Details of inspection

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Attendees

Inspection questions

Competence and training

  • Are site operatives suitably trained to undertake the task they are doing?

  • Are site operatives experienced in the task that they are doing?

  • If the operative is new to a task that doesnt require formal training, have they been sufficiently "familiarised" and are they being supervised?

Setting to work

  • Is there a RAMS in place which covers the task which is being undertaken?

  • Has the RAMS been briefed to the site operatives and have they signed on to it?

  • Has a start of shift briefing/TBT been undertaken?

  • Have risks and controls relative to the work been discussed and recorded on the SOS briefing/TBT sheet?

Stop Work Authority (SWA)

  • Is the site operative aware of what "SWA" means?

  • Does the site operative know what to do if they cannot work to the RAMS or if something changes that may pose a risk to themselves or others?


  • Is there an adequate level of Supervision at the worksite?

Tools & Equipment (Inc plant)

  • Is the tool or equipment being used as per the requirements set out in the RAMS?

  • Is the tool or equipment in good condition?

  • If applicable, does the tool or equipment have an in date calibration or inspection cert/date etc?

  • If applicable has a site based inspection checklist been completed?

  • If applicable, does the equipment have sufficient bunding to prevent oil spills to ground/watercourses?

Worksite layout & Housekeeping

  • Does the worksite have adequate walkways/signage to segregate people from plant?

  • Are site operatives using the walkways?

  • Are walkways clear from waste & obstructions?

  • Is there adequate waste disposal facilities? (Bins/Skips)

  • Are work areas tidy and free from litter?

  • Are work areas free from potential trip hazards?

  • Are work areas free from potential dropped objects?

  • Are work areas barriered and have suitable signage where required?

  • Is there adequate lighting at the worksite/work area?

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Are site operatives wearing the required PPE?

  • Is the PPE in good condition?

  • If the PPE is additional to the standard PPE requirement, is it adequate to protect the user from the specific risk?

  • Does the operative know who to speak to if they require new or additional PPE?

  • Is wet weather PPE available?

Emergency and First aid

  • Is there an Emergency Response Notification Flowchart at the worksite?

  • Is there adequate fire fighting equipment at the worksite?

  • Is there adequate first aid provision at the worksite?

  • Is there adeqate spill response at the worksite?

  • If on a vessel - is there adequate Life Saving Equipment at the worksite?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.