
  • Audit Title

  • Premise

  • Date of audit

  • Location
  • Person in charge

  • Designation

  • Telephone number

  • Carried out by

  • Summary

  • Add media

Health and Safety Management systems

  • Is the NLL H&S operational procedures available and up to date?

  • Has all staff been issued with a copy of the most up to date health and safety policy and is this recorded on their training record or have they signed to say they have received a copy?

  • Is there evidence that regular meetings, tool box talks and other forms of communication takes place between management and staff?

  • Have risk assessments been carried out on all activities within the facility, such as generic, manual handling, fire, DSE, PPE, COSHH, etc and have the risk assessments been reviewed with a 24 month period?

  • Have safe systems of work been completed for all risk assessments and are they displayed in a prominent area and communicated to staff?

  • Have adequate measures been introduced to eliminate or control the risks through an action plan and have the uncontrolled risks been added to an overall H&S risk reduction plan?

  • Does the pool safety operating procedures (PSOP'S) consist of the normal operating plans (NOP'S) and the emergency action plans (EAP'S)

  • Has the NOP'S been updated within the last 12 months or less if there has been a significant change in procedures, are staff informed of the changes and does it contain all areas that are relevant to the facility?

  • Has the EAP'S been updated within the past 12 months or less if there has been a significant change in procedures, are staff informed of the changes and does it contain all areas that are relevant to the facility?

  • Are the following clearly displayed and all relevant details competed and current?<br><br>1) Health and Safety Law poster<br>2) First Aiders poster<br>3) Fire Procedures Notices<br>4) No Smoking Policy

  • Have on-site been given sufficient time to complete their H&S responsibilities on a regular basis, such as a day per month to update action plans, etc?

  • Is there an up to date asbestos survey report?

  • Is the Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) register available and up to date?

  • Is there an up to date (PAT) label on all portable electrical equipment?

  • Is the accident reporting system in place and all accidents are being recorded and input into the Council's Incident and Information System (CIRIS)?

  • Is the NLL H&S incident reporting flow chart available and understood?

  • Do you know how to report a work-related incident?

  • Are No Smoking, drinking or eating notices clearly displayed in prominent places within cleaning stores and plant rooms?

  • Others

Staff Competence

  • Induction training is knowing to be effective, for example, judged by competency testing?

  • Induction training includes all new staff, such as cleaners, leisure attendants, receptionists and on-site management team?

  • The induction training programme is suitable and sufficient?

  • The induction training is scheduled throughout the first three months to ensure the retention of information?

  • Is there ongoing refresher training for all staff on an annual basis?

  • Is competency training built into ongoing training for all staff, such as CPR, evacuations, etc?

  • Are all training records sampled dated and signed off by both the employee and trainer and any improvements or non competent issues are raised and singed off as competent?

  • Staff have relevant training and qualifications for specialised roles, such as First Aid, PPOC, IOSH, etc?

  • Expiry dates for all qualifications are monitored?

  • A system is in place to appraise staff training needs and development on an annual basis?

  • Others?

Leisure Attendants

  • What is the normal rotation on the pool?

  • What is the maximum supervision time on the pool?

  • What is the supervision zones on the pool?

  • What were the leisure attendant's positions on the pool at the time of the audit?

  • How do you prevent the working of excessive hours?

  • What are the leisure attendant numbers and roles for specific activities?

  • Are all leisure attendants in their NLL uniform and are wearing suitable footwear?

  • What regular training do leisure attendants receive to ensure competence and to meet the minimum IQL recommended training time?

  • Others

Physical Environment

  • Are there barriers to prevent access to deep water from the changing rooms?

  • Do all stairs, ladders and walkways throughout the pool hall have a gap of less than 8 mm or greater than 25 mm?

  • Are all poolside steps and access ladders free from movement or gaps that could lead to users colliding?

  • Are there any abrupt changes in floor level on the poolside and surrounding areas?

  • Is the poolside slip resistance and has no sharp edges or damaged expansion joints?

  • What measures are taken to manage out physical barriers that could obscure the vision of staff whist supervising the pool?

  • Are lighting levels sufficient within the pool hall? ( record the lighting levels at the time of inspection)

  • Have there been any documented inspections of the pool hall ceiling/ fittings for structural safety?

  • Is good housekeeping of the pool surrounds in place?

  • Are there sufficient pool water depth signs and are they clearly visible?

  • Are there clear, identifiable and sufficient escape routes from the pool hall and can they be opened with ease and have no hazards at the other side of the door? (does the signage conform the H&S safety signs and signals regulations)<br>

  • Is the spectator seating well maintained and designed to prevent falling from height?

  • Are there effective means of preventing unauthorised access to poolside at all times?

  • Is the pool tank floor slip resistant and has no sharp edges?

  • Are there any changes in pool gradient of greater than 1 in 15, particularly in less than 1.5 m depth? <br>Are there clear warning signs of changes in depth in place?

  • Is there adequate definition of the pool edge to prevent users from missing their footing on the poolside and to prevent swimmers striking the pool edge in deck level pools?

  • What is the management of high freeboard (i.e. over 380 mm) is in place, (particularly permanent starting platforms or the freeboard of a wave pool?

  • Are there any areas of water that are difficult to observe from the pool surround and are they identified and managed?

  • Are the recommendations for pool water inlets and outlets given in PAS 39 followed?

  • Do moveable pool floors and moveable bulkheads conform to BS EN 13451-11?

  • Are the changing facilities well maintained? (i.e. lockers, cubicles, toilets, showers, doors, etc.)

  • Is the changing faculty floors free from slips, trips, and falls?

  • Is there safe access and egress to and from the changing facilities?

  • Are there sufficient and adequate information and safety signage within the changing facilities?

  • Are there fire retardant bins within the changing area?

  • Is the hot water for the showers and taps at the correct temperature? (check and record temperature during the audit)

  • Are the baby changing facilities well maintained and hygienic?

  • Is there sufficient lighting within the changing areas? (check lighting levels during the audit)

  • Is there adequate and sufficient toilet facilities provided for all users including persons with disabilities?

  • Are there any exposed hot pipes that feed the radiators or hot water taps?

  • Is there a spinal board available and is it well maintained? (check records)

  • Is there an adequate drowning alarm system in place and is it checked and records kept? (signage)

  • Is there adequate pool rescue equipment in place and is it checked and records kept?

  • Is there suitable and sufficient communication equipment available from poolside to reception, etc?

  • Is there suitable access to and from the pool and changing facilities?

  • Are there specifically designed changing facilities for special needs users?

  • Has the pool hoist being checked with the last 6 months and the checks documented to conform to the LOLER regulations?

  • Is there a documented and suitable cleaning programme in place?

  • There is evidence that regular cleaning is taken place and safety signs are in place?

  • Is there a system in place for regular inspection?

  • The cleaning records are reviewed and updated as required?

  • The chemicals used to clean the pool surround are prevented from entering pool or are compatible with the pool water?

