Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
does the building predate the year 2000?
Has an asbestos survey been conducted?
Has asbestos been identified?
Has the presence of asbestos been adequately identified to all staff and potential contractors?
Office administration
Is the Health and Safety manual up to date?
H&S policy statement displayed?
is the displayed policy the current version?
Health & Safety at Work Act poster displayed and completed as necessary?
Is the Employers liability insurance certificate displayed?
Is it for the current year?
Has a DSE risk assessment carried out?
when was it last reviewed?
Are emergency procedures and contact numbers displayed?
Is there an accident book?
Office area Housekeeping
Are work areas clean, and orderly?
Is the work area adequately illuminated?
is general house keeping up to standard?
Is all flooring free from trip hazards?
Are chairs in good mechanical condition (castors/springs)?
are all bookcases secure and not overloaded?
Is there adequate lighting in stairways, halls and store rooms?
Are stairwells clear - not cluttered?
Are stair treads in good condition?
Where applicable are handrails installed and in good condition?
Office area Electrical Safety
Are all electrical outlets safe - not overloaded?
Are extension cords being used correctly? Not in place of permanent wiring?
Are all electrical cords and plugs in good condition and correctly terminated?
Are electrical items PAT tested?
When was PAT testing last conducted?
Welfare Provision in office area
Are toilets clean and in' good condition' inc décor
Is there hot and cold running water within the W/C's
Is there an adequate supply of toilet tissue and hand wash
Is there adequate means to dry your hands?
is there provision to store food safely?
Is there means of heating food?
Are there washing facilities within kitchen area?
Depot Fire precautions
Is there a Fire risk assessment in place?
When was the Fire Risk assessment last reviewed?
Has the fire escape plan been identified and displayed?
Is there a notification of who the Fire Wardens are?
who is the first fire marshall?
when does their certificate expire?
who is the second fire Marshall
when does their certificate expire?
Is there the correct provision of fire extinguishers c/w appropriate usage signage?
Are all extinguishers fully charged?
When is the next extinguisher service due?
Is there a regular check of extinguisher placement being completed and recorded?
Are there adequate fire escape signs in place?
Are all fire routes clear of obstructions?
Are Emergency exit doors clearly marked and accessible?
Are weekly alarm checks being completed/recorded?
Has Periodic testing of emergency lighting been completed and recorded?
Has a Fire drill completed as per company policy?
When was the last recorded fire drill?
First Aid
Have the first aiders been identified?
who is the first first aider?
when does their certificate expire?
who is the second first aider
when does their certificate expire?
Is there first aid provision within office area to BS standard
are all contents in date?
Is there sufficient First aid provision to BS standard in the workshop area?
Is the contents within date?
Is there a designated Eyewash station?
is it within 10 seconds walk of work areas?
Is the AED cabinet operable?
Is the AED operable?
when do the batteries expire?
Workshop House keeping
Has a noise meter reading been taken?
Are work areas clean, orderly not present undue hazard?
Is there sufficiently de-marked traffic/personnel separation?
Are work areas adequately illuminated?
Are all floors free from trip hazards so far as practicable?
Are floors dry - not slippery or suitable warnings in place?
Is there sufficient guarding on elevated storage areas?
Welfare Provision in workshop area
Are toilets clean and in 'good condition' inc décor
Is there hot and cold running water within the W/C's?
Is there an adequate supply of toilet tissue and hand wash?
Is there adequate means to dry your hands?
Is there the correct provision of barrier cream, hand cleaner and restoration cream?
Is there means of heating food?
Is the area maintained to a suitable hygiene standard?
Are there drying facilities?
Are there sufficient lockers (1 per employee)?
Workshop fire safety
Are there adequate fire escape signs in place?
Are all fire routes clear of obstructions?
Are all Emergency Exit doors clearly marked and accessible?
Are all flammable materials stored in 'flame vault'?
Is the flame vault stored away from sources of ignition?
Is flammable waste placed in metal bins away from hot works areas?
Is flammable waste stored more than 10mtrs from the fabric of the building?
