Site Information

  • Site Name:

  • Week No:

  • Conducted on

  • Audit conducted by:

  • Retailer/ Manager on Duty:

  • Admin Clerk on duty:

Admin Daily Duties

  • Admin Clerk Daily Duties & General Store info

Profit Report

  • Opening Stock

  • Closing Stock:

  • Sales

  • Shortages:

  • Trading GP:

  • Trading %

  • Waste:

  • % Waste to Sales (Waste/ Sales x 100)

  • Purchases:

  • % Purchases to Sales (Purchases/ Sales x 100)

  • Total GP

  • Total GP %

End Of Day Rports

  • Is the admin clerk checking the EOD Sales Reprint Daily for any GP discrepancies?

  • Does the admin clerk print the EOD Exception Report Daily?

  • Does Symphony and Namos Sales match?

Stock Take

  • Has the entire store been counted within a 30 day period?

  • Was all the variances investigated?

  • Comments:

Negative Stock Report & Top 20

  • Has the negative SOH report been checked?

  • Does the admin clerk check Top 20 Ascending & Descending Profit Report Daily?


  • Has the Recipe Summary report been check for any discrepancies?

  • Was the admin clerk informed of their mistake and showed how to fix their mistake?

Auto Generated Ordering

  • Is the store using automated ordering?

  • Is the store capturing invoices using Purchase Orders?

Waste & SOH Adjustments

  • Is the store capturing Waste Daily?

  • Is the admin clerk filing a blank waste sheet on days that have no waste?

  • Is the admin clerk following up and capturing SOH adjustments/ Transfers daily?

GRN Book

  • Is the store using the GRN book?


  • Are all promotions loaded on Namos?

  • Is the admin clerk deleting old promotions?


  • Comments:

Monday Checks

  • Monday Checklist
    (Please mark all N/A if store is visited on any other day except for Monday, but still discuss all questions with the store)

Before Week Roll Over

  • Has the admin clerk captured all waste, transfers, invoices and stock take for the previous week?

  • Is the Symphony/ Namos tokens correct and Symphony giving the roll over message?

  • Has the admin clerk printed the top 20 Ascending and Descending Closing Stock Report and rectified any issues?

  • Has the admin clerk printed the Profit Report (Group Suppressed) and checked for abnormalities?

  • Remind the store to back up Symphony before Roll Over

After Week Roll Over

  • Has the admin clerk/ manager completed the declaration?

  • Has the declaration been submitted to Kathrine Dernier & BC?

  • Does the admin clerk print the No Sales Report and delete all items on it?


  • I the retailer/ manager & admin clerk hereby accept and confirm that all the information contained in this report is correct at the time it was completed.

  • Retailer/ Manager

  • Admin Clerk

  • FS Admin Manager

  • Store BC

  • Date

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.