  • Others

User Groups

  • The adult to child supervision ratio policy is established, documented and complies with standard IRSM guidelines?

  • Where applicable is there any variation in the policy and to guidelines is justified by a comprehensive and documented risk assessment?

  • The child admission policy is suitably communicated to all individuals prior to entering changing facilities?

  • What procedures do you gave in place to detection and control weak swimmers?

  • Are there qualified leisure attendants present during coached sessions?

  • The division of responsibility between the leisure attendant and swimming teacher/ coach is clearly defined and documented in the NOP?

  • Are the class sizes and teacher/ pupil ratios adequate?

  • Are there qualified leisure attendants on duty during any un programmed play session in the pool?

  • There is a suitable, sufficient and documented child protection policy in place? (check NOP'S)

  • There is sufficient and documented training and instruction given to all staff that is appropriate to their post?

  • Are all staff that is recognised within the departments CPP are being checked through Disclosure Scotland?

  • There has been a DDA assessment carried out for special needs users?

  • Are there procedures in place to ensure any users identified as having special needs are able to use the pool safely?

  • There are adequate signs in place to inform users with special needs to notify staff or any assistance required?

  • Is pre-use hygiene encouraged and nappy changing facilities and bins are provided?

  • Others

General Health and Safety Training

  • What induction training has been carried out?

  • What training has been carried out for Pool Plant Operations? (Pool Plant Operators Certificate (PPOC) names, dates obtained, revalidated (5 years), etc. site specific training)

  • What training has been carried out for Plant-room rescues? (training records, revalidation dates (2 years), etc)

  • What training has been carried out for manual handling?

  • What training has been carried out for body spillages?

  • What training has been carried out for dealing with faecal contamination in the pool?

  • What training has been carried out for ladder safety?

  • What training has been carried out for the use of PPE?

  • What First Aid training is in place? (check records, revalidation dates, etc.)

  • What training has been carried out for dealing with chemical spillages?

  • What training has been carried out for the bulk delivery of Sodium Hypochlorite?

  • What training has been carried out for the use of the evac-chair?

  • What training has been carried out for spa pools where applicable?

  • What training has been carried out for personal safety for all frontline staff?

  • What training had been put in place for fire safety? (see fire section of the audit for more information)

  • What training has been put in place for the safe use of trampolines? (check records)

  • What training has been carried out for COSHH and safe handling of chemicals?

  • What training has been carried out on Safe Systems of Work

  • What training has been carried out for sharps?

  • Others

Plant Room & Heating and Circulation

  • Inspect the housekeeping within the pant room area

  • What safety signage is in place?

  • Are there any slip, trip and fall hazards an are they controlled?

  • What chemical detection systems are in place?

  • Is there safe access and egress from and to the plant room?

  • Is the spillage kit available for use and is sufficiently stocked?

  • Is the breathing apparatus available for use and is regularly maintained?

  • Is there sufficient fire exits, lighting and signs within the plant room?

  • Is the emergency shower suitable?

  • Are there written safety procedures for the operation of the water treatment systems. These include operating instructions and maintenance instructions and staff are trained and this is documented?

  • The procedures are subject to planned review to incorporate any changes to plant or practice and changes in industry guidance?

  • All staff involved in plant room operations are trained to the minimum of ISRM Pool Plant Operations Certificate?

  • There are suitable risk assessments for all operations including COSHH risk assessments that accurately reflect all routine and non-routine operations, such as striping down injectors, etc?

  • The plant room is clean and tidy?

  • Floors and stairs are in good condition, excess water is removed via a sump pump, the room is well lit and any protruding hazards at head height are highlighted and protected if necessary?

  • The boiler/ Plant room is kept secure at all times and any louvred doors have secure wire mesh on the inside of the louvers?

  • Are staff trained in site specific pool plant operations and is this documented?

  • Is there means of an operator to summon aid to the plant room, such as a telephone, two way ratio, man down alarm, etc?

  • Other

Heating and Circulation

  • What systems are in place to maintain satisfactory environmental conditions of the pool hall area?

  • What is the pool hall temperature during the time of the audit?<br><br>Should be 1oC above pool water temperature and no greater than 30 oC

  • What are the ventilation rates?

  • Check to see the there is no re-circulation of pool hall air


  • Is the Fire Logbook available on site?

  • Is the Fire Logbook correctly maintained?

  • Has a Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) been carried out? (check date)

  • Has the FRA corrective actions been carried out?

  • Are fire exits, stairways and escape routes clearly marked, in good condition and clear of obstructions?

  • Are alternative fire exits available for use?

  • Are all fire exits operational, identified inside and outside and is the emergency lighting operational?

  • Are the emergency lights being inspected on a monthly basis by centre staff and an annual drain down and inspection by a competent person?

  • Is there a written fire instruction, which clearly allocates responsibilities for contacting emergency services?

  • Do the instructions include arrangements for the evacuation of the disabled? (where applicable)

  • Is the fire signage adequate and prominently displayed for the following:- <br>a) Direction signs<br>b) Fire Action notices <br>c) Call point notices<br>d) Fire extinguisher signs

  • Has staff been trained in fire procedures and the use of fire extinguishers?

  • Are all fire doors kept closed?

  • Are switchgear rooms clear of any potential fire hazard?

  • Are call and fire extinguisher points prominently displayed and clear of obstruction?

  • Can the fire alarm be heard throughout the facility?

  • Are the required number of fire drill being carried out and being recorded?

  • Are the drills unannounced?

  • Is the fire alarm system exclusively for fire and is it checked in accordance with the department's recommendations?

  • Are the tests recorded and are there any faults within the system that has been recorded?

  • Are there adequate fire extinguishers and are they located in the correct location and all wall mounted?

  • Have they been serviced within the last 12 months? (Record dates and any extinguisher that are either damaged, missing tags, obsolete, etc)

  • Do you know how to report any extinguisher that requires to be re-filled?

  • Have automatic fire detection systems been installed throughout the facility? (visual check and also check mat stores for detection systems)

  • Is there clear air space round each detector? (500 mm radius or twice the depth of ceiling fitted detector)

  • Are the tests recorded?

  • Is the NLL Fire Evacuation Procedures sign available and displayed at reception?

  • Is there an emergency escape kit available at reception and are the contents as per the agreed list?

  • Other

First Aid

  • Is the location of the first aid room and boxes identified?

  • Is the box identified?

  • Are the contents as prescribed?

  • Are additional items provided to prevent contact with blood, etc?

  • Are there sufficient first aiders and appointed persons? (check and record dates of expiry)

  • Has a first aid risk assessment been carried out?

  • Is the first aid room suitable and has sufficient facilities and equipment available?

  • Is sterile water (minimum of 2 x 500ml) and mirror available? (check use by date and seal)

  • How regular are the first aid box contents checked? (check records)

  • Is there a first aid kit in the plant room and are the contents in date and checked regularly?

  • Is the first room clean and hygienic, how often is it cleaned and recorded?

  • Is Vikron used to clean up body spills?

  • Others

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health

  • Have all substances been COSHH assessed and are assessments available and up to date?

