Title Page
Site conducted
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Is the admissions policy clearly displayed at reception?
Is the general cleanliness & tidiness of the park of a high standard?
Are the Female toilets in good condition with no hazards present?
Is the female toilet check sheet signed up to date/time?
Are the male toilets in good condition with no hazards present?
Is the male toilet check sheet signed up to date/time?
Is the disabled toilet in good condition with no hazards present?
Is the disabled toilet check sheet signed and up to date/time?
Are step ups available in each toilet facility?
Do all toilets state that male & female operatives clean these areas?
Does the emergency pull cord function in the disabled toilet?
Did staff respond in a timely safe manner?
Is the bin area tidy?
Are the bins stored away from the building?
Are there any combustible materials stored against/next to the building?
ARENA (Trampolines & Stunt Boxes)
Are Court Monitors in position and attentively managing their attraction?(Check all attractions)
Check 6 random beds. Are there any concerns? (Also check below points)
1. Fraying
2. Holes (Finger Size)
3. Spring Condition
4. Cleanliness of floor area
5. Padding (Standard depth is 50mm)
Check six random Olympic beds. Are there any concerns?
1. Weave
2. Springs
3. Cleanliness of the floor area.
4. Padding (Standard depth is 50mm)
Check 4 Random stunt boxes, are they well padded and secure?
ARENA (Novelty Activities)
Ninja Warrior Course, any concerns?
Ninja Tag/Large Ninja Soft Play, any concerns?
Crazy Golf, any concerns?
Children's Soft Play, any concerns?
Bumper Cars, any concerns? (Check charging ports)
Laser Quest, any concerns? (Check battery charging station)
Glice Rink, any concerns? (Check boot room)
Inflatable, any concerns? (Check condition of 2 random blowers and where relevant are guest using slide sacks or turning socks inside out for the use of the slide?)
If attractions are out of order are they listed on the relevant JOLT list?
Does every attraction have the correct safety signage displayed including the Main Arena & Stunt Zone areas?
Is the parks key holder list up to date? (Check vs critical list on GD)
Is the office door locked? (If unattended)
If the office is open is the safe locked and secure?
If the office is open and unattended are the PC's locked?
Have the days DECs been completed correctly and in a timely manner?
Are there corresponding maintenance forms for any faults picked up on the days DECs?
Does the GM/AGM or DM understand the maintenance reporting procedure?
Are maintenance completion forms being used?
Does the manager on duty fully understand the accident reporting procedure, including RIDDOR?
Check 5 random accident forms. Have they been completed correctly?
Check MTD accident forms Vs STITCH volume MTD, is this correct?
Is the parks follow up tracker up to date MTD and are serious accidents logged on the notified incident tab?
Is the parks serious accident file up to date and correct?. Check Two previous serious accidents for correct documentation.
Does the management team fully understand the claims procedure?
Check a claim is it in the correct location and documentation is correct?
Has a claim notification been submitted on JOLT?
Have the two serious accidents checked had serious accident forms submitted on JOLT?
Review via CCTV a check in period from today to note if guests were asked to hold up the sign to acknowledge they have watched the safety briefing video online before they attended, did this take place?
Is there evidence of Public/Employee Liability Insurance (TWIMC)?
Is the fire panel active?
Is the fire alarm panel showing any faults?
If there are faults are these noted on the weekly fire safety checks?
Ask the manager on duty to explain how zones are evacuated in the park and ask for evidence of this. Is the procedure in place?
Ask a random team member what their role is in an evacuation. Did they know?
Is there an evacuation pack at reception?
Ask a team member where the Fire Assembly Point is. Did they know?
Is the Fire Assembly Point clearly identified?
Has the park completed a six monthly full fire evacuation?
Whilst walking the park did you notice any fire doors propped?
Whilst walking the park were fire routes clear from obstruction and no combustible materials present?
Whilst walking the park were fire extinguishers in good condition and seals not broken? (No need to check all)
Does the park have a list of fire marshalls and is this present at reception?
If available is the parks AED in good condition, pads in date and prep kit available?
Is the physical fire folder up to date with all relevant tests carried out?
If sprinklers are present have they been serviced?
Is there a list of first aiders at reception?
Are the management team all three day first aid qualified?
Of those managers who are three day qualified, are there certs on Jolt? (List 6. First Aid Certificate)
Does the manger on duty know where all first aid boxes are located?
Check 2 random first aid kits for condition, content (Check all dressings are sterile). Is all in order?
Are all manager's DBS cleared?
Of the managers that have been checked, has document 6. DBS Check been completed on JOLT?
Is the first aid room, clean and in good condition with a good level of stock, wheel chair and treatment couch?
If there is no specific first aid room ask the manager on duty where the designated room is to take a guest who needs treating. Did they know?
Is the FRA available?
Ask for the RRP. Have actions been taken and clearly identified as complete/In progress?
Is the LRA available?
Have there been clear actions taken/In progress on the LRA?
Are all Risk Assessments in PDF format showing they were completed on STITCH and cannot be edited on GD?
Check three Risk Assessments for validity and content (One of which must be the First Aid Provisions RA). Do they reflect the operation?
Does the manager on duty understand what COSHH is?
Either whilst walking the park already or at this point is the COSHH cupboard locked and clearly identified?
Are SDS's available for all products? (Ask where they can be found)
Check three chemicals. Do they have COSHH RA's?
Is there an in date RoSPA certificate/Inspection?
Is there an in date PIPA certificate/Inspection?
Is there an in date certificate/Inspection records for climbing walls/equipment?
Is there evidence of an annual safety inspection for all equipment except Soft Play, Inflatables & CnC
Is there available PPE for team member's to complete the DEC checks? (Overalls, Hard Hats, Mechanic's Bed Trolley)
Is there PPE available for team members to replace trampoline springs? (Face Shield, Leather Gloves & Spring Pulley)