GISONT Store Checklist
Store Location
Prepared by
Conducted on
Store Checklist
Donation Door
Are Donors being helped promptly?
Are Donors being assisted with unloading?
Are donations being sorted promptly?
Production Room
Is there sellable merchandise in the trash bins?
Is there sellable merchandise in the salvage bins?
Is there merchandise under or around the production tables?
Does all "SOLD" merchandise have complete and accurate sold tags with attached receipt?
Are all gaylords labeled?
Are all aisles to exits clear?
Sales Floor
Is there merchandise under or behind the cash wraps?
Are there large gaps between employee purchases?
Are employee purchase logs being used and completely filled out?
Are customers being greeted with "Hello, welcome to Goodwill"?
Are the employee restrooms and customer restrooms clean and stocked with supplies?
Is the breakroom clean and free of merchandise?
Are fitting rooms clean and free of merchandise, barbs, tags, etc.?
Is the parking lot clean?
Are windows and doors clean?
Is the office clean and free of merchandise, other than that with receipts attached?