Title Page
Site conducted
CP Reference
Conducted on
Completed by
Trading As
Food Business Operator
Visit type
- Full Inspection
- Partial Inspection
- Revisit
- Complaint
- Other Intervention
State reason for visit and briefly list areas covered during the intervention.
Business Details
Business Details
New food business operator since last inspection?
Extent of Trade
Opening hours
Number of food handlers
Changes since last visit
Description of method of production/processing
Vehicle and delivery information
Pest control contractor
Waste contractor(s)
Supply to other food businesses?
Main food suppliers
Documented food safety procedure used
- CookSafe
- ButcherSafe
- Safer Food Better Business
- Temperature Records
- Own Procedures
- Company Procedures
- Required but no documented procedures
- None necessary
Implemented and maintained permanent procedures based on the HACCP principles?
Necessary documents and records maintained (not falsified)?
Adequate procedures in place to control pests and any domestic animals?
Food handlers supervised and instructed and/or trained in food hygiene matters commensurate with their work?
Traceability and stock control procedures in place where necessary?
Safer Food Better Business
Full audit of Safer Food Better Business pack to be carried out at this inspection?
Correct pack for type of business used?
Person with knowledge and training completed safe methods, daily checks etc?
SFBB reviewed if the process altered e.g. introduction of new equipment?
Safe Methods
Cross-contamination safe methods completed and reflects the cross contamination procedures observed at the business?
Cleaning safe methods completed and reflects the cleaning procedures observed at the business?
Chilling safe methods completed and reflects the chilling procedures observed at the business?
Cooking safe method completed and reflects the cooking procedures observed at the business?
Additional opening and closing checks in place to cover additional hazards at the business?
Extra checks completed with appropriate checks and timescales?
Stock control considered and managed according to SFBB advice?
Safe method completion record completed?
Food handlers aware of and trained on the safe methods?
Staff training records completed and up-to-date?
Suppliers list completed and up-to-date?
Contacts list completed and up-to-date?
Cleaning schedule completed and used?
Prove-it records completed where necessary?
Diary completed and up-to-date?
Problems and changes noted?
Four-weekly reviews completed?
Full audit of HACCP carried out at this inspection?
Was there an appointed HACCP co-ordinator?
HACCP team represented by each department?
HACCP team responsibilities established and documented?
Product description/specification documented?
Intended use of product documented?
Process steps documented?
Schematic/process flow diagram available for each product that incudes inputs, outputs, detection examination and was the diagram verified?
Plan reviewed if the process altered e.g. introduction of new equipment?
Principle 1 - Hazard Analysis
All biological, chemical and physical food safety hazards identified at each process step?
Each hazard assessed for significance?
Records kept to support the identification of each food safety hazard noted?
Principle 2 - Critical Control Points
Were there CCPs identified?
Do the CCPs provide effective control for each of the significant hazards identified?
Critical Limits
Critical limits established for each CCP?
Critical limit sufficient to achieve the desired control of the hazard?
Methods used to determine critical limits:
- Experimental evidence
- Published results/reports/guidance
- Documents
- Consultants
- Other (specify)
Monitoring Procedures
Monitoring procedures identified for each CCP?
Monitoring procedures specify what, when, how, where and who monitors?
Frequency of monitoring sufficient to assure CCP is controlled?
Monitoring records signed and dated by appropriate personnel?
Corrective Actions
Corrective actions developed and documented for each CCP?
Corrective actions ensure that the critical control point could be returned within the critical limit?
Verification Procedures
Corrective actions developed and documented for each CCP?
Each critical limit for each CCP validated?
Monitoring frequency of the HACCP programme effective?
Record Keeping
Management sign-off HACCP plan?
Record sheets available for all HACCP verification activities such as records for CCPs, action for non-conformance and corrective actions, verification records, validation records and if changes occur to HACCP plan?
Records kept for an appropriate period?
General Requirements
General Requirements for Food Premises
Food premises kept clean?
Food premises maintained in good repair and condition?
Permits adequate maintenance and cleaning?
Protects against the accumulation of dirt, contact with toxic materials, the shedding of particles into food and the formation of condensation or undesirable mould on surfaces?
Permits good food hygiene practices, including protection against contamination and, in particular, pest control?
Provides suitable temperature-controlled handling and storage conditions of sufficient capacity for maintaining foodstuffs at appropriate temperatures and designed to allow those temperatures to be monitored and, where necessary, recorded?
