
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client/Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • Region

  • Contractor/s

  • Job Description

  • Date

  • Time

1. Site Risk Management

  • Are relevant SWMS available and a Site Risk Assessment (JSA) completed for the work?

  • Has the JSA/site risk assessment identified site specific risks, been signed and dated by all crew members and have SWMS for task been identified.

  • Are all identified risk control measures on SWMS and JSA/site risk assessment in place

  • Have sub-contractors, site visitors been inducted onto the site and signed onto the JSA?

  • Has the Traffic/Pedestrian Management Plan been identified/created and available on site and documented on the JSA?

  • Overall, is the site risk assessment/ JSA adequate for the worksite?

2. Skills and Competency

  • Do all personnel have MG Passports on site?

  • Is all training and are all authorisations current for the functional role of the Passport holder?

  • Are all personnel trained licensed/registered for their functional role?

  • Do subcontractors hold appropriate qualifications?

3. Forms/Documentation

  • Is there a job file available on site?

  • Does the job file contain a daily job sheet / work instruction?

  • Does the job file contain a Dial before You Dig information?

  • Does the job file contain a sequence of operations?

  • Does the job file contain design drawings?

  • Are up to date district plans on site

  • Is a Pipelines work permit required and are there any restrictions?

  • Is a Pipeline Inspector on site or required to be on site?

  • Is a hot work permit required and are there any hot work restrictions?

  • Is a Confined Space permit required and are crew members involved in CSE signed onto Permit?

  • Is a Road Opening Permit required and is it on site.

  • Has notice of intention to excavate been submitted to Work Safe

  • Are MSDS available on site for all chemicals/fuels

4. Traffic and Pedestrian Management

  • Has the appropriate Traffic and Pedestrian Management Plan been identified, and does it meet all requirements?

  • Does the actual traffic/pedestrian layout reflect the Traffic/Pedestrian Management Plan?

  • Is pedestrian traffic safely controlled through the worksite?

  • Are traffic signs and devices legible and undamaged?

  • Are suitable barriers provided to protect the public from the work site?

  • Where site is to be left overnight, are adequate protection measures, lighting and night guidance provided?

5. Personnel Protective Equipment

  • Is PPE in accordance with Multinet Gas Procedure U PR 0006 as a minimum?

  • Is required PPE within inspection or replacement dates?

  • Is other appropriate PPE utilised as required and in good condition? (E.g. Harness, Life lines)?

  • Is PPE in an adequate condition?

6. Vehicles/Plant

  • Are all plant operators licensed as required?

  • Are logbooks available for all plant on site and have they been maintained appropriately?

  • Have pre-start checklists been completed?

  • Are all vehicles on site registered?

  • Are all vehicles/plant within their service range?

  • What is the general condition of the vehicles/plant (cleanliness)?

  • Is all equipment carried on vehicles adequately secured?

  • Is there appropriate identification / branding on contractor vehicles?

7. First Aid

  • Is there an intact First Aid kit?

  • Is the kits location marked on the vehicle?

  • Do the contents appear to be complete, in good condition and within expiry dates?

8. Gas Escape/Outage Management

  • Is the Service Providers level of response consistent with emergency protocols under the conditions observed on site?

  • Have personnel attended to the outage within the guidelines of the response times?

  • Has the service provider isolated the area required

  • Has the Service Provider assessed the number of customers effected

  • Has service provider turned off effected customers

  • Is there evidence of a satisfactory area covered for leakage location and identification?

  • Have all other utilities assets been located/proved prior to excavation

9. Tools and Equipment: Testing and Condition

  • Are all electrical tools, generators, leads, RDCs tagged and within their test date range?

  • Is Poly Fusion equipment within calibration dates?

  • Is percussion bar and mat in good condition and within test date?

  • Is the gas detector within calibration date?

  • Are Oxygen analysers within calibration date?

  • Is voltage tester fit for purpose and tested prior to use?

  • Is Oxy acetylene equipment in good condition and within test date? (AS 4839 section 8)

  • Are the gas bottles within expiry date and stored appropriately?

  • Is lifting equipment in good condition and within test date?

  • Is fire extinguisher charged and in test date?

10. Worksite/Work Practices

  • Is appropriate number of trained and competent crew members on site for task?

  • Effective Safety Observers in place?

  • No go Zones being adhered to

  • Has pipework been tested for stray current?

  • Are cross bonding leads required and used?

  • Are the appropriate numbers of fire extinguisher/s on site and placed in appropriate locations?

  • Is Plant and equipment appropriately set up?

  • Have other authority assets been located and /or exposed by hand prior to mechanical excavation?

  • Are all gas grid materials approved by Multinet?

  • Are all gas grid materials stored to prevent damage or deterioration

  • Are jointing techniques in line with MG SWPs?

  • Have MG standards (including covers, clearances, offsets and bedding materials) been maintained?

  • Are stop off of Mains and Services methods in line with MG SWPs?

  • Is the site tidy with no obvious tripping or other hazards?

  • Are trenches appropriately battered/shored?

  • Is spoil placed in excess of 0.5 from excavation wall?

  • Is a ladder or steps used to access excavation?

  • Is confined space rescue equipment on site and set up as required?

  • Are pits/man holes protected to prevent falls?

  • Is Sleeve/Slabbing/tape protection in place?

  • Has pressure testing and purging been conducted in line with MG SWPs

  • Has Refix / Relight been completed

  • If required, was a red card left with correct information and details

  • Are valve covers, pits etc. appropriately installed and level?

  • Does reinstatement and compaction meet Vic roads, Local Council, property owner’s requirements?

11. Environment and Hazardous Goods

  • Are environmental risks identified in the SWMS/JSA and controlled on site?

  • Are there any chemicals in use and is there a MSDS available for the chemical?

  • Are any hazardous materials and dangerous goods separately stored and labelled?

  • Are there any control measures to manage spills and leaks? (e.g. spill kit)

  • Are Silt traps in place?

  • Is refuelling of equipment in line with EMP section 14.11d?

  • Are there effective erosion and/or sediment controls in place?

  • Has waste been segregated for reuse/recycle/disposal as per EMP section 14.10?

  • Is Waste Water treated and disposed of as per EMP section 14.9? e.g.( Syphon, Trench, Pit water)

  • Is Mains dust disposed of as per EMP section 14.3?

  • Is material containing Asbestos treated as per EMP and VWCA 2007 OHS regulations?

  • Has flora, Fauna and Culture heritage issues been identified and controlled as per EMP section 14.4

  • Is spoil removed from site tested and disposed of in line with EPA requirements and are certificates available

12 Housekeeping

  • Is crush rock laid, level and compacted

  • Evidence of debris or rubbish

  • Evidence of subsidence in compound and around entry exit points

  • Interior of compound clear of fire hazards, tidy

  • Exterior of compound clear of fire hazards, tidy.

  • Fire protection in place. Fire extinguishers in place and within test dates

  • Security of compound fence, gates

  • Paint work on buildings, posts and bollards etc

  • Warning signs, emergency contact details in place with current information

  • PPE signs in place

  • Overall Audit Rating

  • Add drawing

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.