Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Condition of plumbing<br><br>
Condition of electrical plug points
Condition of walls and ceilings
Condition of floor
Other observations
Condition of plumbing
Condition of bath or shower
Condition of toilet
Condition of walls and ceilings
Condition of floor
Other observations
Bedroom 1
Condition of electrical plug points
Condition of walls and ceilings
Condition of floor
Condition of windows
Condition of doors
Other observations
Bedroom 2
Condition of powerpoints
Condition of walls and ceilings
Condition of floor
Condition of windows
Condition of doors
Other observations
Sitting area
Condition of floors
Condition of windows
Condition of doors
Condition of electrical plug points
Other Observations
DB Box
Condition of the DB Box
Is the hot water working
Relative condition of the outside of the building including cracks in walls.
Condition of outside gutters
Condition of the roof from what can be seen from the ground.
Opportunity for improvement
Corrective actions
Signature of auditor