Title Page
Location being audited:
Date of Audit:
Section 1 - Opening Meeting
Introductions and format of the audit
H&S Team
Site Team -
The purpose of this audit is to ensure that the school/college is meeting its statutory requirements with regards to Health & Safety across the Facilities department.
The audit is compiled to specifically look at the following areas:
Facilities Department
High Risk Curriculum Areas (if applicable)
The Site Manager/Facilities Manager will be required to facilitate a full site inspection (including all High Risk Curriculum areas) and to answer questions and provide documentary evidence on areas of compliance.
General Information
Name of Head Teacher/Principal?
Name of Business Manager?
Name of Site Manager/Facilities Manager?
Total number of pupils/students enrolled in school/college?
Total number of staff working in the school/college?
Age of the school/college?
General Notes
Section 2 - Compliance
Section 1 - Water Hygiene & Safety
1.1 - Is there a Water Risk Assessment available for the premises?
1.2 - Is there evidence that the Water Risk Assessment is reviewed every 2 years?
1.3 - If there is a risk, has a scheme for preventing or controlling the risk been developed for the premises?
1.4 - Are there management plans to implement and manage control measures?
1.5 - Is there guidance based around L8 for control of legionella available for reference?
1.6 - Is someone identified as competent for your premises in relation to Legionella?
1.7 - Has the Competent Person for Legionella received appropriate training to allow them to carry out their responsibilities?
1.8 - Are all records in relation to legionella kept? i.e. temperature checks, flushing of little used outlets etc.
1.9 - Is the competent person for legionella involved in any planned work on water or air conditioning systems?
1.10 - Is there evidence that annual chlorination of stored potable water supplies is being carried out?
1.11 - Is there evidence that 6 monthly water tank inspections are being carried out?
1.12 - Is there an adequate system in place for ensuring any issues regarding Legionella are highlighted so that remedial action can be undertaken?
Section 2 - Asbestos
2 - Is there any asbestos on site?
2.1 - Does the building have an Asbestos Risk Assessment?
2.2 - Does the building have an Asbestos Management Plan?
2.3 - Is there evidence that an annual review of the Asbestos Risk Assessment and Management Plan has been carried out?
2.4 - Has an Asbestos Duty Holder been appointed to manage asbestos containing materials at the workplace?
2.5 - Has the Asbestos Duty Holder received appropriate training to allow them to carry out their responsibilities?
2.6 - Are employees that work in the building made aware of the presence and position of asbestos in the building if they are likely to disturb it during normal work?
2.7 - Are warning labels/stickers provided where appropriate?
2.8 - Does the Duty Holder regularly inspect the condition of any identified asbestos in the asbestos building file? Are these checks recorded in the register?
2.9 - Do all building contractors sign in and check the asbestos register prior to starting work?
2.10 - Are the procedures known and understood if asbestos is disturbed in the building?
Section 3 - Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) & Radiation
3.1 - Is there evidence of a COSHH inventory which identifies all hazardous substances used on site?
3.2 - Have COSHH assessments been carried out for all products, substances and processes and the findings been formally disseminated to employees?
3.3 - Are the products and COSHH assessments reviewed on a regular basis?
3.4 - Has adequate information, instruction and training been provided for employees using substances that may be hazardous to health?
3.5 - Is there a system in place to request manufacturers hazard data sheets (MSDS's) for new products introduced in school?
3.6 - Are hazardous substances stored safely and suitably labelled?
3.7 - Are there adequate welfare and emergency facilities where appropriate?
3.8 - Are adequate clean up procedures in place to deal with a chemical spillage?
3.9 - Has a Radiation Protection Officer been appointed within the school/college?
3.10 - Has the school/college registered any radioactive sources with the HSE?
3.10.1 - How are radioactive sources stored?
Section 4 - Electrical Safety
4.1 - Is there evidence that periodic inspection of Fixed Wiring Installations are carried out every 5 years.
4.2 - Is there evidence that Portable Electrical Equipment is tested on a regular basis?
4.3 - Electrical panels are clearly marked and unobstructed, restricted access?
4.4 - Cable management acceptable? (no split/taped cords)
4.5 - Any loose or damaged conduit/trunking?
4.6 - Any unauthorised private equipment being used?
4.7 - Do any power sockets appear to be overloaded?
4.8 - Is there evidence that monthly inspections of the external lighting is being carried out?
4.9 - Is there evidence that monthly testing test of emergency lighting is carried out?
4.10 - Is there evidence that an annual full discharge test of emergency lighting is carried out?
Section 5 - Fire Safety
5.1 - Has a Fire Risk Assessment been carried out for the premises and if so has an action plan been developed to implement the recommendations?
5.2 - Is there evidence that an annual review of the Fire Risk Assessment has been carried out?
5.3 - All fire exits are clearly marked?
5.4 - Fire extinguishers are properly mounted?
