Title Page
Site conducted
OHSF-PR-08-06 Version 1 Revision 1 Dated 21/01/2021
Conducted on
(Format:- City - Job Pack / PN Number) E.g Aberdeen S12345 Always insert City name and Job Pack / PN number if known
Team Leader/ Team name
CityFibre Holdings Ltd, 15 Bedford St, London, WC2E 9HE
Prepared by
Who is the principle contractor?
What is the name of the principle contractor?
Please send an email to iAuditor.support@cityfibre.com detailing the contractor name and city.
If unknown/other have you sent an email to iAuditor.support@cityfibre.com?
Existing team or new team?
Safety Check - If you answer 'No' to any of the following 3 questions, end the audit and take appropriate action.
Please answer the following 3 questions based on your dynamic risk assessment on arrival at the site. If you answer 'No' to any of the following questions please explain this in the free text field which appears with a 'No' answer, take the appropriate action and, when safe to do so, continue the audit.
Is it safe for you to conduct this audit?
Please explain why and what action you have taken as a result.
Is it safe for the construction workers to continue work?
Please explain why and what action you have taken as a result.
Is it safe for members of the public, in the areas surrounding the site, that they are able to access?
Please explain why and what action you have taken as a result.
Untitled page
What type of audit/ Inspection are you conducting today
- Drop Tube integrity Testing
- Splice Joint
- Internal Install
- Cable Pulling
- Cabling Walkoff
- FEx Post Build
- UG Straight Joint
- UG Primary Node
- Loop Joint
- Maintenance Loop
- Intermediate Chamber
- Secondary Node
- Hybrid Primary Node
Has Subduct been installed on incoming side?
Has Subduct been cut to 1/3 of the length/width of chamber?
Has incoming cable been installed?
Cable size?
- 12
- 24
- 48
- 72
- 96
- 144
- 288
- 432
Has correct Subduct been installed for Cable size?
Has incoming cable been labelled correctly?
Has sufficient cable been left to allow for safe jointing practices?
Has Subduct been installed on outgoing side?
Has Subduct been cut to 1/3 of the length/width of chamber?
Has outgoing cable been installed?
Cable size?
- 12
- 24
- 48
- 72
- 96
- 144
- 288
- 432
Has correct Subduct been installed for Cable size?
Has outgoing cable been labelled correctly?
Has sufficient cable been left to allow for safe jointing practices?
Has cable been left neatly coiled?
Is Cable bend radius ok?
Please provide a photo
Is there any visible damage that may compromise the integrity of the cable?
Additional Sub duct/Cable
Are there any additional subducts?
Are all additional subducts correctly capped?
If additional cables have been installed:
Has Subduct been cut to 1/3 of the length/width of chamber?
Has sufficient cable been left to allow for safe jointing practices?
Is the Asbestos register available and up-to-date?
Duct entry point – Is the gas seal fitted?
Photograph required
Drill hole – Has Fire sealant been used?
Photograph required
Have holes been drilled correctly with no damage to the surrounding area?
Correct cable used i.e. CPR rated LSZH for internal use.
Has dust & debris been cleaned up from area?
If Breakout Box fitted is it the correct IP rating?
Is cable in correct trunking as shown in job pack, both external & internal?
Please comment
Is cable routed as shown in job pack & on wayleave?
please comment
Is tray in the correct position in cabinet as shown in job pack?
Has the cable tray been correctly ID’d?
Are the ports clear & easily accessible
Are the ort protectors in correctly fitted in the ports.
Are all sharps & debris removed from the works area & hoovered?
Please provide a photo
Additional Comments
Cable Pulling Process
Has correct Subduct been installed for cable size?
Has Subduct been coupled through correctly and in accordance with the specification?
Has the back rope been installed?
Are the cables, tubes, sub-ducts correctly labelled?
Is the appropriate/ specified cable being installed?
What is the cable size?
- 12
- 24
- 36
- 36(overhead)
- 48
- 72
- 96
- 144
- 288
- 432
- Other
Has sufficient cable been left in accordance with the build plan?
