Title Page
Site Conducted
Principle Contractor / Client
Site / Project Manager
Conducted On
Report Author
Other Persons Present
Site Details Summary (site numbers, works observed, key points)
Areas of Potential Concern
Looking Forward
- Previous Report Actions
Are there any outstanding actions that require closure?
Construction Phase Plans
Is the Construction Phase Plan authorised by company management?
Has the client accepted the Construction Phase Plan (evidence by email or signed off on cover page)?
Is the Construction Phase Plan reviewed at periods not exceeding one month?
Does the Design Risk Assessment identify and control relevant hazards and threats?
Have the appropriate appointments been made e.g., TW Co-Ordinator, Site Manager, Engineers, Safety Advisors?
Is the Traffic Management Plan up to date?
Is the project induction presentation up to date and reflective of current site risks?
Are induction records maintained, fully signed and up to date (including copies of competence cards)?
Training and Competence
Is the site training matrix up to date?
Are daily briefings completed and signed by all site personnel, including visitors?
Hazard board - updated weekly and includes current working areas and working activities.
Are risk specific activities covered by the relevant training e.g., confined spaces, abrasive wheels?
Are project specific TBT's being delivered weekly (consider future works)?
Are there sufficient levels of HSG47 trained personnel available for the project?
First Aid Requirements
Are there sufficient levels of first aid trained personnel?
Is there access to sufficient first aid equipment (project numbers, type of work etc.)?
Is first aid information displayed (first aiders, A&E locations)?
Welfare Arrangements
Are welfare facilities available including rest area, access to water, toilets, and drying room?
Are welfare areas clean, tidy and serviceable?
Works In Public Areas and Highways
Are the correct and appropriate licenses in place for the works being performed e.g., S278 and road closure permits?
Are works blocking or impeding a public right of way?
Are works fully segregated and isolated from public access?
Is relevant hazard signage displayed, notifying members of public of works associated risks?
Is Traffic Management installed IAW an approved design and drawing?
Are work activities presenting a risk to members of public e.g., noise, dust, plant movements?
Are slew restrictors fitted to machinery that is operating close to open footpaths?
Are footpath and traffic diversions authorised by the appropriate authority and installed IAW a design / drawing?
Visual Communications
Are key posters and information displayed (HSE Poster, company policy statement, insurances, welfare support hotlines)?
Safety related posters and media displayed?
Safety signage displayed in relevant areas (excavations, man-holes, confined spaces, bucket change areas, offices, stores)?
Risk Assessments, Method Statements, Safe Systems of Works
Is the RAMS register located within the RAMS folder and is it up to date?
Are fully signed and approved RAMS acceptance and authorisation cover sheets applied to all RAMS, including subcontractors?
Are RAMS correct for the type of works underway?
Are the RAMS within the revision period date e.g., 3 monthly review?
Are they accessible and in good condition (eligible, easy to read)?
Are all reading records signed by all personnel undertaking the works?
Are the correct permits open for the works underway?
Are permits correctly completed with detailed information (in date, and authorised)?
Are permits completed by a competent person?
Are permits signed by the working team?
Are copies available at the point of works as well as the site office e.g., within a dig pack or TW pack?
Housekeeping and Security
Are manhole/pit covers/lids sufficiently secured and visible?
Are incomplete floors safe to work on (ply board, signage)?
Have walkways been established? Consider routes to work areas, width of walkway, suitability of ground, signage, access gates, plant movements.
Have risks of slips, trips and falls been controlled / mitigated (trailing cables, untidiness, tooling and materials left out).
Are areas secured as necessary (stores, fuel, offices)?
Are storage containers / yard secure, tidy and accessible?
Are materials stacked safely? (e.g., block packs max 2 high, floor beam stacks max 4 high, not loaded on TW)
Has all exposed metal work been protected (e.g., mushroom caps or protection strips)?
Are working areas tidy, accessible, free from excessive debris and materials (waste products, packaging, tooling, equipment security)?
Are raw materials and surplus arisings stored safely and sealed off (angles of repose, segregation, proximity to other works)?
Management and Use of Plant and Equipment
Has the Traffic Management Plan been updated to reflect current site conditions?
Are LOLER certificates available on site?
Are LOLER and PUWER checks performed and documented / registered - to be recorded weekly?
Are PAT records up to date (minimum annually)?
Are 240v powered tools being used - if so remove and report.