Adequate number of flush lavatories not leading into food rooms?
Adequate number of wash hand basins available with hot and cold water?
Suitable and sufficient means of natural or mechanical ventilation (including WC)?
Adequate natural and/or artificial lighting?
Drainage facilities are to be adequate for the purpose intended?
Where necessary, adequate changing facilities for personnel are provided?
Cleaning agents and disinfectants not to be stored in areas where food is handled?
Specific Requirements for Food Rooms
Type of premises
- Permanent, fixed commercial premises
- Movable
- Temporary
- Private Dwellinghouse
- Vending Machine
Room where foodstuffs are prepared, treated or processed
Room name
Cleaning, Maintenance and Space
Food room kept clean?
Food room maintained in good repair and condition?
Provides adequate working space and permits good food hygiene practices, including protection against contamination between and during operations?
Floors, Walls and Ceilings
Floor surfaces maintained in sound condition and easy to clean/disinfect (impervious, non-absorbent, washable and non-toxic)?
Wall surfaces maintained in sound condition and easy to clean/disinfect (impervious, non-absorbent, washable and non-toxic)?
Ceilings prevent accumulation of dirt and reduce condensation, mould and shedding of particles.
Windows, Doors and Surfaces
Windows constructed to prevent accumulation of dirt.
Those windows which can be opened to the outside environment are, where necessary, fitted with insect-proof screens which can be easily removed for cleaning.
Doors easy to clean/disinfect (smooth and non-absorbent).
Surfaces maintained in sound condition and easy to clean/disinfect (smooth, washable, corrosion-resistant and non-toxic).
Adequate facilities for cleaning, disinfecting and storing equipment (corrosion resistant, easy to clean and disinfect) with hot and cold water.
Adequate provision, where necessary, for washing food with hot and cold water.
Articles, fittings and equipment which come into contact with food constructed and of such materials to minimise contamination?
Articles, fittings and equipment which come into contact with food in good order, repair and condition?
Articles, fittings and equipment installed to allow cleaning of equipment and surrounding area?
Structure and Facilities (Movable, Temporary or Dwellinghouse)
Premises and vending machines are, so far as is reasonably practicable, so sited, designed, constructed and kept clean and maintained in good repair and condition as to avoid the risk of contamination, in particular by animals and pests.
Appropriate facilities available to maintain adequate personal hygiene (including facilities for the hygienic washing and drying of hands, hygienic sanitary arrangements and changing facilities).
Surfaces in contact with food in a sound condition and be easy to clean and, where necessary, to disinfect.
Adequate provision made for the cleaning and, where necessary, disinfecting of working utensils and equipment.
Where foodstuffs are cleaned as part of the food business' operations, adequate provision made and undertaken hygienically.
An adequate supply of hot and/or cold potable water available.
Adequate arrangements and/or facilities for the hygienic storage and disposal of hazardous and/or inedible substances and waste (whether liquid or solid) available.
Adequate facilities and/or arrangements for maintaining and monitoring suitable food temperature conditions available.
Foodstuffs are placed as to avoid the risk of contamination so far as is reasonably practicable.
Food Waste
Food Waste
Food waste and other refuse deposited in closable containers, and are easy to clean/disinfect?
Adequate provision for storage of food waste and other refuse?
Refuse stores designed and managed to be kept clean and free of pests?
Personal Hygiene
Personal Hygiene
Food handlers wear suitable, clean and, where necessary, protective clothing?
Food handlers understand that they must report certain illnesses?
Materials for cleaning hands and for hygienic hand drying provided?
Temperature Control
Temperature Control
Suitable procedures in place where temperature tolerance periods are used?
Suitable temperature-controlled handling and storage of sufficient capacity?
Food kept at appropriate temperatures during storage, production, distribution and service/sale?
Where food is held or served chilled after being cooked is it cooled quickly?
Thawing carried out in a manner that does not pose a risk to health?
Food Contamination Risks
Business Compliance
Raw materials and ingredients accepted uncontaminated (considering any processing that may occur)?
Raw materials and ingredients stored in conditions to prevent deterioration and protect from contamination?
Food protected against contamination during production, processing and distribution?
Wrapping and packaging not a source of contamination?
Cross Contamination Aide Memoire
Does the business store prepare or handle open raw AND ready-to-eat (RTE) foods?
