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  • Conducted on

Weekly Retail Safety Checklist



Customer Receiving Area

  • Entrance is clear of donations

  • There are no trip hazards present (broken cement/sidewalk/pavement, door jam obstruction, etc.)

  • There are no electrical hazards (multiple surge protectors plugged into outlet, broken outlet covers, etc.)

  • Employees only beyond this point sign posted

Production Area

  • Clear aisles no clothing/hangers on floor, no items cluttering aisles

  • Production area free of clutter and work areas are clean and free of debris

  • Loading area safe and free of debris, goods, or cracks in cement

  • Electrical cords are off the floor or taped down on floor correctly

Outside of Building

  • Outside clear of trash/weeds, including the gutters of the building have no visible weed growth

  • Goodwill signs visible

  • Doors open properly, without hanging up on rugs and are free of other obstructions in threshold

  • Exit lights and signs above doors work properly and are illuminated

General Safety

  • First Aid Kit readily available and stocked

  • Please check First Aid Kit for the following minimum requirements.
    Tap checkbox to mark any items that you do not have and please include amount you need.
    Thank You

  • 1 First Aid Guide

  • 1 Absorbent Compress, 4x8 in. minimum

  • 16 Adhesive Bandages, 1x3 in.

  • How many do you need?

  • 1 Adhesive Tape 2.5 yd

  • 10 Antiseptic applications

  • How many do you need?

  • 6 Burn Treatment applications, 1/23 oz. each

  • How many do you need?

  • 4 Sterile Pads, 3x3 in. minimum

  • How many do you need?

  • 2 Pair Medical Exam Gloves

  • How many do you need?

  • 1 Triangular Bandage, 40x40x56 in. minimum

  • 6 Antibiotic Treatment Applications

  • How many do you need?

  • Please note any other First Aid items not included in the list here:

  • Restroom facilities are clean, in working order, no water accumulating on floor no back up of drains

  • Soap and dryer or paper towels are stocked and available for hand washing

  • All areas well lighted and lights are properly working

  • Emergency lights are working

Fire Safety

  • Fire extinguishers in good working condition

  • Fire exits are visible

  • Fire extinguishers properly located, hanging on wall (not on floor) and are marked with signs on wall

  • Have the fire extinguishers been inspected and the tag signed/dated for the current Month

  • Fire extinguishers are charged and needle is in green area of dial

  • Tap to add media

  • Comments:

  • Prepared by

  • Please contact Paul Boike @ 904-910-0186 if any immediate concerns are found or you have additional questions.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.