  • Are COSHH assessments and MSDS available within the store areas?

  • Are all chemicals stored safely and alkalis and acids segregated? (check all storage ares)

  • Are there any chemicals that are not labelled, out of date, leaking, etc?

  • Are there eye wash stations in all cleaning stores and plant rooms?

  • Is the exposure to substance prevented or controlled?

  • Is the COSHH assessor suitability trained to carry out the assessments?

  • Are all containers disposed of via a licensed contractor as required, such as HTH drums, etc?

  • Is the introduction of new chemicals controlled?

  • Others

Manual Handling

  • Has Manual Handling been reduced as far as reasonably practice?

  • Has Manual Handling Assessments been carries out on all activities that require to be assessed?

  • Has an action plan been put in place to reduce the need of manual handling and is it being implemented?

  • Are there workplace Manual Handling Trainers available to deliver the necessary training?

  • Is there sufficient signage displayed in prominent locations?

  • Others

Mechanical and Electrical

  • Are all moving machine parts guarded?

  • Are all doors to electrical switchgear locked?

  • Are electrical hazard warning signs displayed prominently on all external doors and panel doors?

  • Is the condition of all portable electrical equipment cables, plugs and electrical sockets satisfactory?

  • Is there clear access to all electrical switch rooms and panels?

  • Is all electrical systems inspected by competent persons and recorded? (certificate for 17th edition IEE)

  • What sage systems of work (SSOW) are in place to ensure that staff working on electrical systems are not at risk of an electrical shock? (SSOW and permits to work)

  • Carry out a visual check of fixed wiring and switches

  • What frequency are RCD's checked?

  • Are there rubber mats available at all main electrical switch boxes?

  • Others

Access Equipment and Working at Height

  • What arrangements are in place for the use of scaffolding? (check scaffolding, maintenance records, training, etc)

  • What arrangements are in place for the use of Mobile Elevated Working Platforms (MEWP's)? (check MEWP's, maintenance records, training, etc)

  • What risk assessments, SSOW are in place for the use of scaffolding and MEWP'S

  • What procedures are in place to prevent contractors, such as MPC, etc using NLL access equipment, such as scaffolding, MEWP'S, ladders, etc? (all contractors and sub contractors should supply their own access equipment)

  • What ladders are used on site? (inspect all ladders for safety, numbering, etc)

  • Is there a ladder register available and competed prior to the ladder being used?

  • Are there any harnesses available for use and have they been inspected and tested? (check records)

  • Are staff instructed not to access roof areas where there is insufficient edge protection and the risk of falling from a height?

  • Are contractors instructed not to carry out any work on the roof without the appropriate risk assessment, SSOW, permit to work, etc?

  • Others

Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

  • Have defined users been identified?

  • Have a suitable and sufficient DSE risk assessments been carried out and has this been recorded? (check risk assessments)

  • Do defined users receive appropriate eyesight tests periodically and is this recorded?

  • Are document holders, footrests, headsets, etc available?

  • Do defined users receive sufficient breaks away from the VDU?

  • Have the action points raised within the DSE risk assessment been actioned?

  • Others


  • Has a noise risk assessment been carried out in areas that have been identified as high-risk ares, such as plant rooms, etc?

  • If not, are all areas, such as, plant rooms designated ear protection zones?

  • Is there sufficient signage and information given to persons entering an ear protection zone?

  • Is there sufficient disposable ear plugs, ear defenders, etc, available for employees and contractors that have to work in these areas?

  • Others

Personal Protective Equipment

  • Has a risk assessment been carried out for all PPE identified and is this communicated to all staff that requires to wear PPE?

  • Is PPE worn when required?

  • Is there a system of regular inspection of PPE and is this recorded?

  • Is the PPE of the appropriate standard and is it suitable for the purpose of the job required?

  • Is the PPE suitably stored?

  • Has training been given in the safe use of PPE to all relevant employees?

  • Has a fit test for disposable face masks been carried out on all employees that work with pool chemicals?

  • Is there suitable and sufficient signage available?

  • Is PPE individually issued to all staff and do they sign that they have received the PPE?

  • Others

Fitness Suite (lower level)

  • Have all users received an induction prior to using the equipment and have they completed a PARQ and this is signed off by the gym instructor with the minimum qualification of level 2 (REPS)?

  • What is the condition of the lighting, floor covering, walls and ceiling? (visual inspection)

  • What is the condition of the equipment? (check pads, chains, pins, etc)

  • Is there an annual maintenance contract in place?

  • What checks are carried out by staff and is this recorded?

  • Are users encouraged to wipe down machines after use? (check signage and if paper towels and disinfectant is available)

  • What qualifications do the gym instructors have? (check qualifications)

  • What is the staffing levels within the gym? (check rotas)

  • What is the cleaning programme for the gym? (check cleaning schedule)

  • Is there signage on all machines to indicate the type, basic instructions and the weight of the stacks?

  • What is the temperature within the gym area? (should be 18oC)

  • Is there sufficient air conditioning and is it well maintained?

  • Is there a drinking water supply and cups available for customers?

  • Is the level of music and TV volume controlled to prevent customers increasing the level above an acceptable level?

  • What systems are in place to prevent overcrowding? (check NOP's for maximum numbers)

  • Is the gym staffed at all times or is there a door control entry system in place with regular checks, CCTV, etc?

  • Use by juniors is restricted and those under 14 do not use the equipment unless is it designed for young people. This policy is displayed within the centre?

  • Where schools use the gym, there is controls in place on the use of equipment by those under 16 and any use by students is directly supervised by a teacher qualified in gym instruction?

  • Is there a minimum of 2 metre run off treadmills?

  • Others

Fitness Suite (upper level)

  • Have all users received an induction prior to using the equipment and have they completed a PARQ and this is signed off by the gym instructor with the minimum qualification of level 2 (REPS)

  • What is the condition of the lighting, floor covering, walls and ceiling? (visual inspection)

  • What is the condition of the equipment? (check pads, chains, pins, etc)

  • Is there an annual maintenance contract in place?

  • What checks are carried out by staff and us this recorded?

  • Are users encouraged to wipe down machines after use? (check signage and if paper towels and disinfectant is available)

  • What qualifications do the gym instructors have? (check qualifications)

  • What is the staffing levels within the gym? (check rotas)

  • What is the cleaning programme for the gym? (check cleaning schedule)

  • Is there signage on all machines to indicate the type, basic instructions and the weight of the stacks?

  • What is the temperature within the gym area? (should be 18oC)

  • Is there sufficient air conditioning and is it well maintained?

  • Is there a drinking water supply and cups available for customers?

  • Is the level of music and TV volume controlled to prevent customers increasing the level above an acceptable level?

  • What systems are in place to prevent overcrowding? (check NOP's for maximum numbers)

  • Is the gym staffed at all times or is there a door control entry system in place with regular checks, CCTV, etc?

  • Use by juniors is restricted and those under 14 do not use the equipment unless it is designed for young people. This policy is displayed within the centre?

