
  • Site conducted

  • Select Month

  • Location

  • Conducted on

Monthly Safety Inspection Checklist




  • All chemicals on site are listed on the location's Authorized Chemicals List

  • Inventory of hazardous chemicals is current (within one year)

  • All containers are properly labeled with product identified and hazard warning

  • MSDS are readily available for each hazardous material on inventory

  • Chemicals stored properly: Insecticides, detergents/sanitizes and caustics/acids

  • Proper personal protective equipment used when handling chemicals (see MSDS)

  • Chemical hazard communication training received by all employees and documentation in personnel files (current within one year)


  • Step ladder of sufficient height to reach top of storage without standing on the top 2 steps

  • All ladders are in good condition

  • Lighting is adequate

  • Please explain.

Exits/Fire Protection

  • Exit routes unobstructed

  • Exits clearly marked with illuminated signs

  • Please be sure to provide a photo by using the "Media" button.

  • Emergency lighting provided for all occupied areas and tested monthly

  • Emergency evacuation plans posted

  • All doors in exit path kept closed

  • Adequate number of exits provided

  • Do all emergency exit doors have "panic" bars

  • Handrails provided on all stairs/ramps

Fire Protection

  • Fire extinguishers are properly mounted, accessible and maintained

  • All fire alarms are unobstructed

  • Fire doors are in proper operational condition and unobstructed

  • Do employees know how to report a fire

  • All employees familiar with the location of portable extinguishers, manual controls on extinguishing systems and fire alarms

  • Minimum of 18" clearance under sprinkler heads


  • All child restraints on shopping carts are in good condition and in working order

  • How many need to be fixed/replaced

  • Please include any photos of broken/non-working child restraints

  • All floors are clear of debris and dry

  • Aisles clear and floors clean

  • Wet floor signs being used properly

  • All areas free of excessive trash/storage

  • Work sites are clean and orderly

  • Sharp edges identified and eliminated

  • Bump hazards are eliminated

  • Falling hazards are eliminated

  • Walk off mats are used where needed

  • All mats are in good condition

  • Shelves and racks are of adequate strength and are secured


  • Electrical panels have a minimum 36" of unobstructed work space in front & are closed

  • Switches and circuit breakers are marked to indicate equipment/areas controlled

  • All electrical cords are in good condition

  • Extension cords are not used in lieu of permanently installed fixed wiring

  • Cover plates, switches, outlets, etc. are in good condition

  • Equipment is grounded or double insulated

  • Ground plugs on equipment in good condition

Personal Protective Equipment & Training

  • Eye, face and hand personal protection equipment is available and in good condition

  • Employees frequently receive training on correct lifting techniques


  • A current and complete Goodwill Safety Manual is readily accessible in the manager's office

First Aid Kit

  • Are all first aid ointments (including eyewash) within the expiration date?

  • First Aid Kit readily available and stocked

  • Please indicate with a checkmark the first aid items that you need.

  • 1 First Aid Guide

  • 1 Absorbent Compress, 4x8 in. minimum

  • 16 Adhesive Bandages, 1x3 in.

  • How many do you need?

  • 1 Adhesive Tape 2.5 yd.

  • 10 Antiseptic applications

  • How many do you need?

  • 6 Burn Treatment applications, 1/32 oz. each

  • How many do you need?

  • 4 Sterile Pads, 3x3 in. minimum

  • How many do you need?

  • 2 Pair Medical Exam Gloves

  • 1 Triangular Bandage, 40x40x56 in. minimum

  • 6 Antibiotic Treatment Applications

  • How many do you need?

  • Alcohol Prep Pads

  • How many do you need?

  • Conforming gauze roll bandage, 2"

Infectious Disease Control

  • Temperature Logs are being used?

  • Employees are wearing face masks/face shields?

  • Disinfectant and hand sanitizer is available?

  • Carts and work stations are being wiped down regularly?

  • 6' of social distancing is being used when applicable?

  • Please be sure to provide any other related photos here.

  • Comments:

  • Prepared by

  • Please contact Paul Boike @ (904) 910-0186 if any immediate concerns are found or you have additional questions.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.