Are all plant machinery pre-use checks complete, up to date and signed by the machine operative (including defect reporting)?
Are the correct and relevant safety features fitted and in use (seat belts, beacons, height/slew restrictors, proximity sensors)?
Is the correct signage / decals displayed on plant (SWL, Thumbs Up)?
Are plant operations sufficiently segregated taking account of people and plant interfaces?
Are there sufficient numbers of trained banksman in place to control plant movement activities?
Is plant being used and operated in a safe manner (speed of movement, proximity to people, working near excavations)?
Is plant road legal, where required (License plate, MOT, Insurances)?
Are bucket changing areas established with correct barriers and signage and in a safe location (away from walkways, fuel containers, built plots)?
Management of Excavations
Are excavations deeper than 1.2 meters without temporary works measures or battering/stepping in place?
Is a TW design in place for the excavation protection, is it in date, approved and has the TW been installed IAW with the design?
Is sufficient segregation and signage in place?
Are stop blocks in place where required?
Are spoil heaps located at a safe distance, ensuring a 45 degree angle surcharge?
Are safe access systems available (ladders, tied off, inspected)?
Are checks being completed for each working day, and filed in the site office?
Are emergency rescue systems i.e. DAVIT winch in place where required (in date for inspection, tested, fitted in correct location, correctly installed)?
Management of Buried Services
Are drawings in date and marked as 'for construction' or similar and easily accessible (physically or digitally)?
Are drawings marked up to show current state of progress e.g., drainage and services completed?
Are copies of relevant drawings available at the working location and in the office?
Is service detection equipment calibrated, in date, and in good working order?
Are insulated tools being used?
Are air picks used, if so, is the use detailed in a specific risk assessment or RAMS?
Is the 0.5-1.0m hand dig rule being observed?
Are trial holes dug as part of a good service avoidance measure?
Are trial hole reports documented / recorded?
Are known or suspected service locations effectively marked?
Are the correct materials being used for backfilling (sand, tape, ducting, backfill material type)?
Are exposed services supported where required (consider the TW inspection requirements if so)?
Are exposed and unsupported services being backfilled correctly (consider weight loading on services during backfilling)?
Management of Overhead Services
Are all drawings up to date and displayed or easily accessible?
Are copies of relevant drawings available at the working location and in the office?
Has a survey been undertaken in accordance with GS6 guidance?
Have mobile plant / machines been selected with the overhead service in consideration (machine size and reach, consider changing ground levels during earthworks operations)?
Are mobile plant / machines fitted with height restrictors and beacons?
Is a permit to work / enter in place, available at the point of works, and signed by working team members?
Are goal posts, bunting, blue cones and segregation measures in place?
Are goal posts dressed with signage identifying the heigh restriction limits for the overhead services?
Are materials and equipment being stored beneath overheads (consider excavator buckets and items that require lifting)?
Waste Management
Is waste segregated accordingly? e.g., timber, metal, hazardous, mixed.
Is waste transferred by an approved supplier?
Are Waste Transfer Notes retained and correctly completed?
Is hazardous waste stored, if so, is this reflected in an Environmental Management Plan?
Are fuel containers bunded and locked?
Is PPE available at fuel points for refuelling operations (hand, eye, respiratory protection)?
Are sufficient spill kits located with COSHH stores and fuel points?
Are relevant COSHH assessments available for the items in use?
Are COSHH assessments easily accessed at the storage point?
Are COSHH areas ventilated where required, segregated and lockable?
Is the correct PPE worn IAW with the COSHH assessment?
Are COSHH stores used appropriately? e.g., Containing COSHH items only.
Confined Space Operations
Has the confined space been assessed and classified, and has this been documented?
Task specific RAMS (and SSOW's) available and signed by those supervising and performing the works?
Are personnel sufficiently trained for the role they are performing (supervisor/topman, operative, rescue team)?
Are permits in place, available at the work point and signed by supervisors and operatives?
Are entry and exit logs completed correctly and fully up to date?
Is gas detection in place, is this being recorded on the permit?
Is all equipment in date for calibration (air sets, rescue equipment, gas detectors, harness, tripod, winch)?
Does the topman have a clear line of sight to the operatives?
Is there a clear route if access and egress for emergency vehicles?
Are operatives face fit tested as required?
Is sufficient segregation and signage in place?
Can the confined space be sufficiently secured when not attended or managed?