  • Where schools use the gym, there is controls in place on the use of equipment by those under 16 and any use by students is directly supervised by a teacher qualified in gym instruction?

  • Is there a minimum of 2 metre run off from treadmills?

  • Others

Sports Halls

  • What is the condition of the floor, is it slip resistant and in good repair?

  • Is the floor subject to regular cleaning and this is documented?

  • Walls and surfaces are suitable for there use of the hall and present a smooth surface. There are no exposed edges or protruding obstacles, such as door, handles, fire extinguishers, etc?

  • Rebound boards are in place, secure and divider nets does not affect safety of the activity?

  • Breeze blocks are sealed with paint, ledges and high level fittings are kept relatively free of dust build up?

  • Light fittings are protected from impact damage from balls if required. Light guards are secured to the light, the lights if suspended have at least a double chain fitting to the light to avoid the guard falling if dislodged?

  • The level of illumination is suitable for the types of activities taking place within the sports hall?

  • There is a risk assessment and safe system of work for replacement of bulbs in high level areas?

  • There is no obvious trip hazards for balls against light fittings when they get hot?

  • What is the condition of the sports hall equipment?

  • What pre-use checks are carried out on the sports equipment? (Check records)

  • Equipment is checked and serviced regularly by a competent person?

  • Is the sports hall stores tidy and easily accessible for staff to be able to remove and return items quickly and safely? (check for signage, demarcation lines, storage plans, etc)

  • What training has staff received in the set up of sports equipment? (Check training records)

  • Are mats stored within a designated mat store? (see fire section)

  • Are there any special events held within the sports hall? (check records, maximum numbers and NOP'S)

  • Is there any grandstand type seating used for any events? (Visual check of seating, qualifications, etc)

  • Are all 5-a-side goalposts secured correctly?

  • What is the temperature of the sports hall during the time of the audit?

  • All specialist coaches, such as martial arts are suitably qualified and hold up to date public liability insurance?

  • Others

Dance Studio

  • What is the condition of the walls, floor, ceiling and lighting levels?

  • What is the condition of the dance studio equipment?

  • Are there an storage areas, if so re they tidy and easily accessible for staff to be able to remove and return items quickly and safely?

  • What is the temperature of the dance studio?

  • Is the level of music controlled to prevent coaches increasing the level above an acceptable level?

  • All coaches are suitably qualified, (REPS) and are disclosure Scotland checked?

  • What system is in place to prevent overcrowding? (is there set numbers for each type of class)

  • Others

Lesser Studio

  • What is the condition of the walls, floors, ceiling and lighting levels?

  • What is the condition of the dance studio equipment?

  • Are there any storage areas, if so are they tidy and easily accessible for staff to be able to remove and return items quickly and safely?

  • What is the temperature of the dance studio?

  • Is the level of music controlled to prevent coaches increasing the level above an acceptable level?

  • All coaches are suitably qualified, (REPS) and are disclosure Scotland checked?

  • What system is in place to prevent overcrowding? (is there set numbers for each type of class)

  • Others

Spin Studio

  • What is the condition of the walls, floor, ceiling and lighting levels?

  • What is the condition of the spin bikes? (Visual check of cranks, pedals, wheels, etc)

  • Is there an annual maintenance contract in place?

  • What is the temperature of the spin studio?

  • Is the level of music controlled to prevent coaches increasing the level above an acceptable level?

  • What is the maximum number and is this suitable for the area available?

  • What checks are being carried out by staff and are they recorded?

  • What is the cleaning programme for the spin studio and bikes?

  • Others

Toilet Areas

  • What is the condition of the walls, floor, ceiling and lighting levels?

  • What is the condition of any equipment?

  • Do all cubicle door locks, lock and display vacant/occupied

  • Other

Soft Play Areas (Physical Environment)

  • Is the design of the play area suitable for the age of the children?

  • Is the facility inspected pre-use and in-depth monthly?

  • Is there a defect reporting system in place and are repairs carried out promptly?

  • Is there a schedule for cleaning the soft play area?

  • What is the condition of the walls, floor, ceiling and lighting?

  • Has a risk assessment of the soft play been carried out?

  • Has an independent ROSPA inspection been carried out prior to any new installs being opened to the public?

  • What is the condition of the padding, cage, framework, etc?

  • How often are the balls In the ball pit cleaned and what condition are they in?

  • What is the depth of the ball pit (450mm to 600mm) for juniors, (350mm to 450mm) for toddlers?

  • Are the ball pit sides sufficiently robust to retain the balls within the pond and to stop them spilling out?

  • Are all appropriate exposed walls, floors and structural features covered in padding?

  • Retention netting is securely fitted and does not present gaps in which heads or limbs might become trapped?

  • How often is the soft play area checked and re the checks recorded and actioned?

  • Is the equipment maintained annually by an external contractor?

  • How is access to the soft play area controlled?

  • Is the soft play area supervised?

  • Is there a limit on maximum numbers? (is this detailed in the NOP'S)

  • Is there signage up detailing rules, maximum numbers, height restrictions, etc?

  • Is there more than one level, if so how is falling from heights prevented?

  • Is there sufficient ventilation within the soft play area?

  • Does the viewing area allow a clear view of the play area?

  • Are there suitable and sufficient storage for shoes, coats and prams?

  • Are there adequate toilet and changing facilities close to the soft play area?

  • Are there any cards that can be accessed by children?

  • Others

Soft Play Area (Fire and Emergency)

  • A soft play specific fire risk assessment has been carried out?

  • Possible sources of ignition have been removed/ guarded?

  • Equipment is flame retardant?

  • Is worn equipment with exposed foam replaced?

  • Are there two escape routes from the play area?

  • Are there suitable numbers of fire extinguishers within the facility (AFFF type recommended)

  • Is there adequate emergency lighting within the soft play area?

  • Children can be evacuated from all levels of the structure if multi level?

  • Is there a clear audible/ visible fire alarm?

  • Fire action signs are displayed within the area?

  • Staff are trained in the evacuation plan?

  • Fire exits are unobstructed and clearly visible?

  • Are there at least two escape routes from the play area?

  • Can disabled children be quickly evacuated from the soft play area and are the staff trained in the use of the evacuation chair?

  • Others

Soft Play Area (Operations)

  • Supervision levels have been assessed, documented and are followed?

  • Are staff disclosure Scotland checked and have received child protection training?

  • The room incorporates designs to increase child security where needed, such as CCTV, alarmed doors, key code entry, etc?

  • Rules of play are clearly displayed and a maximum user height line displayed to avoid ambiguity, rules of play may include removal of jewellery, pinned badges, glasses, large belts, children who are unwell, etc?

  • Is there accidents trends monitored?

  • No food or drink being consumed within the play area and signage in place?

  • The slide is supervised at all times?

  • It is inspected daily pre-use?

  • The number of children allowed to slide at one time is restricted to the manufactures instructions?

  • Children are not allowed to slide until the run area is clear?

