
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • All chemical containers properly labeled

  • All compressed gas cylinders properly secured

  • Floors clear of slip, trip, and fall hazards

  • Ceiling tiles in place

  • No holes in walls

  • Emergency numbers posted

  • Worksites clean, sanitary, and orderly

  • Proper PPE being used if applicable

  • Overhead storage areas have guardrails. Load ratings are clearly posted.

  • SDS's made available


  • Aisles, doors, and exits free from obstruction

  • No accumulation of trash, paper, or other combustibles

  • Flammables properly stored in approved flammable storage cabinet


  • Clear, unobstructed exit way of at least 28"

  • Exit routes clearly marked or obvious

  • All exits open freely without effort

  • Exits open outward if occupancy greater than 50

  • Non-exits marked as such

  • All exits clearly marked

  • Door latches and releases working on all walk in freezers

  • All swing doors provided with a window


  • Stairs and railings safe, undamaged

  • Elevations clearly marked

  • Spilled materials cleaned up immediately

  • Walkways are free from holes or other defects

Emergency lighting

  • Emergency lighting in good working order


  • No extension cords used as permanent wiring

  • No exposed wires

  • Covers on all outlets, light swtches, and boxes

  • Breaker panels closed with no openings or holes

  • Electrical panels free from obstruction

Fire prevention

  • No open flames, candles, hot plates, potpourri warmers, fragrance warmers, etc.

  • Propane tanks stored outside

  • Small space heaters have thermostat, tip over protection, and UL Approved

Fire protection

  • Automatic fire sprinkler risers not blocked

  • Sprinkler heads have 18" clearence

  • Fire extinguisher within 75'

  • Fire extinguishers fully charged, no visible damage, pin and seal, annual inspection tag current, label

  • Smoke detectors in working order

  • Fire panels in working order with annual inspection sticker current


  • Fryer filters clean and in place

  • Vent-a-hood sticker current within last 6 months

  • Light guards in place

  • No flourescent lights in vent-a-hoods

  • At least one Type K extinguisher for grease fires

  • Vent-a-hood supression system has current tag within last 6 months

  • Walk in floors free from ice build up

  • Picnic tables have sway braces, all boards on seats and table top are secured

  • Mats on floor in kitchen area


  • Throwing game operators wearing eye protection

  • Balls being inflated to correct pressure using pressure regulator

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.