Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Records and Documentation
Are the local rules on display in the bunker and are they approved by Oceaneering's Radiation Manager and RPA?
Is the Gamma equipment checked prior to use, periodically during use and records maintained for these checks?
Is a permit to work system in place for high level maintenance works in the vicinity of the booth, i.e. on top of the roof, inside the roof space, overhead crane work, roof lights etc.?
Do all radiographers have a copy of the pocket book 'General Local Rules and Contingency Plans'?<br>
Are signs on display on the booth identifying the compound as a controlled area?
Does the signage identify emergency contacts - Radiation Protection Supervisor, Radiation Manager, Radiation Protection Advisor for Oceaneering?
Does the signage state the type of radiation to be used (gamma)?
Are Oceaneering wearing their Thermo Luminescent Dosimeter (TLD) and is it within 30 days old?
Is the name of the Oceaneering Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS) on site attached to the booth door?
Working in and Around the Booth
Is there an EFFECTIVE process for controlling access by non-Oceaneering personnel when the booth is under their control? (i.e. request for entry, radiation readings taken, confirmation the booth is empty)
If radiography is taking place at the time of this audit, is the area free from personnel working above 5 metres, including the yard area and roof? If not, STOP the job and report to the area supervisor.
Radiography Equipment
Is / was source containment unit assembled inside the compound?
Is there a calibrated radiation dose meter located at the steel doors and in good working order? (monitor must be as close to the booth's access doors as possible and not inside the radiographer's bunker)
Is the source containment unit undamaged and in a safe condition?
Are guide tubes and drive cables for the source containment unit undamaged and in good condition?
Is a collimator available and in good condition?
Is the source being used one of the authorised sources? Iridium-192 max 15 Curies (555GBq), or Selenium-75 15 Curies (555GBq)
Booth Safety Features
Is the warning light system working (inside and out) during normal operation, green for safe, amber for radiation imminent, red for radiation exposure?
Are the warning lights tested periodically using the test button on the control panel?
Are all four interlock switches on the steel doors in good condition and have not been interfered with?
Is the light curtain in good working condition? (breaking the beam will activate the safety system and will need reset)
Are all the buttons on the control panel in good working order, legible, button lights working, not interfered with?
Is the Castell key on the control panel secure and unable to be removed from the lock when the booth door is open?
Are all emergency pull cords inside the booth in good condition and in working order?
Is the emergency alarm bell working when the pull cord is activated?
Does the audible alarm sound when the door is operated?
Does the audible alarm sound when the red radiation imminent light is activated?
Are internal mirrors clean and in good condition?
Is the source security safe inside the booth in good condition?
Safe Systems of Work
Is the collimator being used, if not, is there documented justification as to why not?
Is the booth free from sources if Oceaneering are not present at the time of audit?
Are radiography exposures being conducted within the demarcated area inside the booth?
Are checks completed immediately prior to exposure to ensure no personnel are inside the booth?
Is a radiographer on station to ensure unauthorised entry or encroachment into the booth does not occur?
Does the radiographer check the gamma source is fully retracted after each exposure using the dose rate monitor and that the container selector ring is in the lock position?
Emergency Systems
Is there an emergency response procedure covering the following events: non-retracted source; suspected overexposure; lost or stolen source; source becomes detached; mechanical damage or fire and is it understood by the radiographers?
Is the manual hydraulic door opening pump in good condition, no leaks?
Is there an emergency kit available?
Is the following available in the kit:
Audible alarm monitor
- Yes
- No
Tongs ( 1 or 2 metre)
Hand tools which are appropriate for particular equipment, i.e. hacksaw, pliers, screwdriver and bolt cutters
Bags of lead shot (2 off 2kg bags minimum for Iridium source) and lead sheeting<br>
QFE and charger
Emergency pot
Copy of the local rules and contingency plans
Booth Handover (to be completed if Oceaneering are not on site)
Before non-classified workers are allowed to enter the booth, is a reading taken to ensure no hazard remains and are records kept?
When Oceaneering have completed their work or are leaving site, has the booth doors been left in the fully open position and safety warning system switched off? All warning lights must be off.
Has Oceaneering's on-site RPS details been removed from the sign on the booth door when Oceaneering have left the site?