  • Children remove their shoes but not socks and wear clothes that cover arms and legs?

  • Children slide in the correct manner (feet first with arms crossed, hands placed on opposite shoulders)?

  • Has the disabled chair lift been serviced/ commissioned and are staff trained in its use?

  • Others

Inflatable Equipment

  • Does the inflatable comply with manufacturers guidelines?

  • What is the procedure for the safe set up and break down of the inflatable?

  • What procedures are in place to ensure that the electrical supply is a safe distance from the poolside, no trailing or damaged cables, etc?

  • Are there user safety rules displayed?

  • Is there sufficient all round supervision of the inflatable?

  • How is the inflatable tethering and what maximum numbers are allowed on at any one time?

  • What maintenance, hygiene and dry storage procedures are there in place?

Other Pool Activities

  • What controls are in place for weak or non-swimming using mats?

  • What controls are in place to avoid collision of mats?

  • How many mats are on site and what size are they?

  • What is the maximum number of mats used at any one time to control overcrowding?

  • Do you have a Sub Aqua Club and if so what control measures are in place?

  • Do you have a canoeing cub and if s what control measures are in place?

  • Do you hire the pool out for galas, private hire, etc and if so what control measures are in place?

  • Others

Management of Features

  • What water features do you have and what control methods are in place?

  • What inspection and maintenance is carried out on diving blocks, touch pads and lane ropes?

  • What safety controls are in place when moving/ removing and fitting/ de-rigging the diving blocks, touch pads and lane ropes?

  • What are the storage arrangements for all lane ropes, touch pads and lane ropes, plus any other ancillary equipment?

  • Has a risk assessment been carried out for the water slide or flume?

  • What access control measures are in place?

  • How do you control user to prevent collision?

  • What is the condition of the flume and when was it last inspected?

  • How do you prevent user injury at the launch/ landing areas of the flume?

  • What information do you have for the users of the flume?

  • What is the condition of the landing area?

  • What are the condition of the mats (if used)?

  • Is there any height and age restrictions?

  • Do you have any river rapids and lazy rivers and what control measures do you have in place?

  • Do you have a poolside spa and what control measures are in place?

  • Any other miscellaneous features?

  • Others

  • Are wave outlets guarded with vertical bars and the aperture is less than 100mm?

  • Is there a marked safety zone in front of the outlet of at least 1m? (this may be signed or sectioned off with a lane rope)

  • Are weak and non-swimmers advised to move to the beach area before the waves start?

  • Are the waves preceded by an audible and visual alarm e.g. Klaxon and flashing warning light?

  • Are the operation of the waves controlled by an operator who has a clear view of the session. This person can stop the wave action quickly in an emergency?

  • Are life guarding numbers sufficient to view the pool effectively during the waves?

  • Is jumping and diving into the pool prohibited during the waves?

  • Is the jumping and diving from the high freeboard above the wave outlet when not in use prohibited or prevented?

  • Do water curtains or waterfalls (e.g. mushroom features) conceal hazards such as submerged steps or plinths. Any blind spots to general supervision of the pool created by these features have been identified and addressed?

  • Others

External Areas

  • Are all roads, footpaths, steps and other surfaces in good condition?

  • Are manhole/ drain covers in place and in good condition?

  • Are all covers on lighting columns in place and in good condition?

  • Are refuse bins located in a suitable place?

  • Have suitable steps been taken to prevent unauthorised access to the roof of the facility?

  • Have suitable arrangements been made to provide safe access and egress to the facility for persons with disabilities?

  • Have satisfactory arrangements been made to protect staff and customers using the premises from traffic movement?

  • Are gates, fences, walls and other fixtures in good condition?

  • Others

Work Area/ Welfare

  • Is the general ventilation satisfactory?

  • Does the lighting appear to be adequate and suitable?

  • Is all office accommodation tidy, free of trip hazards and storage of heavy items are below shoulder height, etc?

  • Are there suitable rest and eating facilities available?

  • Are there suitable toilet and wash hand facilities provided?

  • Are there suitable changing facilities provided?

  • Is there a suitable rest area for pregnant staff and or nursing mothers?

  • Are all internal floors, passages and stairs in good condition?

  • Is there an adequate supply of wholesome drinking water?

  • Are there reasonable working temperatures for all employees working in different areas of the facility, such as reception, poolside, etc?

  • Are thermometers located as required to measure the various locations?

  • Are the premises, furniture and fittings clean and in safe condition?

  • Are all items stored safely?

  • Are designated staff only areas secure and suitable signage in place to advise the public not to enter these areas?

  • Others

Windows/ Doors

  • Do all doors on any main traffic route have vision panels?

  • Do transparent doors/ walls have a feature to make them visible?

  • Are appropriate systems in place to permit windows to be cleaned safely?

  • Are window openings restricted to prevent persons falling from open windows?

  • Are suitable measures in place to prevent persons fall from a height?

  • Others

Control of Contractors and Sub-Contractors

  • What safety measures are in place to control contractors and sub-contractors?

  • Is past safety performance used in the selection of contractors and sub-contractors?

  • Are contractors and sub-contractors issued with contract documentation?

  • Do contractors and sub-contractors prepare risk assessments?

  • Are lifting plans prepared for lifting operations?

  • Are method statements submitted before contractors and sub-contractors come on site?

  • Do contractors sign in and out of the facility and are they issued with a visitors badge?

  • Do site management ensure that the contractors and sub-contractors complete the contractors checklist prior to work commencing?

  • Others


  • Is NLL's 'Smoking' policy implemented?

  • Are there any health and safety issues relating to the fabric of the building?

  • Are there adequate storage areas within the facility?

  • Is there a sharps kit available on site and where is it located?

  • Are the NLL guidance notices on sharps disposal and injuries displayed?

  • Is there a planned preventive maintenance system in place?

  • Does all equipment conform to CE standards?

  • Is all work equipment in good condition?

  • If there is lifting equipment on site is there an inspection procedure for it, such as, passenger lifts, hoists, etc? (check records)

  • Are there suitable procedures for the disposal of waste material, such as fluorescent light tubes, pool chemical containers, etc?

  • Is there a visitors badge system in place?

  • Is there sufficient directional signage throughout the facility?

  • Is there any LPG/ petrol sorted on the premises, if so what are the storage facilities and are they suitable?

  • Are all self closing doors operational?

  • Are there any confined workspaces within the facility, if so what arrangements are in place to ensure the safety of the person carrying out the work? (any permit to work systems, SSOW, etc)

  • Is all lifting equipment marked with a safe working load (SWL)?

  • Are all gas boilers serviced at least annually? (check records)

  • What action is taken with regard to violence at work?

  • Are the NLL posters and information on violence at work displayed in prominent locations?

  • What procedures are in place to control legionella? (check risk assessment, testing records, etc)

  • Are there local safety representatives within the facility?

  • What qualifications do site management have in health and safety? (IOSH, NEBOSH, etc)

  • Is there a chemical register on site, is it kept in reception and recorded in the EAP'S?

