Title Page
Evaluator's Name
Conducted on
Candidate's Name
Outlet Name
The trainer creates an interest in the topic. (INTEREST)
The Trainer mentions the personal benefit of attending the session. (BENEFIT)
The Trainer mentions the Title of the session. (TITLE)
The Trainer mentions a clear outline of the session, mentioning the timings. (DURATION)
The Trainer clearly mentions the objective of the session. (OBJECTIVE)
Training Session
The Trainer explains the key points. (KEY POINTS)
The delivery of the session is clear and natural. (DELIVERY QUALITY)
The Trainer breaks the information down into stages. (INFORMATION STAGING)
The trainer asks open ended questions during the session. (QUESTIONS ASKED)
The Trainer uses suitable Visual aids and uses them appropriately. (VISUAL AIDS)
The Trainer involves the participant / group. (INVOLVEMENT)
The pace of the session is appropriate. (PACE)
The Trainer controls the participant/group's attention. (CONTROL)
The Trainer demonstrates enthusiasm all through out the session. (ENTHUSIASM)
The Trainer praises the contribution from the group (PRAISE)
The Trainer checks for understanding. (QUESTIONS / PRACTICAL)
The Trainer asks effective questions and summarizes the session. (SUMMARY)
The Trainer links the session to the next training topic. (LINK TO THE NEXT SESSION)
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