Operation details
Operation id
Location of induction (should be conducted on site)
Conducted on
Monitoring questions
1. Communication and documentation
1.1 Are you aware that you must ensure that all existing and new employees (including truck drivers) are inducted into this operation prior to their starting work and that the induction record shall be kept on site at all times? <br>Induction will cover at a minimum the contents of this induction form.
1.2. Do you have a copy of the certified Forest Practices Plan (check signatures pages) and understand that this must be on site at all times?
1.3 Do you have a Forest practices code (2015) on site?
1.4. Do you have copies of the Contractor photoguide to natural and cultural values available on site?
2. Environmental management
2.1. Has your machinery been washed down in accordance with the Tasmanian Washdown Guidelines for Weed And Disease control prior to coming onto coupe?
2.2. Have you read the FPP and seen the coupe map?
2.3. Do you understand the FPP and coupe map?
2.4. Do you know where the coupe boundaries are and how they are marked?
2.5. Have you walked all of the coupe boundaries with the FT representative? If not record reasons here.
2.6. Do you know where the landing locations are for the coupe?
2.7. Do you know the requirements for opening up a landing?
2.8. Do you know where the streams in and around the coupe are located and how they have been marked?
2.9. Do you understand the harvesting restrictions for all of the streams?
2.10. Do you know if any stream crossings have been permitted and where they are to be located?
2.11. Do you know if there are any special values in or near the coupe?
2.12. Do you know how the special values are to be managed?
2.13. Do you have procedures for managing fuel, oil, grease, emergency spills and on-site waste?
3. Restoration and regeneration
3.1. Do you understand FT seed requirements for this coupe?
3.2. Do you understand what the coupe restoration requirements are?
3.3. Do you understand that restoration equipment must remain on site until the FT representative has granted a clearance?
4. Safety
4.1 Does the Faller understand the felling prescriptions and can they be met?
4.2. Have you received a copy of the FT hazard notification form?
4.3. Do you know the Emergency meeting point number and location?
4.4. are you aware that a safety risk assessment and a Forest Operation Safety Plan must be completed and communicated to all workers prior to work commencing?
5.0 Production and Haulage
5.1. Do you know the FSC /AFS certification status of the coupe and have the appropriate log dockets?
5.2. Do you understand and acknowledge the nominated cartage route and any restrictions that may apply?
6. FPP Variation induction
6.1. Variation number:
6.2. Do you have a copy of the certified FPP variation (check signatures).
6.3. Have you read the variation?
6.4. Do you understand the variation?
6.5. Are you aware that all other conditions of the FPP quoted above apply unless otherwise varied?
9. Completion and acknowledgment
The aspects of this harvesting induction checklist and record have been explained to me and I am fully aware of my responsibilities under Tasmanian legislation and my contract with Forestry Tasmania.<br>By signing this Harvesting induction checklist and record: I acknowledge
Contractor signature
FT representative signature
General comments
Contractor employee induction record.
It is the contractors responsibility to ensure a coupe induction for all existing and new employees has occurred:
The induction shall as a minimum cover the checklist on this form.
Contractor employees present during the initial induction by the FT representative may sign this form immediately. -
Worker signature
Worker signature
Worker signature
Worker signature
Worker signature
Worker signature
Worker signature
Worker signature
Worker signature