  • Others

External Agencies

  • What is the standard of housekeeping?

  • Is a copy of the clubs public liability insurance available and a copy kept on site?

  • Is a copy of the clubs child protection policy available and a copy kept on site?

  • What heating and ventilation systems are there in place?

  • What are the condition of the mirrors?

  • Are the fire extinguishers serviced?

  • What is the condition of the lighting, ceilings and walls?

  • What is the condition of the brackets, punch bags, etc?

  • Is there any equipment that requires to be removed?

  • What communications systems are there in place with regard to ensuring the club are aware of the EAP, NOP, fire alarms, stc?

  • What smoke detection systems are there in place?

  • What is the condition of the emergency lighting?

  • Has COSHH assessments been carried out for the products such as nail varnish and copies given to the centre?

  • Is there a suitable number of electrical sockets available?

  • Others

Outdoor Football Area (Grass)

  • Is the pitch surface free of rubbish, glass, etc?

  • Are there any visible signs of wear and tear of the pitch surface?

  • Are the goal posts in good condition?

  • Are the portable goal posts anchored securely to the ground?

  • What checks are carried out on goal posts and anchors and are these recorded? (Check records)

  • Is the floodlighting adequate (check for any lights out)

  • Is the fencing around the pitch in good condition with no edges which protrude into the area of play or spectating?

  • Is there is a separate changing area for outdoor pitches, what condition are they in?

  • Is there any spectator areas, if so what condition are they in?

  • Any ancillary sports equipment such as netball posts etc. are fit for use and subject to regular inspection?

  • Is the fence an adequate height for the surroundings?

  • Are the gates fitted flush with the fence?

  • Is the artificial lighting suitably guarded from damage?

  • Is there a safe method of work to replace bulbs? (potential work at height)

  • Are access panels and sub stations securely locked?

  • Is anti-social behaviour addressed if necessary and the area is included in police patrols / CCTV?

  • Is the area checked for sharps e.g. Discarded needles?

  • What first aid arrangements are there in place?

  • Is there sufficient run off around the whole playing surface?

  • Others

Outdoor Football Area (Synthetic)

  • Is the pitch surface free of rubbish, glass etc?

  • Are there any visible signs of wear and tear of the pitch surface?

  • Are the goal posts in good condiiton?

  • Are the portable goal posts anchored securely to the ground?

  • What checks are carried out on goal posts and anchors and are these recorded? (check records)

  • Is the floodlighting adequate? (check for any lights out)

  • Is the fencing around the pitch in good condition with no edges which protrude into the area of play or spectating?

  • If there is a separate changing area for outdoor pitches, what condition are they in?

  • Is there any spectator areas, if so what condition are they in?

  • Any ancillary sports equipment such as netball posts etc are fit for use and subject to regular inspection?

  • Is the fence of an adequate height for the surroundings?

  • Are the gates fitted flush with the fence?

  • Is the artificial lighting suitably guarded from damage?

  • Is there a safe method of work to replace bulbs? (potential work at height)

  • A access panels and sub stations securely locked?

  • Is anti-social behaviour addressed if necessary and the area is included in police patrols / CCTV?

  • Is the area checked for sharps e.g. Discarded needles?

  • What first aid arrangements are there in place?

  • Is there sufficient run off around the whole playing surface?

  • Others (main stairs)

Lone Working

  • Is there a significant risk to lone workers undertaking this task/ working in this area?

  • Has a risk assessment been carried out for each lone worker/ work activity that reflects both the task and the environment?

  • Is there a risk that lone workers may be subject to acts of violence?

  • Does the workplace present a special risk to the lone worker?

  • Is it feasible and practical to provide additional staff or supervision?

  • Is there a safe method of access and escape for the lone worker?

  • Do any tasks (e.g. Lifting) require more than one person?

  • Are woman or young workers especially at risk if they work alone?

  • Are the persons working in this area/ conducting this task medically fit and suitable to work alone?

  • Is any further training required?

  • How would first aid be obtained if necessary?

  • How is assistance summoned?

  • What periodic supervision and communication processes are in place?

  • How is emergency assistance summoned?

  • What happens if the person becomes ill?

  • Is there an effective CCTV system in operation?

  • Is there an effective control entry system in operation?

  • Is there any history of problems with this task/ in this area?

  • Others

Outdoor Working

  • Has an outdoor working risk assessment been carried out?

  • Has suitable and sufficient PPE been supplied for all staff?

  • Staff are provided with suitable first aid equipment facilities?

  • Is work suspended when there is a risk of lightening storms and is there a procedure within the EAP/NOP?

  • Is there a procedure in place for working in and around water for drowning and leptospirosis?

  • Is there suitable PPE/ sun protection cream for working in hot/sunny weather?

  • Control measures are in place for working with vehicles and other road traffic?

  • There are suitable measures in place for staff to summonses assistance?

  • There are suitable welfare and rest facilities available for staff?

  • Is the work equipment suitable for outdoor work?

  • There is a regime in pace for pest control where rats and other vermin are suspected?

  • Is there a procedure in place for dealing with discarded needles and have staff been trained in the procedure?

  • Others

Pool Activities

  • Diving from the poolside should not take place in un programmed swimming sessions where:-<br><br>A) the depth of the water is less than 1.5 m<br><br>B) or there is less than 7.6 m forward clearance <br><br>C) or where the height of the pool surround above the level of the water is more than 0.38 m

  • Are there any supervised diving sessions?

  • Has there been a diving risk assessment carried out?

Spa Pools

  • Does the spa pool have a rest period within its hourly cycle? (recommended 20 minutes per hour)

  • What is the average turnover period? (10 turnovers per hour)

  • What is the condition of the pool outlets? (to avoid the risk of entrapment)

  • How often is the balance tank cleaned and disinfected? (recommend once a month)

  • How often is the spa pool back washed? (check pressure rates, should be no more than 5psi)

  • What coagulants are used and what system is in place?

  • What temperature is the sap pool being operated at? (maximum temperature 40oC) (recommended 37oC)

  • What is the set point for free chlorine? (carry out a check of the spa pool at time of audit should be between 3 and 5 ppm for sodium hypo)

  • What is the alkalinity level? (carry out a check of the spa pool at the time of audit ideal range 120 to 140 ppm for sodium hypochlorite dosed pools)

  • What is the calcium hardness level? (carry out a check of the spa pool at the time of audit ideal range 100 to 2

Squash Court

  • What is the condition of the walls, floor, ceiling and lighting levels?

  • What procedures are in place to prevent unauthorised entry during play?

  • Are the rules in place for the use of the squash court and the recommendation that players wear eye protection?

  • What is the temperature of the squash court?

  • Is there any public spectator area above the court and if so is there any protection for spectators falling from heights?

  • Are there any items of equipment hired out and if so is it satisfactory?

  • Others


  • What is the condition of the walls, floor, ceiling and lighting?

  • What is the condition of the toys and play equipment?

  • Has a risk assessment been carried out?

  • How often is the crèche checked and are the checks recorded?

