LCL Number
Job / Project Number
Client Job/Project Title
Conducted on
Team Names
Vehicle and Winch
Is Vehicle; Secure / ignition keys removed / parked safely?
Is the Site specific risk Assessment for the location sufficient and all team members aware of requirements?<br>
Are all Training Certificates for the team available and appropriate. <br>
Do all team members have DNO identification?<br>
Is the winch positioned correctly and fenced off?
Does the winch operator know the correct pulling tension for the cable being installed?
Are cable pulling tensions available on site?
is the winch in calibration?
Is the cable pulling stocking attached correctly?
Is pulling eye attached?
Take photograph
Cable Trench
Is there safe access and egress for the public?
Is there safe access and egress for site staff?
Is the cable trench sanded?
Take Photograph of trench?
Take Photograph of trench?
Is the cable trench excavated to the correct depth?
Is the trench free of debris and stones?
Are cable rollers being used?
Are cable rollers spaced correctly?
Take photograph
Take photograph
Take photograph
Are bell mouths being used and installed correctly?
Take photograph.
is there communication between the winch operator and other members of staff?
Is the general house keeping on site satisfactory?
Please sign.