Branch information
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Risk and communication
Is the H&S policy statement accessible to employee’s and signed by appropriate director?
Is the H&S Law poster completed and accessible to employee’s?
Is the certificate of employers’ liability insurance displayed and in date?
is the certificate of motor insurance displayed or available and in date?
Risk Assessments
Have suitable, sufficient and up to date risk assessments been carried out to cover the general significant hazards of the workplace and work activities?
Has a suitable and sufficient fire risk assessment been completed and reviewed as appropriate?
Have suitable, sufficient and up to date COSHH assessments been completed for substances hazardous to health as appropriate?
If there is (or potentially is) asbestos one site, has a suitable and sufficient asbestos risk assessment been made?
if there is (or potentially is) asbestos on site, is there a management plan in place based on the information from a suitable asbestos survey?
Has a suitable and sufficient legionella risk assessment been made with an associated control scheme, resulting from a suitable legionella survey?
Have suitable, sufficient and up to date manual handling risk assessments been completed as appropriate?
Have display screen equipment (DSE) assessments been completed as appropriate?
Has a workplace noise assessment been undertaken where it is suspected noise levels may exceed 80dB?
Have vulnerable persons (young persons, pregnancy, some health conditions) risk assessment been completed as appropriate?
Have actions raised by risk assessments been completed within a reasonable timeframe?
Training & Competence
Have staff health and safety inductions been completed correctly?
Are staff training records in order? (Above 90% complete for green)
Are agency worker induction and training records in order?
Has specific training been given to operate forklift trucks?
Has specific training been given to operate lorry loaders?
Has specific training been given to supervising reversing vehicles? (Banksman)
Has specific training been given to operate work equipment (eg mill machinery) as appropriate?
Has manual handling training been completed as appropriate?
Have employee’s received any training required to carry out their duties given to them by the emergency plan?
Premises and workplace management
Are monthly manager H&S audits been carried out?
Are buildings in a generally good condition, so as not to pose an obvious risk to the safety of occupants/ persons in the vicinity?
Has an electrical installation condition report been undertaken in the last 3/5 years as appropriate?
Have any actions from the electrical condition report been dealt with in an appropriate timeframe?
Are security measures (perimeter fencing, CCTV, etc) appropriate?
Are grounds appropriately maintained?
Is the condition of floor/ ground surfaces acceptable (with trip hazards and FLT stability in mind)?
Have hearing protection zones been clearly defined (signs and/or markings) where appropriate?
Is other suitable general signage appropriately displayed in the workplace as required (e.g mandatory area PPE, warnings regarding vehicles, FLT's to sound horn, fragile roof, etc)?
Are steps and stairs of an acceptable standard (handrails, rise and going, contrasting nosing, toe boards, etc)?
Do mezzanine floors have suitable guard rails and toe boards along with suitable safe access and egress point?
Is lighting sufficient and appropriate for each work area?
Is lighting sufficient and appropriate in the yard?
Is air conditioning suitably maintained?
Are substances appropriately stored ( including waste and combustable or flammable materials)?
Is LPG appropriately stored?
Is suitable PPE, workwear, equipment supplied to employees?
Is suitable storage of PPE/ workwear/ equipment and personal belongings provided to employees?
Are pedestrians appropriately separated from vehicles?
Are smoking arrangements appropriate (suitable signage in place, any smoking shelter not substantially enclosed etc)?
Are toilet facilities adequate (clean, hot running water, soapA and hand drying provided)?
Are break and refreshment facilities adequate (sufficient seating, tables, drinking water, etc)?
Equipment controls
Has all lifting equipment been thoroughly examined to an appropriate schedule in accordance with LOLER?
Have gas appliances been serviced by a Gas Safe engineer in the last 12 months?
Are maintenance and service records keep as appropriate?
Have daily FLT checks been correctly completed?
Have daily HGV checks been correctly completed?
Have lorry crane daily checks been correctly completed?
Are other recorded machinery checks in order (saw checklists, emergency stop tests, etc)?
Is machinery free from apparent defects (eg guards and other safety devices) and is suitable signage in place regarding hazard warnings, prohibitions and/or mandatory PPE?
Are suitable warning devices fitted to lift trucks/machinery where appropriate (eg alarms, beacons, etc)?
Do any lift truck attachments appear to be in good working condition (eg locking pins, safety devices in place)?
Has portable appliance testing (PAT) been undertaken at an appropriate frequency?
Has any damaged and/or faulty electrical equipment been robustly removed from service?
Are ladders suitably stored and suitable inspections undertaken?
Have Provision and Use of Equipment Regulations (PUWER) assessments been carried out?
Have roller shutter doors been serviced?
Health Controls
Are employee’s suitably informed regarding substance hazards and handling precautions?
Is Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV), including local on tool extraction, installed/used as appropriate?
Have LEV systems received 14 monthly thorough examination and test?
Is any respiratory protective equipment in use suitable in specification and suitable for the user (ie face fit test completed)?
Are suitable methods of cleaning up dust (e.g wood/cement) employed ie suitable vacuum, no dry sweeping?
