
  • Client / Site

  • Location
  • Case Number

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Personnel

  • Document No.

Fire Protection Systems

  • What type of Fire Protection, if any, does the building have?

Fire Alarm

  • Type

  • Certifying Company

  • Date Certified

Automatic Sprinkler

  • Type

  • Certifying Company

  • Date Certified

  • Is there a Fire Pump

  • Tap to enter information

Fire Pump

  • Type

  • Certifying Company

  • Date Certified

  • Rated GPM

  • Rated RPM

  • Water Supply


  • Type & Class

  • Certifying Company

  • Date Certified

Alternative Extinguishing System

  • Type

  • Certifying Company

  • Date Certified

Cooking Suppression

  • Type

  • Certifying Company

  • Date Certified


  • Type of Inspection

  • Occupancy Group

  • GFD Plan Review No.

  • GFD Invoice No.

Fire Protection Systems

  • Is there a Fire Protection System?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Type of System

  • Tap to enter information

Fire Alarm

  • Type

  • Certifying Company

  • Date Certified


  • Is a permit or Permits Required ? IFC 105.1.1

  • Tap to enter information
  • Operational / Construction Permit Required IFC 105.6 / 105.7

  • Permits Posted / Available ? IFC 105.3.5

Combustible Storage

  • Clearance from ignition sources. Clearance between ignition sources, such as luminaires, heaters, flame-producing devices and combustible materials, shall be maintained in an approved manner. 305.1

  • Stock and/or storage must be at least 24"<br>from ceiling in nonsprinklered buildings or 18" below sprinkler heads. IFC 315.2.1

  • Combustible storage is not allowed in Boiler, Mechanical, or Electrical Panel rooms. IFC 315.2.3

  • Heating devices such as furnaces, wall heaters, water heaters, and the Like must have adequate clearance from combustible materials. IFC 603.5.1

Rubbish, Debris, Combustable Materials

  • Remove and properly dispose of tall grass, brush, and/or debris. IFC 304.1.2

  • Remove and properly dispose of debris. IFC 304.2

  • Combustible waste must be placed in covered metal containers. IFC 304.3.1

  • Exterior dumpsters greater than 1 CY shall not be in or within 5 feet of combustible construction. IFC 304.3.4

Emergency Planning and Preparedness

  • Fire Safety and Evacuation adequate . IFC 404

  • Evacuation Drill Records Available . IFC 405

Fire Department Access

  • Fire Lanes unobstructed width of 20 ft and 13-6 ft high. IFC 503.2.1

  • Approved signs or markings IFC 503.3

  • Fire lanes free of obstructions, including parked cars. IFC 503.4

  • Access to Building Openings and Roofs Adequate. IFC 504

  • Premise Identification Adequate. Street address posted and maintained so it is visible from the street with minimum 4"<br>letters residential or 6" for commercial. IFC 505.1

  • Unobstructed access to hydrants and a 3-foot clear space around hydrants adequate.<br>IFC 507.5

  • Fire Protection Equipment Identification and Access Adequate. IFC 509

Emergency/ Standby Power Systems

  • When required, is your emergency and standby power system maintained? (IFC section 604.2.1 - 604.2.18) .: Group A Occupancies (with an emergency voice / alarm communication system); Smoke Control Systems; Exit Signs; Means of Egress Illumination; Accessible means of egress elevators; Accessible means of egress platform lifts; Horizontal Sliding Doors; Semiconductor Fabrication Facilities;<br>Membrane Structures; Hazardous Materials;<br>Highly Toxic and Toxic Materials; Organic Peroxides; Covered Mall Buildings (Exceeding 50,000 ft.sq.); High-rise Buildings; Underground Buildings;<br>Group I-3; Airport Traffic Control Towers;<br>Elevators

  • Maintenance / Service Records Adequate.<br>IFC 604.3.2


  • Unused electrical panels must be covered (no tape). IFC 605.1

  • Wiring or circuits that are no longer in use must be removed. IFC 605.1

  • Clearance in front of panels at least 30<br>inches. IFC 605.3

  • Doors into electrical control panel rooms shall be marked with sign stating ELECTRICAL ROOM. IFC 605.3.1

  • Multi Plug Adaptors are not allowed except for those with a fused or circuit breaker protected " power strip". Power strips cannot be connected end to end. IFC 605.4

  • Electrical cords cannot run through doorways, windows, or similar openings, located in foot traffic or were damage may occur. IFC 605.4.3