Are all cable ties cut flush with no sharp edges?
Has the cable been left neatly coiled and where applicable attached to bearers?
Is there any visible damage that may compromise the integrity of the cable?
Photograph required
Please refer to the Quality Procedure Manual here - https://cityfibreholdings.sharepoint.com/:b:/r/IMS/QMS/Shared%20Documents/Build%20Assurance/QMSF-PR-08-08-05-02%20Drop%20tube%20witness%20check.pdf?csf=1&web=1&e=XC07bJ
Equipment check list
Air compressor capable of achieving 7 - 15 bar pressure
IS the calibration and Inspection within date?
Photograph required
Air pressure gauge / air flow meter
Air test tool
Approved end caps
Approved indicator caps
Approved couplers
Length of micro duct for connecting flexi hose
Correct size sponges available
Correct size calibration darts available
Sponge / dart catcher on site
Correct tube cutters
Correct deburring tool
Testing Stage
How many customer tubes are present within the cabinet
Check one
Record House number/name and street/road
Was the pressure integrity test compliant
Was the sponge test compliant
Was the calibration dart test compliant
This Audit template is to be used for Cabling Sign off during final walkthrough
Is there any Plant, Tools and equipment left on-site?
Photograph required
Please contact the contractor to get this removed
Confirm that you are conducting a Cabling Audit?
FEx Site
FEx ODF Designation?
ODF Presentation Correct
Are all ODF Ports Labelled Correctly?
Are all Incoming and Outgoing Fibre's Labelled?
Are Dust Covers Fitted on all unused ports?
General Quality at ODF?
Primary Node
Primary Node
Primary Node Location?
Is cabinet stenciled?
Has resin been installed in cab base?
Trunk Fibre Label (East / West)
Are all gas seals installed correctly?
Are Dust Covers Fitted on all unused ports?
Are end caps fitted on unused tubes?
Outgoing Fibre labelled?
General Quality of Node?
Fibre Bend Radius OK
Secondary Node
Secondary Node
Secondary Node Location?
Is cabinet stenciled?
Has resin been installed in cab base?
Are all gas seals installed correctly?
Node Presentation Correct
Are Dust Covers Fitted on all unused ports?
Are end caps fitted on unused tubes?
Incoming Fibre's Labelled?
Customer Fibres Labelled?
Fibre Bend Radius OK
IOLM testing conducted on active splitters
Has Straight Joint been installed in correct size chamber, as per plan?
If no Inform local Civils Manager
Has sufficient cable been installed into joint to allow safe working on joint?
Has feeder Cable (Incoming) Cable been labelled?
Has feeder Cable (outgoing) been labelled?
Have all outgoing been labelled?
Have correct Cablelocks been fitted?
Have all cables been stripped back correctly?
Has strength member been cut to correct size? 150mm
Has Strength Member been secured correctly?
Has correct Tube (Element) been installed?
Have all spare Tubes (Elements) been stored correctly in the fibre basket?
Has Fibre been routed to the trays through fibre management correctly?
Has Tube (Element) protector been used between strength member?
Have the fibre slot retaining blocks been fitted?
Has the Tube (element) been stripped correctly?
Have the Feeder Tubes (Elements) been routed to correct Feeder Trays?
Have the Tubes (Elements) been routed to correct trays?
Have all splice protectors been position in the splice bridges correctly?
Have Trays been Labelled?
Has Primary Node been Positioned in correct location?
Has Primary Node been installed in correct size chamber, as per plan?
If no inform local Civils manager
Has sufficient cable been installed into joint to allow safe working on joint?
Has Incoming Cable been labelled?
Has outgoing been labelled?
Have correct Cablelocks been fitted?
Have all cables been stripped back correctly?
Has strength member been cut to correct size? 150mm
Has Strength Member been secured correctly?
Has correct Tube (Element) been installed?
Have all spare Tubes (Elements) been stored correctly in the fibre basket?
Has Fibre been routed to the trays through fibre management correctly?
Has Tube (Element) protector been used between strength member?
Have the fibre slot retaining blocks been fitted?
