Title Page
Health and Safety Audit - Lobby Lounge
Conducted on
Prepared by
Hand Washing Sinks
Hand washing sink used only for hand washing and it is kept in good condition.
Hand washing sink has soap and single use paper towel available.
Hand washing sink water is warm.
Hand washing signage is available.
Good Hygienic Practices
No smoking, gum or tabacco chewing in the food service areas.
Proper drinking/eating in food service area. (Drinks only in covered cups and stored below or separately from customers food and prep areas)
Remind staff members to always wash their hangs after eating or drinking before returning to work.
Check for cleanliness.
Protection from contamination
Food and food handling areas should be kept away from: Chemicals, cleaning tools, employee personal items, etc.
Items should be at least 6 inches off the floor to allow proper cleaning and to minimize pest harborage areas.
All colleagues personal items are kept in a separate bin under any food handling surfaces.
Dishwasher and Sanitizer
Temp of hot water sanitizing for dishwashing machine is 180F (82C) to 194F (90C) producing of at least 160F (71C) at surface.<br>(It needs to be at least 160F (71C) to destroy harmful bacteria and other microorganisms that could cause food borne illness)
Check dishwasher temp log.
Bar - Temp of hot water sanitizing for dishwashing machine is 180F (82C) to 194F (90C) producing of at least 160F (71C) at surface.<br>(It needs to be at least 160F (71C) to destroy harmful bacteria and other microorganisms that could cause food borne illness)
Check bar dishwasher temp log.
Proper chemical sanitizing are being used. Test strips should be available and not expired.
Proper chemical sanitizing concentration. <br>Test sanitizer bottles, buckets and dispenser. It should be 200ppm (hold test strip for 10 seconds).
Wiping clothes are properly used. BOH - Clothes are kept in solution in sanitizer bucket between uses and buckets is labeled.
Wiping clothes are properly used. FOH - Clothes are kept in clean container in between use and spray bottles are labeled.
Floors, walls, ceilings are cleanable, clean and in good repair.
Everything should be free of dust and debris. Check wires.
All gaskets (rubber) on refrigeration are clean and in good repair. Write gasket number if needs to be fixed.
Time and temperature control.
Milk fridge has a functioning thermometer and an updated temp log.
Milk fridge temp should always be bellow 40F (4C).
Bar fridge has a functioning thermometer and an updated temp log.
Bar fridge should always be bellow 40F (4C).