  • What is the condition of the general equipment and is it checked by an external contractor?

  • How is access to the crèche area controlled?

  • Is the crèche constantly supervised during the sessions?

  • Is there a limit on maximum numbers? (is this detailed in the NOP'S)

  • Is there signage up detailing rules, maximum numbers, age limits, etc?

  • Has the crèche been registered and inspected by the care commission?

  • Others


  • Is the catering registered with NLC?

  • Is there a HACCP plan in place?

  • Is food safety training carried out?

  • Is H &S training carried out, such as slips and trips, gas equipment, emptying fryers, manual handling, COSHH, etc?

  • Is the training in line with the job role, such as level 2, fire warden, etc?

  • Is a post specific induction training carried out?

  • Refresher training is carried out?

  • There is evidence of previous food safety audits records?

  • Approved suppliers are used?

  • There is a general food safety policy signed by the most senior person?

  • Storage temperatures are checked and recorded?

  • Delivery temperatures are regularly checked?

  • General equipment checks carried out?

  • Do you have maintenance contracts for equipment in place?

  • Portable appliance tested?

  • Equipment temperatures are checked and recorded?

  • Are cleaning schedules in place?

  • Review of records and completed cleaning?

  • Are correct and safe cleaning materials being used?

  • Is the chemical storage separate to the food area?

  • Is there evidence of staff being trained in the safe use of chemicals?

  • Is the correct cleaning equipment available and in good condition?

  • Is there a fly catcher machine in place and has it been serviced annually?

  • Others

Health Suite

  • What is the condition of the walls, floor, ceiling and lighting levels?

  • What are the condition of the sauna benches and cabin?

  • What is the condition of the steam rooms, benches and cabin?

  • What temperature is the sauna cabin being operated at? (check temperature)

  • What temperature is the steam room being operated at? (check temperature)

  • What control measures are in place to prevent unauthorised access to temperature controls?

  • What is the condition of the sauna stove, is it secure, boxed in, fire retardant materials on the wall, etc?

  • Are metal buckets and ladles used within the sauna cabin?

  • What safety checks are carried out within the health suite and are they recorded? (check records)

  • What cleaning programme is in place and how is it documented?

  • What is the temperature of the rest area?

  • What heating and ventilation systems are there in place to maintain an ambient temperature and to remove any odours?

  • What maintenance plan is in place to service and inspect the heating and ventilation systems?

  • Are all electric sockets spurred? (check cables, plugs and sockets)

  • Is there signage in place to inform customers not to shave in the health suite?

  • Is there a cold water supply and cups available for customer to obtain a drink and is the water supply constantly chilled?

  • Are to ISRM'S guidelines for sauna cabins and steam rooms displayed in a prominent location within the health suite?

  • Is there sufficient safety signage displayed for the customers, such as hot coals, do not put excess water on the coals, etc?

  • Does any excess water on the floor drain away quickly?

  • Is there an emergency alarm provided and tested on a regular basis?

  • Others

Stadium Area

  • Does the ground contain regulated stands and has a licence been issued by the local authority?

  • Is the stand in good condition and has received a structural inspections?

  • Is the spectator seating in good condition and return mechanisms in good working order?

  • Is there match day emergency procedures in place?

  • Are training records for stewards in place?

  • Is the guide to safety in sports grounds (green guide) being used as the standard?

  • Is there a traffic management plan in place for match days to ensure that there is a sterile area around the ground?

  • Is the stadium free of rubbish, glass, etc?

  • What first aid arrangements are there in place during match day?

  • Is anti-social behaviour addressed if necessary and the area is included in police patrols/CCTV?

  • Is the 48, 24 hour and pre-match checks carried out and actions are taken where required?

  • Are pre-match operational meetings taking place and minutes of the meeting taken?

  • Are there match reports completed for each game?

  • Are the match day safety officers suitably qualified to NVQ level four?

  • Is the appropriate external signage displayed advising spectators of the rules?

  • Are barriers subject to annual inspection?

  • Is there an operational plan in place in line with the football licensing authority (FLA)

  • Are there match day risk assessments in place?

  • Has a calculation been made with regard to the maximum capacity of each stand and is this reviewed on an annual basis?

  • Is there a match day emergency action plan in place?

  • Is there a spectator safety policy in place?

  • Is there a stewarding plan in place?

  • Are circulation areas suitable and sufficient and are taking into consideration when calculating the maximum stadium/stand capacities?

  • Are there suitable and sufficient communication systems in place during match days?

  • Is there a back up generator/auxiliary services or emergency lightning?

  • Are there gantries/ temporary structures where TV cameras are located and what control measures are there in place?

  • Is there lightening protection and is it inspected annually?

  • Is there a major incident plan in place and is it tested?

  • Is the stadium used for other types of events, such as concerts, etc?

  • Is there a good standard of housekeeping within the stadium and surrounding areas?


  • What is the condition of the walls, floor, ceiling and lighting levels?

  • Is the floor clean?

  • The room has sufficient room to accommodate the number of participants safely?

  • What is the temperature of the dojo?

  • Are emergency exits unobstructed?

  • Are coaches suitably vetted via disclosure scotland and members of their governing body?

  • Do coaches hold suitable public liability insurance?

  • Do coaches hold suitable storage for equipment?

  • Are any wall mounted mirrors secured and supported across the back?

  • Is suspended equipment subject to inspection and is this recorded?

  • Is there sufficient lockers available and are clubs/participants encouraged to use them?

  • Others


  • Is there a driving policy in place and has it been updated within the past 12 months?

  • Have all staff a valid driving licence and have completed a competency driving test before being allowed to drive the vehicle?

  • Has a driving risk assessment been carried out?

  • Are disposable gloves available and worn when filling up with diesel?

  • Are hi viz vest/jackets available for staff to wear when outside of van and on the highway?

  • Is there a programme of annual refresher driving training carried out?

  • Are the fire extinguisher and first aid equipment as part of the vehicle checks and has the extinguisher been serviced on an annual basis or if used/tampered with?

  • Is there a valid tax disc displayed?

  • Is the vehicle insured for all drivers?

  • Is the vehicle regularly maintained by a competent person?

  • Are pre-use inspections being carried out by staff before the vehicle is used?

  • Are seat belts fitted and used by all passengers?

  • Are all drivers over 21 years old?

  • Is the vehicle suitable for occupants, e.g. Seatbelts for children?

  • Is there a history of driving problems, such as accidents, speeding cautions, etc?

  • Are there any high mileage drivers who would benefit from advanced driver training?

  • Vehicles are not used for transporting hazardous substances?

  • There is a no smoking sign displayed within any company vehicle?

  • Is the vehicle being inspected before driving and are the checks recorded?

  • Other

Golf Operations

  • Are staff trained in the use of work equipment, such as mowers, strimmers, tractors, etc?

  • Is all pieces of work equipment subject to a risk assessment?

  • Is suitable PPE provided and inspected by employees?

  • Is all work equipment maintained and inspected?