Has the Tube (element) been stripped correctly?
Have the Feeder Tubes (Elements) been routed to correct Feeder Trays?
Have the Tubes (Elements) been routed to correct distribution trays?
Have all splice protectors been position in the splice bridges correctly?
Have Trays been Labelled?
Is Optical Fibre Testing equipment in use?
Is testing equipment fit for purpose and within approved calibration date?
What Type of Sign off are you completing?
- FEx
- PN & SN
- Cabling
- Civils
Are duct entries secure?
Have Duct Seals been Fitted?
Has cable been routed correctly?
If LSZH unavailable has steel copex been used?
Have cables been secured correctly (Cable ties cut flush)?
Are cables labelled at the duct entry to the FEx?
ODF Presentation Correct
Are cables labelled at the ODF?
Are cables secured in cable break out box correctly?
Have fibre elements been routed through correct numbered tubes to cassettes?
Have all test leads been left tidily?
Is the transport tube secured correctly in the tray and at the restraint?
Are Fibre elements laid out in correct trays?
Fibre Bend Radius OK?
Have Cassettes been labelled correctly?
Has all Fibre waste been removed from site?
Have the ODF doors been left secure?
Have contractors closed down work order through the NOC?
Meet Me Chambers
Has the joint been secured correctly to the bearer?
Has the cable been coiled and secured?
Cable bend radius ok?
Has subduct been installed correctly?
Has enough cable been left to allow for safe jointing practices?
Has the ring cable been labelled correctly?
Has the ODF – Joint cable been labelled correctly?
Have the cables been installed into the joint using correct size cable locks?
Has the Cable strength member been secured correctly?
Have the cables been stripped correctly?
Has the element been stripped correctly?
Has the fibre been routed to the tray correctly?
Has the fibre been laid out in the tray correctly?
Fibre Bend Radius ok?
Have the splices been position and secured within the tray correctly?
Have the trays been labelled?
Have all ports been tested for cleanliness?
Is Optical Fibre Testing equipment in use?
Is testing equipment fit for purpose and within approved calibration date?
Has Subduct been installed on incoming side?
Has Subduct been cut to 1/3 of the length/width of chamber?
Has Cable been installed?
Cable size?
- 12
- 24
- 48
- 72
- 96
- 144
- 288
- 432
Has correct Subduct been installed for Cable size?
Has cable been labelled correctly?
Has sufficient cable been left as per build plan
Has Subduct been installed on outgoing side?
Has Subduct been cut to 1/3 of the length/width of chamber?
Has the cable been left neatly coiled and where applicable attached to bearers?
Is there any visible damage that may compromise the integrity of the cable?
Additional sub duct/ cable
Are there any additional subducts?
Are all additional subducts correctly capped?
If additional cables have been installed:
Has Subduct been cut to 1/3 of the length/width of chamber?
Has sufficient cable been left to allow for safe jointing practices?
Has Subduct been installed on incoming side?
Has Subduct been cut to 1/3 of the length/width of chamber?
Has Cable been installed?
Cable size?
- 12
- 24
- 48
- 72
- 96
- 144
- 288
- 432
Has correct Subduct been installed for Cable size?
Has cable been labelled correctly?
Has sufficient cable been left as per build plan
Has Subduct been installed on outgoing side?
Has Subduct been cut to 1/3 of the length/width of chamber?
Has the cable been left neatly coiled and where applicable attached to bearers?
Is there any visible damage that may compromise the integrity of the cable?
Additional sub duct/ cable
Are there any additional subducts?
Are all additional subducts correctly capped?
If additional cables have been installed:
Has Subduct been cut to 1/3 of the length/width of chamber?
Has sufficient cable been left to allow for safe jointing practices?
Has chamber been cabled straight through?
Has connector used, has subduct been joined correctly
Has subduct been labelled correctly
Is there any visible damage that may compromise the integrity of the cable?
Additional Sub duct/ cable
Are there any additional subducts?
Are all additional subducts correctly capped?
If additional cables have been installed:
Has Subduct been cut to 1/3 of the length/width of chamber?