Workshop COSHH
Is equipment labelled correctly, and in the correct containers?
Are there sufficient MSDS data sheets and COSHH assessments in place?
Is there specific PPE for the handling of materials?
Is there a poster displaying the correct usage and PPE requirements for Autosmart products?
Is there an up to date chemical inventory?
Is there sufficient signage?
Workshop Equipment
Pillar Drill
Is there a pillar drill
Is the pillar drill fitted with an emergency stop?
Are all moving parts sufficiently guarded?
Is it fitted with interlock/isolator?
Is there a vice/clamp?
Is the drill sufficiently stable?
Are there sufficient warning signs?
Bench grinder
Is there a bench grinder?
Is it fitted with sufficient & effective guarding?
Are there wheel dresses fitted?
Is there rest and steady adjustment?
Is it sufficiently stabilised?
Are there warning signs?
Are operators trained in the use of abrasive wheels?
Does the welding mask provide filtered air to the user?
Is there a system to record pre-use checks of the welding mask?
Is other specific PPE supplied?
Is PPE adequate and in good condition?
Is there adequate ventilation?
Is there a record of thorough examination of LEV?
Is there sufficient screening?
Is the burning gear fitted with flowback arrestors & check valves?
Are the torch hoses in good condition?
Are gas cylinders legibly marked as to their contents?
Are all gas cylinders secured from tipping/falling, including spares or empties?
Have checks been completed on gas equipment in accordance to the British Compressed Gas association Code of practice: CP7 safe use oxy fuel equipment & CP47 safe use of mobile gas supply equipment
Portable appliances - power tools etc.
Are all plugs correctly fitted & in good condition (correctly terminated)?
Are cables sufficiently insulated?
Are all small appliance casings intact?
Do all switches operate correctly?
Where applicable, is equipment fitted with an emergency stop?
Workshop Lifting Equipment
Vehicle Lift Table
Is there a vehicle lift table?
Is there a system for recording pre-use inspections?
Is there a record of the last thorough examination report?
When is the next thorough examination report due?
Is there sufficient guards or interlocked controls to prevent accidental operation?
Are there vehicle roll off guards or chocks in place?
- Yes
- No
- N/A
Is the lift marked to indicate not for personnel use?
is the SWL clearly marked?
Is there a crane in the depot?
Is there a system for recording pre-use inspections?
Is there a record of the last thorough examination report?
When is the next thorough examination due?
Is the hook in good condition?
Are the controls clearly marked?
Do all the controls operate correctly?
Have any listed faults been rectified?
Is the SWL clearly identified?
Can the SWL be seen from all sides?
Has specific training been supplied?
is there a notice of who has been trained?
Forklift truck
Is the forklift in good condition?
Is there a system for recording pre-use inspections?
Is there a record of the last thorough examination report?
When is the next thorough examination due?
Is there a service/maintenance schedule/record?
Is there a beacon and reversing alarm fitted?
Is the SWL clearly identified?
Is there sufficient all round visibility so far as is practicable?
Has operator training been supplied?
Is there a notice of who has been trained?
Lifting accessories
Is there a schedule of lifting accessories detailing all items?
Is there a record of the last thorough examination report for each item on the schedule?
Does the schedule indicate when the next thorough examination report is due for each item?
Is there an effective way to quarantine items that do not have an in date thorough examination record?
Are all items clearly marked with SWL?
Is there a designated storage area for lifting accessories?
Are all items correctly stored?
Workshop Electrical Safety
Mains Distribution Board
When was the last Periodic fixed wiring inspection complete
Is the fixed wiring inspection up to date (within 5 years)?
Are the cover/guards intact and do they close?
Is the access to the DB clear from obstructions and combustibles?
110v; 240v & 430v sockets
Are the power points intact?
Are all power points working?
Are all cable glands secure?
Are the sockets free from overloading?
Where applicable, is equipment fitted with interlocks?
Depot gas safety
does the depot have gas heating?
Have "Gas Safe" safety inspections been completed?
when was the last safety inspection recorded?
was the last safety check within the last 12 months?