  • Extension Cords cannot be used for permanent wiring of lights or equipment.<br>Only one device may be used per cord when using extension cords. IFC 605.5

  • Damaged electrical cords must be replaced or repaired. In line splices are not allowed.<br>IFC 606.5.3

  • Open junction boxes and open-wiring splices shall be prohibited. Approved covers shall be provided for all switch and electrical outlet boxes. 605.6

Elevator Recall and Maintenance

  • Elevator Emergency Signs Adequate . (IN FIRE EMERGENCY, DO NOT USE ELEVATOR. USE EXIT STAIRS) IFC 607.2

  • Elevator keys Available For Firefighters .<br>IFC 607.4

Fire Doors

  • OPENINGS WALLS / CEILINGS:<br>Repair/seal unprotected opening with fire resistive materials. IFC 703.1

  • Reinstall fire door(s) removed. IFC 703.1

  • Do not block or restrain fire door(s) which must be maintained self closing and remain in closed position except in actual use. IFC 703.2

  • Repair fire door(s) so they open freely, close completely, and latch when released IFC 703.2.2

Fire Protection Equipment and Systems

  • Fire protection equipment must be maintained and/or repaired. IFC 901.6

  • Fire Protection System records available 901.6.2

  • Sprinkler heads found to be corroded, dirty, greasy, or covered with paint must be cleaned or replaced. IFC 901.6

  • Provide Class K extinguisher within 30 feet of cooking areas. IFC 904.11.5

  • Remove accumulations of grease from range hood, range, and connecting flue.<br>Clean periodically. IFC 904.11.6.3

  • Commercial occupancies must have 2A:10BC and be sufficiently charged. IFC 906.3

  • Extinguishers are to be located so maximum travel distance is 75 feet for ordinary combustibles or 30 feet for flammable liquids or similar materials. IFC 906.3.1

  • Extinguishers shall be mounted on brackets or in cabinets, or set on shelves no higher than 54" or lower than 48" above the floor. A sign indicating location is necessary when it is not visible. IFC 906.9

  • Extinguishing systems must be serviced at regular intervals; sprinklers & fire extinguishers annually, hood and duct systems 3, 6, or 12 months. IFC 906.6.1

  • Fire Alarm systems shall be tested annually.<br>IFC 907.9


  • Conspicuously post a durable sign indicating the maximum room occupancy.<br>IFC 1004.3

  • No storage under stairways unless protected by 1 hour construction. 1009.6.3

  • Exit doors shall swing in direction of travel if it services a hazardous area or occupant load of 50 or more. IFC 1008.1.2

  • Exit doors shall operate from the inside without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort. IFC 1008.1.9

  • Post sign above main exit in 1" letters: THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED WHEN BUILDING IS OCCUPIED. IFC 1008.1.9 3

  • Minimum stairway width shall not be less than 44" or 36" if occupant load is 49 or less. IFC 1009.1

  • Exit signs are required at exit doorways and where necessary to clearly indicate the direction of egress. IFC 1011.1

  • Where lighted exit signs are installed they will have 2 working bulbs. IFC 1011,.2

  • Exit ways and doorways must kept free of obstructions and obstacles, including temporary storage. IFC 1030.3


  • Any installation that requires inspection prior to use and is covered or concealed prior to inspection shall be exposed for inspection.<br>IFC 106.3

  • COMPRESSED GAS: Secure/chain cylinders upright in approved manner. IFC 3003.5.3

  • LP GAS: discontinue unapproved use of LP gas in the building. IFC 3805

Flammable Liquids

  • All spray operations exceeding 9 square feet must be done within an approved spray booth, room or area. IFC 1504.9.1

  • Flammable liquids in combined amount exceeding 10 gallons must've stored in a flammable liquids cabinet. Amount stored in such cabinets cannot exceed 120 gallons.<br>Maximum of 3 cabinets in a room.<br>Quantities in excess of this must be stored in an approved flammable liquid storage room. IFC 3404.4.4

  • Flammable liquid containers under 30<br>gallons cannot be stacked more than 2 high (or 3 feet; whichever is greater) and containers over 30 gallons cannot be stacked. IFC 3404.3.5.2

  • Warning signs are required on all flammable liquid containers, entrances to storage rooms, storage cabinets and at service stations where flammable liquids are stored and dispensed. IFC 3403.5

Signatures and Disposition


  • Were any Violations found?

  • A Follow up Inspection is scheduled For

  • Disposition


  • I certify that the above Information are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief :

  • Acknowledged By

  • Fire Department Official
  • Fire Department Official

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.