Has sufficient cable been left to allow for safe jointing practices?
What is the status of work?
Post Build SN Check
PN Number
Secondary Node
SN Number
SN Location
Has the cabinet been installed as per civils specification?
Is the cabinet damaged or scratched?
Has the cabinet top been fitted correctly?
Have the bolts been fitted and tightened correctly?
Has sealant tape been installed between the base and cabinet top?
Is the cabinet ID visible/stencilled?
Has the cabinet base been resin sealed?
Is the cabinet base free of water/Sand
Is the cab secure? Have the locking bars been fitted correctly?
Has the door seal been fitted?
Has the reinstatement around the cabinet base been completed?
Are all cables labelled correctly?
Has velcro Been used to secure all spare fibre elements?
Has sub duct been installed?
Have the 7/3.5mm drops to customer been capped?
Have the 20/16 & 14/10 subducts been capped?
Have the 20/16 &14/10 subducts been cut to length?
Have all 7/3.5mm been cut to correct length?
Have all 7/3.5mm drops been secured correctly?
Have all drop tubes connectors been installed?
Are all cables in the correct duct?
Are all fibres correctly laid out in splice trays?
Have the 110 ducts been cut to the correct height?
Are all plugs in splitter ports?
Has the backboard been installed correctly?
Have all ports been inspected for cleanliness?
Have all CMAX and PDF files been uploaded to Sharepoint or Testflow?
Have all available splitters been Tested using IOLM?
Have all iOLM and PDF files been uploaded to Sharepoint/ Testflow?
Have the contractors provided a summary sheet of all testing for the Secondary Node?
Is Optical Fibre Testing equipment in use?
Is testing equipment fit for purpose and within approved calibration date?
Additional Subduct
Are there any additional subducts?
Are all additional subducts correctly capped?
Are all additional Subducts capped
Is there any visible damage that may compromise the integrity of the Subduct?
Post Build PN Check
PN Number
PN Location
Has the cabinet been installed as per civils specification?
Is the cabinet damaged or scratched?
Has the cabinet top been fitted correctly?
Have the bolts been fitted and tightened correctly?
Has sealant tape been installed between the base and cabinet top?
Is the cabinet ID visible/stencilled?
Has the cabinet base been resin sealed?
Is the cabinet base free of water/Sand
Is the cab secure? Have the locking bars been fitted correctly?
Has the door seal been fitted?
Has the reinstatement around the cabinet base been completed?
Are all cables labelled correctly?
Has velcro Been used to secure all spare fibre elements?
Has sub duct been installed?
Have the 7/3.5mm drops to customer been capped?
Have the 20/16 & 14/10 subducts been capped?
Have the 20/16 &14/10 subducts been cut to length?
Have all 7/3.5mm been cut to correct length?
Have all 7/3.5mm drops been secured correctly?
Have all drop tubes connectors been installed?
Are all cables in the correct duct?
Are all fibres correctly laid out in splice trays?
Have the 110 ducts been cut to the correct height?
Are all plugs in splitter ports?
Has the backboard been installed correctly?
Have all ports been inspected for cleanliness?
Have all CMAX and PDF files been uploaded to Sharepoint or Testflow?
Have all available splitters been Tested using IOLM?
Have all iOLM and PDF files been uploaded to Sharepoint/ Testflow?
Have the contractors provided a summary sheet of all testing for the Secondary Node?
Is Optical Fibre Testing equipment in use?
Is testing equipment fit for purpose and within approved calibration date?
Additional Subduct
Are there any additional subducts?
Are all additional subducts correctly capped?
Are all additional Subducts capped
Is there any visible damage that may compromise the integrity of the Subduct?
Sign Off
Would you like to highlight any good practice?
Who would you like to highlight?
If answer is other, please specify.
Please name the group / individual you would like to highlight
Which category best describes the good practice? Categories TBC
Please describe the category of the work being recognised.
Please give a description of the practice you have observed and would like recognised.
Please provide the name of the Supervisor or Sub-Contractor.
Please provide the name of the Gang Leader.
Auditor Signature