Lifting Operations (Mechanical)
Are lifting plans available on site?
Are lift plans completed by a competent person (Appointed Person)?
Are lift plans sufficient for the lifts being undertaken?
Are personnel sufficiently trained (lifting ops, slinger/signaller, banksmen)?
Is all machinery and accessories in date IAW LOLER requirements?
Are lifting accessories managed and stored in a safe, clean and tidy manner (high and dry)?
Are tag lines being used where deemed necessary?
Are lifting operation sufficiently segregated to prevent trespassing?
Temporary Works Management
Have appointments been made by company management, issued and signed by all parties concerned?
Are sufficiently trained personnel available to effectively co-ordinate and manage TW?
Are in date drawings available where required (formwork, panels, scaffolding, excavation/trench supports)?
Are permits raised, correctly completed, available and signed off?
Is the TW register up to date?
Occupational Health Risks (Manual Handling, Dust, HAVS, Noise, Safety Critical Medicals, Mental Health and Wellbeing)
Are noise risks controlled with segregation, acoustic barriers, signage?
Are operatives wearing hearing protection where required?
Is noise monitoring in place where required?
Are materials ordered to pre-cut lengths?
Are HAVS risks mitigated/eliminated where possible?
Are HAVS risks calculated using the HSE calculator?
Is HAVS monitoring being recorded?
Is dust being controlled at source (on tool extraction)?
Is direct wet suppression in use where needed?
Are personnel face fit tested IAW COSHH 2002 Regulations?
Is manual handling training in place for operatives?
Are manual handling tasks eliminated where possible (by use of machine lift)?
Are safety critical medicals in place and in date where required?
Is mental health and wellbeing support available, accessible and displayed?
Works at Height
Collective edge protection in place?
Are statutory checks completed IAW Working at Height 2005 Regulations e.g., 7 days scaffold checks.
Are working at height areas / platforms constructed in accordance with a standard e.g., manufacturers instructions or TG20.
Are fall protection measures sufficient e.g., safety nets or air bags.
Are work restraint and fall arrest systems inspected and/or calibrated (are records being maintained)?
Are personnel sufficiently trained for the works?
Are permits raised, correctly completed, available and signed off?
Environmental Management
Are wash out activities undertaken correctly (into a sealed container)?
Is nuisance dust being controlled effectively?
Are spoil heaps suitably located and sealed off?
Are water courses protected from potential contamination (witches hats, drain covers, dams)?
Are mixing areas located away from receptors and bunded (min 10m+ distance required for normal receptors, 50m+ for boreholes)?
Where archeology and ecology plans are in place - are they being followed?
Where TPO's are place - are they being followed?
Are plant nappies being used for: static plant, machine ancillaries with hydraulic systems (breakers), COSHH items, powered tooling, refuel areas)?
Quality Control
Are completed works checked and documented against a Quality Assurance check list?
Is the overall finished product to a high standard?
Are equipment and materials being stored and stacked in a safe and suitable way e.g., dry and safe conditions, over stacked, or placed under unnecessary pressure.
Are Inspection and Test Plans in place, available, up to date?
Production and Planning Processes
Are site teams attending regular consultation meetings with the client to ensure safe programming and working with and near other trades?
Are programs and schedules updated regularly, and available in the site office?
Is the site diary maintained and up to date?
Is the office and administration area tidy and organised (old permits archived, old paperwork filed, certificates filed and stored, general office area tidiness).
Fire Arrangements
Are fire points located with relevant areas e.g., COSHH stores, fuel areas, stockpiled combustibles?
Has a Fire Risk Assessment been produced and displayed (check on actions closure)?
Has an escape plan been produced and displayed?
Are easily identified muster areas established with signage?
Are fire muster drills conducted and recorded?
Is the correct PPE being worn for the task, is it in a serviceable condition, are spare stocks available?
Lone working - If undertaken, is a specific risk assessment in place?
Asbestos - Training, risk assessments, use of approved contractors?
Are weekly site inspections completed by the site team?
Occurrence Reporting - documented, management informed?
Is the CCL Occurrence Reporting QR code displayed in CCL areas?
Have all reported issues been actioned / closed off, with feedback given to the reporter?
Are there any open investigations?
Best Practices
Have any good or best practices been observed, could this be considered for use across the wider organization?
Report Summary
Provide a summary of the audit visit.