Is a separate room for RTE food with dedicated staff, equipment and utensils be provided?
Is an area designated for the handling and preparation of RTE food ('clean area') on a permanent basis be provided? (For example a specific worktop in the kitchen)
Is an area designated for the handling and preparation of RTE food ('clean area') on a temporary basis provided? (For example an area used for raw food that is subsequently fully<br>cleaned and disinfected prior to use with RTE food)
If a designated temporary area is used, are work surfaces prevented from being in contact with food (such as by using a chopping board or container)?
Is colour coding used to differentiate utensils and equipment where necessary?
Are the areas directly above and below the area used for handling raw foods protected from contamination?
If shared fridges are used is raw separated from ready to eat food, such as with the use of physical dividers or raw food placed below RTE?
Are door handles, switches, taps and any other hand contact surfaces included in regular cleaning and disinfection procedures?
Are utensils and equipment used for raw and RTE food adequately sterilised either by heat or by using a dishwasher?
If heat sterilisation or using a dishwasher for utensils is not possible, are separate utensils and equipment provided for raw and RTE foods?
If used, is separate complex equipment (such as vacuum packers, slicers or mincers) available and designated for raw and RTE foods?
For less complex equipment (such as weighing scales, probes, mixers etc) that is used for raw and RTE food are adequate procedures in place to clean and disinfect or prevent cross contamination between uses?
Where cash registers and other non-food contact equipment (for example pens, phones, chip and pin machines, light switches, etc.) are shared by staff handling raw and RTE foods, is adequate handwashing taking place in between their use?
If sinks are used for raw and RTE foods are they being cleaned and disinfected adequately between use?
If there is a sink used for raw and RTE foods, is the food prevented from being in contact with it such as by using a food container?
Have food handlers been specifically supervised, instructed and trained in cross contamination prevention procedures?
Where temporary shared surfaces are used, are non-food contact surfaces cleaned by using a 2-stage cleaning procedure and with adequate sanitiser conforming to BS EN 1276 or 13697 or equivalent standards with the correct contact time used?
If reusable cloths are used between raw and RTE areas, are they adequately sterilised (nb bleaching is not sufficient)?
Where the same hand wash basin is used while raw and RTE are prepared, is it either non-hand operable or food handlers using a paper towel to turn off the taps?
Are hand wash basins located to ensure that they do not splash on to RTE food?
Are there procedures in place to prevent cross contamination by protective clothing worn by food handlers?
Business Compliance
Is mandatory food information available and easily accessible for all foods?
In the case of prepacked food, does mandatory food information appear directly on the package or on a label attached?
Allergen Control Aide Memoire
How are customers informed about food allergens?
How is allergen information obtained, stored/recorded/retrieved?
Where customers are to be told directly, is there Notice advising customers is on display (doc), or Notice for customers included in a menu (doc) or other signs?
Allergenic ingredients identified in all menu items/ food offered including specials, cooking oils and sauces (i.e. allergen matrix or other record completed? (doc). An allergen matrix may not be suitable if the ingredients could frequently vary.
Allergen information (record, matrix) kept up-to-date (doc)
Information (record, matrix) on allergenic ingredients readily available for customers when required? including for telephone orders (doc)?
Are allergenic ingredients identified at self-service points or buffets?
Will the business provide specific food for persons with allergies?
Written procedure for allergy-free preparation available? (doc)
Evidence of staff training & awareness in allergens (FoH staff and kitchen staff) (Rec)
Air-tight containers for ingredients?
Ingredients clearly labelled with allergen or kept in original packaging?
Containers not re-used for other types of ingredients?
Re-usable containers washed thoroughly before re-use?
Dedicated scoops for each individual ingredient?
Scoops and utensils thoroughly washed before re-using them?
Are “allergy-free” foods prepared in a separate area or separated in time?
Are “allergy-free” meals bought-in and served directly to the customer?
All equipment such as, cloths, containers, dishes, pans, measuring cups, scales and other utensils washed in a dishwasher or with detergent at high temperatures to remove trace allergens?
When asked to prepare a dish that does not contain any allergens staff know how to clean work surfaces, equipment and utensils thoroughly before preparing that dish?
Staff wash their hands thoroughly before and whilst preparing allergy-free food?
Allergy-free food served immediately to customer (no storage)?
Voluntary precautionary statement i.e. “We cannot guarantee …” is used?