Yard Area
Safety and Security
Is the depot secure from trespass?
Where applicable, are there sufficient warnings about razor wire?
Is the Company Heath and Safety Notice prominently displayed at the site entrance?
Is the designated Fire Assembly Point notice prominently displayed?
Is the Fire Assembly Point a sufficient distance away from the buildings?
Is the mandatory 5mph speed limit indicated?
Is there an effective traffic management plan?
Is the wash down area tidy?
Is there sufficient pest control in place?
Is vegetation managed?
External Power Supply
Does any external DB have a sufficient IP rating?
Are all external sockets suitably IP rated?
Are all external power sources intact?
Are sources of external power suitably secure?
Yard lighting
Is there adequate lighting within the yard area?
Does all the lighting work?
Are all cable glands intact?
Refuelling area
Does the electrical cupboard provide suitable IP protection?
Is the electrical cupboard secure?
Can the supply be isolated?
Where applicable, are above ground fuel tanks secure to prevent unauthorised access?
Are above ground tanks suitably bunded?
Where applicable, are the bunds clear of debris?
Does the leak alarm work on below ground tanks?
Oil storage and drainage
Are all external oil storage containers secure?
Are external oil storage containers suitably bunded?
Are all open drums stored on suitable spill pallets?
Do all open drums have oil absorbent drum top mats in place?
Is the yard drainage free from debris and silt?
Are the drains intercepted?
Where applicable does the Class 1 interceptor alarm work?
Has the interceptor been checked?
When was the last recorded Interceptor inspection?
Is there appropriate spill control equipment?
Is there an Environmental Incident Response plan in place?
Are there any environmental concerns?
What are the concerns?
Are there effective control measures in place to reduce energy?
Waste Management & Recycling
Does the depot segregate all hazardous waste streams?
Does the depot recycle grease gun cartridges?
Are oily rags recycled?
Is there provision to segregate and recycle used spill control media?
Does the depot have facilities to recycle used filters?
Are unserviceable batteries scrapped/recycled?
Is there a suitable receptacle for unserviceable/scrap batteries?
Is there a means to recycle or dispose of tyres?
Is there a means to recover/recycle waste oil?
Is there a separate bin for dry mixed recycling?
Do the depot recycle printer ink cartridges?
Is there provision to recycle paper?
Are relevant waste transfer notes available?
Is the provided PPE suitable for the task for which it is intended?
Is PPE in good condition?
Are there any shortfalls in PPE provided?
Are all employees boots suitable (not Rigger)?
Are overalls suitable for the task?
Has the supplied PPE been signed for?
Is PPE being utilised correctly?
Is there a general safety aware culture within the depot?
is there a site safety representative?
Who is the depot safety representative?
Has the safety representative completed the IOSH working safely course?
Are there any topics that need to be discussed in a toolbox talk?
what need to be discussed?
Are there any specific training needs?
what training is required?
Do all staff know the chain of command to reporting safety concerns?
Does anybody have any safety concerns?
what are the concerns?
Are people aware who to report accidents to?
Are all staff aware of who the First Aiders are?
Do all relevant staff carry CSCS cards?
Have machine operator competencies been assessed (w/shop staff)?
Have driver CPC cards been assessed
Have Driver licenses been checked as per company policy
Is there a FORS Drivers notice board
Have LGV drivers completed loader securer training?
Have relevant FORS TBTs been delivered?
Are all vehicles issued with First aid kits to BSI standard?
Do vehicles have correct level of conspicuity markings?
Do the lorries have sufficient load bed lighting?
Do all lorries have chp8 chevron markings?
Do all lorries have rear mounted beacons/strobes?
Do low loaders have high level indicator repeaters?
Do fitters vans so far as practicable comply with Chp 8?
Do vans display correct warning diamonds for gas carried?
Are vans carrying gas fitted with 2kg dry powder extinguishers?
Is there provision for remote site staff to maintain hand hygiene?
Do service vehicles display FORS cycle safety signage?
Do HGV’s display FORS cycle safety signage?
Are HGV’s equipped with 50ltr spill kits?