Title Page
Document No.
Type of incident
Conducted on
Prepared by
Fire/False alarm details
Date and time
Location details (please add exact location on the site)
Was the fire alarm sounded
If no, why not
How was alarm raised
Name of person
Fire/False alarm events
How did the fire/false alarm happen? Please give full details
Was an attempt made to extinguish the fire?
By whom?
Why not?
Was the Fire Brigade in attendance
Life Risk
Approximate no of persons in building
Occupancy type
- On-Site
- Workshop
- Office
- Welfare Facility
- Training Room
- Recycling
- Storage Shed
- Cellar
- Boiler Room
Was an evacuation necessary?
How long did it take and who organised it?
Were there any injuries?
Give details of any injuries/treatment administered.
A separate accident form needs to be filled in if there were any injuries resulting from this incident
Additional factors
Did any of the following cause or were noticed at the location
- Structural changes
- Excessive storage
- Electrical overload
- Fuel or Lubricant discharge
- N/A
If any of the above selected, please give details
Is the building/room/area safe to be used?
What needs to be done?
If the location has a fire panel, has this been reset and the system fault free?
Please give further information including when and by whom this was done
Are there any further actions that need to be taken?
Actions required and by whom
Report Author
Site Manager