Title Page
Audit Title
Document No.
Director of Safety?
Conducted on
What operations take place at these premises?
Prepared by
Personnel in Premises or Number of Employees?
Health and Safety Policy
Is there a designated safety officer responsible for health and safety issues?
Is there a valid Health and Safety Policy available?
Has the Health and Safety Policy been signed by the director(s) of safety?
Have all employees signed a declaration to state that they have read and understood the HSP?
Welfare Facilities
Is there Hot and Cold running water on site?
Is there areas for food preparation (for example, microwave etc)?
Is there Seats with backs for breaks?
Is there Tables for breaks?
Is there Soap and Towels for hand washing?
Is there means of boiling water?
Is there drinking water available?
Are these adequate drinking vessels?
Is there a warm place for rest periods?
Is there toilet facilities available and are they in good working order?
Health and Safety Communication
Is there a Health and Safety Committee?
Is there a designated smoking area?
Is the area free from flammables and/or combustible materials?
Is there facilities to extinguish cigarettes and dispose of correctly?
Take Image
Are there Adequate fire extinguishers?
Take image of nearest fire extinguisher
Is the Fire Extinguisher in date of inspection?
Are they being inspected monthly and recorded?
Is there a valid Fire Risk Assessment on site?
Has this been distributed to all employees?
Is the FRA to to date?
Has all actions of the FRA been completed?
What is outstanding?
Is there fire alarm system or a method of sounding the Alarm?
What is the type of alarm system or method
Take image if possible of method or system
If a system, has this been weekly tested and recorded?
Can you provide a brief description of the emergency evacuation procedures in place?
Are all fire exits got signage on or above?
Is there fire action posters displayed?
Is there a fire assembly point?
Is there signage at the assembly point?
Take image of assembly point
When was the last fire drill?
Is there a trained fire warden on site at all times during working hours?
Are all employees aware of the fire procedures? Ask a random member of staff
Emergency and Accidents
Have all employees completed a medical form?
Have all employees given their emergency next of kin contacts?
Are emergency numbers displayed?
How many accidents or near misses have been noted in the past year?
What is the nature of the accidents and/or near misses and which one is more reoccurring?
What actions have been taken after each accident or near miss to prevent future accidents of that nature?
Were any accidents reported to RIDDOR?
What was the nature of this accident?
How many first aid kits are available on site?
Is the First aid kit in date?
Is the First aid kit orderly and tidy?
Do all employees know where to find the first aid kit?
Is the First aid kit in an area easy to locate?
Is there eye wash in the kit?
Is there a qualified first aider on site at all times during opening times?
Notice Board
Is there a Health and Safety Law Poster Displayed?
Is there Public Liability Insurance Displayed?
Is there Employee Liability Insurance Displayed?
Is there a current Health and Safety Provider?
Is there a certificate of appointment displayed?
Take Image
Have all employees received an induction?
Is there a training matrix or records to show competencies?
Is it up to date?
Are all employees competent?
Do they have Manual Handling training?
Do they have PPE Training?
Do they have Working at Height training?
Are there display screen users?
Have they carried out a DSE Assessment?
Have they received DSE Training or TBT?
Personal Protective Equiptment
Have all Employees been issued with PPE?
What PPE have they been issued with?
Have all employees signed for receipt of PPE?
Is PPE in good condition?
Is PPE stored safely when not in use?
Is additional PPE available for specific tasks?
What other additional PPE is required from observations
Hot Works
Do hot works occur on site?
Is there Hot Works Permits completed and recorded?
Is there correct protective provisions available?
Is correct PPE in place?
Are those carrying out Hot Works, trained?
Was the premises built before 2000?
Is there an Asbestos Survey?
Are there any aspects of the building that many cause harm or risk to personnel or other property?
Work Area
How would you rate the overall maintenance and cleanliness of the work environment?
What issues were found?
Is the work area clear of hazards such as Slips, Trips and Falls
Environmental Systems
Is there good waste management on site?
Are there waste transfer notes available?
Is there a Environmental Systems Policy?
Is there a sign in form for visitors, if staying on site for a period or are they kept in a waiting area to prevent harm to visitors?
Are visitors allowed in the working area?
Are they escorted?
Do they receive PPE?
Confined Spaces
Are confined Spaces to be audited?
Are all personnel working in confined spaces trained accordingly?
Is there a permit to enter in place?
Are all necessary procedures in place of an emergency taking place in a confined place?
Has the atmosphere in the confined space been tested and recorded?
Working at Height
Is Working at Height to be inspected in this audit?
Have all personnel working at height received working at height training?
Have all working at height equipment been inspected?
Are all Ladders and Step Ladders identified with individual numbers?
Have all Ladders and Step Ladders been inspected at pre-use and recorded?
Risk Assessments
Is Risk Assessments to be inspected in this audit?
Have relevant risk assessments been compiled for all activities associated with the business?
Have these been read and understood by all employees and signed for?
Are these being followed through observation?
Is COSHH to be inspected in this audit?
Is there SDS sheets available for each substance hazardous to health?
Have COSHH Assessments been carried out for all substances hazardous to health?
Have all employees received Toolbox talk on each substance in accordance with the COSHH Assessment / SDS?
Is DUST to be inspected in this audit?
Is RPE available when required in accordance with COSHH and Risk Assessments?
Is silica dust minimised from disturbance from wind and vehicular movement?
Is there any dry sweeping?
Oils and Fuels
Is Equipment on site to be inspected on this audit?
Is it maintained with records?
Is there pre-use checks?
Are Safe Operating procedures required for the equipment?
Is this in place?
How is this in place?
Are all employees trained in the safe use of all equipment?
Lifting Equipment
Is there Lifting equipment on site?
Is lifting equipment maintained and inspected?
Is it lifting people or not?
Has it been LOLER tested every 6 months?
Has it been LOLER tested every 12 months?
General Comments
Any further comments / observations or recommendations arising from this inspection?
Add any additional relevant photos
Sign Off
Name and Signature of Inspector
Name and Signature of Client