5.5 - Is there evidence that weekly visual inspections of Fire Fighting Equipment is being carried out?
5.6 - Is there evidence that Fire Extinguishers are inspected on an annual basis?
5.7 - Fire doors and exits are free of obstructions?
5.8 - Vision panels are unobstructed and in good condition?
5.9 - Is there evidence that fire doors are inspected for fit and correct closure?
5.10 - Are external storage / waste bins secured and located a suitable distance away from the buildings?
5.11 - Weekly fire alarm tests are carried out and recorded?
5.12 - Is there evidence that testing/servicing of the fire alarm is carried out by a competent person on a regular basis?
5.13 - Is the fire alarm remotely monitored? If not, is somebody tasked with calling the Fire Brigade in a genuine emergency?
5.14 - Is there evidence that automatic extinguishing systems in computer rooms/kitchens are inspected/serviced on an annual basis?
5.15 - Is there evidence that regular testing of the Disabled Toilet Alarm system is being carried out
5.16 - Is there evidence that regular testing of the Disabled Refuge Point communication system is carried out?
5.17 - Is there evidence that regular testing of the Lift Emergency Call system is being carried out?
5.18 - Is there evidence that weekly testing of the Sprinkler System is being carried out?
5.19 - Is there evidence that sprinkler systems are inspected/serviced on an annual basis?
5.20 - Is there evidence that wet/dry risers are inspected/serviced on an annual basis?
5.21 - Is there evidence that private hydrants are inspected/serviced on an annual basis?
5.22 - Is there evidence that smoke extraction/ventilation systems are inspected/serviced on an annual basis?
5.23 - Are regular fire evacuation drills carried out (at least every 6 months)?
5.24 - Is there evidence that monthly visual inspections of Evac Chairs is being carried out?
5.25 - Are all Refuge Points suitably signed and uniquely identified?
Section 6 - Gas & Boiler House Safety
6.1 - Are all gas appliances installed, fitted and maintained by competent persons?
6.2 - Are all appliances subjected to an annual gas safety test?
6.3 - Is there evidence that 5 yearly testing of Gas Systems (pipe work) is carried out?
6.4 - Is a gas shut off valve installed and are staff aware of its location?
6.5 - Are only trained persons involved in resetting gas safety systems?
6.6 - Are boiler houses free of combustible materials?
Section 7 - Work Equipment
7.1 - Has suitable work equipment been provided?
7.2 - Have hazards relating to specific work equipment been identified and adequately controlled?
7.3 - Have Risk Assessments been carried out on specific work equipment?
7.4 - Have employees received information, instruction & training in the use of specific work equipment?
7.5 - Have relevant staff received training in Abrasive Wheels?
7.6 - Have suitable Noise & Vibration risk assessments been carried out?
7.7 - Are all Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) systems inspected every 14 months?
Section 8 - Premises Management
8.1 - Are all windows above first floor fitted with suitable window restrictors?
8.2 - Is there a Tree Safety Risk Assessment?
8.3 - Are work areas adequately lit?
8.4 - Is there adequate ventilation (fresh air) through work areas?
8.5 - Is the heating system capable of maintaining a temperature between 16-24 Celsius?
8.6 - Are arrangements in place for reporting defects to the building and remedial action carried out?
8.7 - Anti-slip surfaces provided where appropriate?
8.8 - Is there an adequate provision of drinking water?
8.9 - Is there adequate number of sanitary conveniences?
8.10 - Are all gates protected against trapping points?
8.11 - Are all staircases fitted with handrails/guardrails?
8.12 - Is the perimeter wall/fence/railings in a good state of repair?
8.13 - Is the external waste area clearly identified/secure/away from the main building?
8.14 - Have relevant staff received training in Confined Spaces?
8.15 - Is there evidence that daily checks of significant building related risks are carried out?
8.16 - Is there evidence that an Energy Performance of Buildings inspection has been carried out?
8.17 - Is there evidence that regular inspections of External Areas are being carried out?
Section 9 - Housekeeping
9.1 - Are classrooms and other areas clean and tidy?
9.2 - Corridors/halls/walkways clear of debris and obstructions?
9.3 - All spills cleaned up speedily?
9.4 - Carpets in good condition? (No holes or curled edges)
9.5 - Are toilets kept clean and tidy?
9.6 - Floors, stairs and walkways have non-slip surfaces where appropriate?
9.7 - Waste bins are available and emptied regularly?
9.8 - Floors are free of holes, protrusions, loose boards and splinters?
9.9 - Items are stored correctly and empty boxes, etc are disposed of?
9.10 - Combustible material are kept away from heat sources?
Section 10 - Play & Sports Areas / Activities
10.1 - Is PE Equipment inspected within the past 12 months by a competent person? Are regular informal checks conducted by staff?
10.2 - Are windows opening onto external walkways / play areas restricted? Are barriers in place?
10.3 - