764528 4 - Palletizer #5
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-86 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - A-40225292 4 - Palletizer #2
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-87 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - A-40225287 4 - Palletizer #4
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-88 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72686974 4 - Palletizer #6
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-89 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72686970 4 - Palletizer #7
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-90 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72686978 4 - Palletizer #8
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-91 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-64414478 4 - North Wall by Dock No. 5
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-92 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508005 4 - South Wrapper
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-93 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - A-40225282 4 - South Wall D-track by Exit Door
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-94 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508002 4 - North Wall by DC Tunnel
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-96 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-64413485 Above Palletizer Maintenance Shop
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-101 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063599 WH4 Smoke Hut
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-102 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063611 WH4 Exit Door at EML 5-45
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-103 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-64413477 Office above warehouse break room
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
Zone 5 Single Serve
FE 5-30 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - E-95916912 Single Serve South Wall
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-31 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - E-95916906 Single Serve South Wall
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-32 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - A-40225247 South Wall by Fire Exit (W-12)
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-35 Type - DC / 2.5# Serial# - C-84911183 Single Serve Maintenance Shop Torch
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-37 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - E-95916903 Single Serve Air Compressor Room
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-38 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - E-95916890 Single Serve Office
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-39 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-88154457 Single Serve Lab
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-40 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - E-95916901 East Wall D-8
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-41 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063617 West Wall between A-10 and A-11
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-42 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - E-95916896 West Wall at A-7
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-43 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - E-95916904 West Wall at A-3
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-44 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - E-95916900 Single Serve at C-4
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-45 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - E-95916902 Single Serve at C-6
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-46 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - E-95916897 Single Serve at C-9
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-47 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72764533 Entrance to Bag Paste
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-48 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508006 Bag Paste South End
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-49 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508007 Bag Paste North End
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-50 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72686979 Single Serve Welding Cart
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 5-98 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-64413478 Exit Door at EML 5-10
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
Zone 6
FE 6-1 Type - DC / 20# Serial# - A-40225268 BH - I-beam by West Entrance
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 6-3 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508036 BH - I-beam West of Office
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 6-6 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72686972 BH - North Wall, East of Restroom
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 6-7 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063625 BH - Torch Cart
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 6-8 Type - DC / 2.5# Serial# - F-93063625 BH Torch Cart
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
Zone 7
FE 7-1 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508046 In Tunnel to DC
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-2 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72686986 In Tunnel to DC
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-3 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72764462 In Tunnel to DC
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-4 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508028 In Tunnel to DC
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-5 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508044 South Wall Exit Door 4
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-6 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72764535 Employee Entrance
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-7 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508045 East Wall by Battery Charging Station
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-8 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-64413480 East Wall Between Dock Doors 6 & 7
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-9 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508032 East Wall Between Dock Doors 15 & 16
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-10 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-64413486 Truck Driver's Desk
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-11 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508022 Outside Cafeteria
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-51 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - A-40225278 Upstairs Office
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-12 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508054 Upstairs Office
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-13 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508029 East Wall Dock Door 20
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-14 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508014 East Wall Dock Door
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-15 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508018 East Wall Dock Door
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-16 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508011 Dock Doors 42 & 43
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-17 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508050 North Wall Exit Door 10
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-18 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508057 East of aisle A-24, S-30
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-19 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - E-95916889 Between Signs SP-108 & SP-109
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-20 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508035 North Wall Exit Door 9
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-21 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508060 North Wall Exit Door 8
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-22 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508008 3rd Aisle East of D-track Electrical Panel LP-5
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-23 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - -F-72764527 Aisel A-20 between S25 & S-27
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-24 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72764540 Aisle A-62 between S-5 & S-7
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-25 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508038 Aisle A-60 between S-50 & S-52
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-26 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72764530 Aisle A-16 between S-27 & S-29
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-27 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508009 Aisle A-108 between S-10 & S-12
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-28 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508039 Aisel A-107 between S-43 & S-45
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-29 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72764523 2nd aisle east of D-track electrical panel LP-4
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-30 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508042 Aisle A-38 between S-20 & S-22
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-31 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508026 Aisle A-36 between S-22 & S-24
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-32 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72764539 Aisle A-10 between S-23 & S-25
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-33 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-94508027 Aisle A-101 east of S-45
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-34 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72764534 Aisle A-12 between S-18 & S-20
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-35 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72764538 Aisle A-32 between S-19 & S-21
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-36 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508055 Aisle A-56 between S-7 & S-9
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-37 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72764493 Aisle A-6 between S-29 & S-31
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-38 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72686976 Aisle A-30 between S-19 & S-21
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-39 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - A-40225293 Aisle A-54 between S-5 & S-7
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-40 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508010 Aisle A-52 between S-48 & S-50
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-41 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063629 2nd aisle east of D-track electrical panel LP-2
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-42 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063620 2nd aisle east of D-track electrical panel LP-6
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-43 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97506579 3rd aisle east of D-track Electrical panel LP-3
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-44 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063606 3rd aisle east of D-track electrical panel LP-1
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-45 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063594 Aisle A-50 between S-8 & S-10
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-46 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - A-40225272 Pallet Unloading area
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-47 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063619 D-track at exit door 6
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-48 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508001 D-track at exit door 7
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-49 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063605 Aisle A-66 between S-51 & S-55
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-50 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - A-40225302 Resort Area
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-52 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508031 Aisle A-42 between S-22 & S-24
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-53 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508058 Aisle A-103 west of S-7
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-54 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-64413450 Aisle A-56 between S-55 & S-57
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-55 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508025 Battery Charging Area
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-56 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063609 DC Guard House
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-57 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063631 DC WH Smoke Hut
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-58 Type - CG / 10# Serial# - F-88154468 DC Computer Room
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 7-59 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-64413447 DC Torch Cart
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
Zone 8
FE 8-1 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - A-40225298 New Forklift Shop, Airco Cart
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 8-3 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - A-40225299 New Forklift Shop, East Overhead Door
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 8-4 Type - DC / 2.5# Serial# - G-12448174 New Forklift Shop, Portable torch cart
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 8-5 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72686975 Maint Shop, Welder/Generator & Torch Cart
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 8-7 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063597 Maint Shop, Welding Area, NE Corner, on top Arc Welder
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 8-8 Type - DC / 2.5# Serial# - G-12439482 Maint Shop, Welding Area, NE Corner, on top Stick/Tig Welder
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 8-9 Type - DC Serial# - F-64413484 Maint Shop portable torch cart
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 8-10 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - A-40225296 Outside instrument shop door
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 8-11 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - C-97508003 Propane Filling Station
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 8-15 Type - DC / 2.5# Serial# - F-72507815 Building Maint golf cart
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 8-17 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-72740826 Maintenance Building Shop Cabinet
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
FE 8-18 Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063623 Paint Shop
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-93063595 Spare
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
Type - DC / 20# Serial# - F-55231227 Spare
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
Type - DC / 20# Serial# - F-55231226 Spare
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
Type - DC / 2.5# Serial# - F-72507819 Spare
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
Type - DC / 2.5# Serial# - G-12448186 Spare
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-64413447 Spare
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-64413457 Spare
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.
Type - DC / 10# Serial# - F-64413483 Spare
Is the extinguisher full?
Replace extinguisher with fully charged extinguisher.
Is the extinguisher pin in place?
Is the pin Missing or Broken?
Replace extinguisher with on that has its pin in place.
Is the extinguisher in good repair?
Replace damaged extinguisher with one in good repair.