Title Page

  • Factory Inspection (Enter Area Below)

  • Date and Time of Inspection

  • Inspection Carried Out by

  • Location

Health and Safety Checks

Fire Protection

  • Are fire doors operating properly and unobstructed? (Add Comments if applicable)

  • Are fire extinguishers provided in adequate number and type? (Add Comments if applicable)

  • Are fire extinguishers serviceable and mounted in readily accessible locations? (Add Comments if applicable)

  • Is access to fire extinguishers free of obstructions? (Add Comments if applicable)

  • Are all fire extinguishers serviced and maintained at intervals not exceeding 1 year? (Add Comments if applicable)

  • Is access to fire alarm points free of obstruction? (Add Comments if applicable)


  • Are all work areas kept clean and tidy? (Add Comments if applicable)

  • Are all walkways / passageways / work areas free from obstruction? i.e trip hazards, body or head height hazards, / obstructions. (Add Comments if applicable)

  • Are waste bins in use and emptied regularly? (Add Comments if applicable)

Electrical Safety

  • Are all extension cables in good condition if in use? (Add Comments if applicable)

  • Are all terminal boxes securely closed? (Add Comments if applicable)

  • Are all electrical installations free from water / dampness? (Add Comments if applicable)

  • Does all portable electrical equipment have an in-date Portable Appliance Test (PAT) sticker applied ? (Add Comments if applicable)

Plant and Machinery

  • Are all machines switched off when not in use? (Add Comments if applicable)

  • Are all guards (including: fixed, interlocks, automatic, and trip) in place, properly fitted, and operational? (Add Comments if applicable)

Personal Protective Equipment

  • Are all operators wearing the safety footwear provided ? (Add Comments if applicable)

  • Are all operators wearing high- viz vests? (Add Comments if applicable)

  • Are all operators wearing hearing protection? (Add Comments if applicable)

  • Are all operators wearing safety glasses where required? (Add Comments if applicable)

Signs and Notices

  • Are all Signs and Notices clearly displayed, and free from defacement (Add Comments if applicable)

  • Are all Signs and Notices free from obstruction? (Add Comments if applicable)

Welfare Arrangements

  • Are toilets clean and tidy? (Add Comments if applicable)

  • Are hand towels / drying facilities available?

  • Is there an adequate supply of hand detergents, creams and toilet paper? (Add Comments if applicable)

  • Is the staff kitchen area clean, tidy, and are bins empty? (Add Comments if applicable)

  • Are the kitchen appliances / food preparation areas clean and has the fridge been emptied on a weekly basis? (Add Comments if applicable)

Audit Completion

  • Completed by

  • Date and Time

  • Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.