Is asbestos management plan being followed (where appropriate)?
Is the legionella control scheme being followed?
Is appropriate health surveillance in place for employees significantly exposed to dust (eg wood and/or cement)?
Is appropriate health surveillance in place for employees significantly exposed to workplace noise?
Is there suitable and sufficient pest control on site?
Electric charging
Is the charging unit in a non-combustable building?
Are the charging units installed and, where applicable, securely mounted off the floor and/or on a non-combustable wall?
Is there suitable signage provided?
Is the battery charging area clear of combustable materials?
Where possible, a clearance of at least 2m is recommended, with a minimum of 1.5m required?
Do charging units have suitable protection to reduce the risk of accidental damage to the equipment?
EP Equipment Charger - Is the net height of the charging area higher than 5m?
Are air exchange ports obstructed? Or have a build up of dust?
Curtis STAR - Is the charger located in a closed and ventilated environment and positioned onto a solid and levelled floor, far away from dust, water, heating and moisture?
Has an appropriate annual SEMA storage racking inspection been carried out, where appropriate?
Has any storage racking damage been dealt with appropriately?
Has SEMA’s Rack Safety Awareness training been completed by a person responsible for racking safety (PRRS)?
Is the site PRRS carrying out monthly racking inspections?
Is the branch manager or PRRS carrying out weekly racking inspections?
Are pallets stored at height wrapped for stability?
Are goods stored in racking suitably banded, strapped or wrapped or otherwise secure as appropriate?
Working practises
Is general work area PPE being worn in accordance with rules/mandatory signage?
Is any tool and/or machinery used in accordance with safe systems of work/good practise/mandatory signage (inc PPE/RPE)?
Are lift trucks being operated safely in accordance with training and procedures (appropriate speed, use of horn, seat belt use, keys not left in vehicles, etc)?
Is any work at height being carried out in accordance with site rules or safe system of work?
Is freestanding stock appropriately stacked (not too high) and suitably located?
Is housekeeping of an appropriate standard (walkways clear, trip hazards cleared away/not created, spills cleaned up, etc)?
Is manual handling in accordance with appropriate practice (according to training, SSOW, etc)?
Visitor and customer safety
Is there suitable signage to direct visitors and customers?
Are areas where unaccompanied customer access is prohibited clearly marked?
Is there an appropriate method of visitor sign in?
We’re you asked to sign in?
Is the customer parking area suitable?
Has an area been designated for customers to load their vehicles as appropriate (ie clear line marking/loading bays)?
Is suitable signage in place to advise customers of the risk of accessing the top of their vehicles/provision of hard hat, etc as appropriate?
Contractor Management
Have up to date risk assessments and method statements (RAMS) been provided by contractors covering their work activities?
Have contractors been inducted regarding site rules and appropriate procedures?
Have permits to work documents been properly completed with appropriate reference to contractor RAMS?
Do any contractors working on site appear to be working in accordance with safety rules, normal best practice, and any conditions on the permit to work ans applicable?
Emergency Preparedness and response
Is an emergency plan in place and appropriately displayed/communicated?
Have suitable emergency roles been defined, including cover for a sense?
Has the fire warning system been serviced in accordance with manufacturer/service provider recommendations?
Is the fire warning method suitable and tested weekly, with the results recorded?
Have appropriate fire drills been undertaken at suitable intervals, with the results recorded?
Are fire extinguishers suitably located?
Is emergency lighting located as required?
Has the emergency lighting been tested (including discharge test) in the last 12 months by a service engineer?
Has the function of emergency lighting been checked monthly, with suitable records kept?
Is emergency signage (exit routes, extinguisher types, assembly point, etc) suitably located?
Are fire exit doors in good condition and unobstructed?
Are fire doors in good condition?
Has suitable number of first aiders been trained and appointed?
Has suitable number of fire marshals been trained and appointed?
Is there a suitable number of first aiders kits, appropriately located and identified?
Are first aid kit supplies in date?
Is the accident book in order?
Have DeFib monthly checks been carried out and recorded?
Have accident investigations been appropriately undertaken with suitable resulting action taken place?
Culture and Engagement
Has an appropriate health and safety committee been set up, with minutes or an action list produced, or arrangements for direct consultation made?
Have the minutes/action list been communicated to all colleagues as appropriate?
Is there proactive hazard spotting in place? At a minimum 2 per head per year, aiming for 4 per head per year.
Is hazard spotting engaged with at all appropriate levels?
Is H&S visble ie thorough signage, posters, campaigns, golden rules, communication and notice boards? Is it all up to date?
Are there any branch initiatives?
How well is Safety Cloud utilised in the branch?
Is there a suitable evidence of the branch managers leading H&S on the site?
How did the general attitude towards H& S come across with the general workforce? Speak with at least 2 individuals,
How do you feel about the current H&S measures in place at our workplace?
Do you think the company prioritises employee H&S adequately?
Do you feel comfortable raising concerns or reporting hazards related to H&S?
How do you think we could improve our H&S culture?
How would you rate the overall commitment of our company to H&S?
Have you noticed any changes in our approach to H&S over time?