  • Are all chemicals COSHH assessed?

  • Are all hazardous substances suitably stored?

  • Are all spraying of chemicals carried out by a competent person?

  • Are petrol and diesel stored securely and minimal amounts kept on site?

  • Staff are aware of signs of leptospirosis?

  • The course is designed to minimise the hazards of oilers moving between greens, roads and the public from stray balls?

  • Risks from water features disused wells, etc have been assessed and control measures implemented?

  • Rules of play are communicated to gofers?

  • A ranger service is in place?

  • Others

Golf Operations (driving range)

  • Has a risk assessment been carried out on the ball cleaning machine?

  • Is there a safe system of work for the ball cleaning machine?

  • Are staff trained in basic maintenance tasks, such as the ball cleaner, tractor, etc?

  • Has a noise assessment been carried out on the tractor and ball cleaning machine?

  • Is the tractor securely stored in the garage?

  • Are staff trained on driving range hazards, such as steep banks, dips, slips, trips and falls?

  • What are the ground conditions of the driving range?

  • Is fuel stored safely and is contained in a flame fault and is bunded?

  • Is there a suitable spill kit in place to control and oil or fuel spillage's?

  • Is there an adequate segregation of bays?

  • Is the fencing suitable to contain balls from other users?

  • Are bays well maintained, with mats and equipment in good condition?

  • Is there warning signage to alert customers of the potential fall from height?

  • Is there a safe system of work for collecting golf balls of the range?

  • What is the standard of housekeeping in the golf driving range building?

  • Are there any slips, trips and fall hazards within the building?

  • Are there any slips, trips and fall hazards on the golf driving range bays?

  • Are the rules of play displayed to customers in a prominent location?

  • Is there adequate lighting within the bays and floodlighting?

  • Are the electrical fittings suitable for the environment?

  • Others

Ice Rink

  • Are rules of use displayed and enforced by stewards?

  • Is the numbers of stewards on and around the ice sufficient for the number of skaters for each type of session?

  • Are stewards formally trained and this is recorded in their training record?

  • Is there a written NOP and EAP?

  • Is the direction of travel on the ice in open sessions controlled?

  • Is there adequate illumination of the ice and surrounds areas for supervision and the activity?

  • Staff have been trained in conflict management and how to deal with aggressive behaviour?

  • Is there a structured programme separating family sessions from speed skaters?

  • Is there clear guidelines for those suspected to be under the influence of alcohol and for inexperienced or youth groups?

  • Is there sufficient resurfacing routines to keep the ice surface in good condition and is this recorded?

  • Is the use of equipment, such as zamboni restricted to appropriately trained staff and follows a safe working procedure?

  • Does resurfacing takes into account corners, the surface at the periphery of the pad where the majority of inexperienced skaters will congregate and likely variations in ice depth due to the turning of the machine. Also, the skating track made from ice skates and the overlaps made by the resurfacing machine?

  • Is public access gates closed when the machine is resurfacing the pad?

  • Is the ice surface not overly wet (wet ice is not helpful to the skater and increases the speed of the ice due to reduced friction)

  • Is the ice pad surrounding barriers in good condition and free from entrapment hazards (e.g. that will catch skaters clothing or limbs)?

  • Is the rubber floor matting in good condition with no raised edges or rolled corners)

  • Are skaters restricted to which areas they may enter with skates on?

  • Is the grinding and sharpening of skates carried out by trained staff only?

  • Are blades of private skates brought onto the premises checked before use?

  • Do skate hire staff wear protective gloves?

  • Are returned skates sprayed with a biocide before storage?

  • Is there storage for personal possessions provided to prevent build up of coats, etc around the rink?

  • Are staff aware of hazards presented by electrical equipment in the wet environment?

  • Is portable electrical equipment subject to a schedule of inspection and test and used with RCD'S?

  • Is plugs or electrical equipment that gets wet isolated before any further action is attempted?

  • Is electrical equipment that fails to operate or causes an RCD or circuit breaker to trip, isolated from use and clearly labelled as defective. It is not returned to use until it has been inspected and tested by a competent person and the reason for the problem ascertained?

  • What is the condition of the walls, barriers, ceiling and glazing with the ice rink?

  • Is the ice plant operated by competent and trained staff?

  • What is the condition of the plant and machinery within the plant room?

  • Are all chemicals within the plant room segregated?

  • Is the plant room restricted to authorised staff only?

  • Is the skate grinding machine in a different room?

  • Is LEV in place for the grinding machine and has it been tested every 14 months?

  • Is there any petrol/LGV stored on site and what storage arrangements are there in place?

  • Has work equipment been risk assessed and in good condition?

  • Is the ice plant suitable for the usage of the rink?

  • Is there suitable PPE issued to staff?

  • Has a noise assessment been carried out on machinery, discos, etc and control measures implemented?

  • Other

Athletics hall/track

  • What is the condition of the athletics track?

  • What is the condition of the infield?

  • What is the condition of the infield?

  • What is the condition of the spectators area?

  • What is the condition of the lighting?

  • What is the condition of the athletics equipment?

  • What equipment checks are there in place and are records kept?

  • What controls are in place during athletics meet?

  • What control measures are in place to prevent access to the athletics track from non-users?

  • Are there separate changing facilities for track users? If so what condition are they in?

  • What system is in place to ensure athletes are supervised by a coach whist using the javelin, high jump, etc?

  • All throwing equipment is stored in a secure locked room?

  • Use is supervised by qualified coaches

  • Equipment is subject to a scheme of inspection and maintenance

  • Starting pistols are locked in a secure cabinet and access is via authorised coaches/officials only

  • Other equipment is stored neatly in secure areaa

  • Is is subject to a scheme of inspection and maintenance

  • Has the transporting, set up/down been subject to manual handling assessments where required and have staff are trained in safe lifting and handling techniques?

  • Is the surface is in good repair and lanes clearly marked?

  • Is the track kerbing (especially the inside edge) is in good condition with no protruding edges?

  • Is the long jump approach is smooth and free from dips etc?

  • Is the sand landing area free from debris?

  • Are the throwing cages in good repair?

  • Is the landing area for projectiles marked and kept clear of spectators/ other people?

  • Is the steeple chase water trap emptied of water after each competition?

  • Where there is artificial lighting, is it sufficient for the activity taking place?

  • Is there a safe system of work in place to replace bulbs (potential work at height)?

  • Are access panels and distribution boxes around the track secured from unauthorised access?

  • Has a fixed electrical inspection been carried out?

  • Is there a planned schedule of grounds maintenance carried out by trained personnel?

  • Is there petrol in use (e.g. For generators) and is it held in minimum amounts and stored securely in fire resisting stores?

  • Others


  • Is there a current written scheme for the control of legionella for the building prepared by a competent person. This includes an up to date plan/schematic of the water system, a description of the correct and safe operation of the system, the precautions to be taken to control any risk, the checks that need need to be carried out to ensure controls are effective, remedial action in the event that it is found or suspected that the scheme has not been effective?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.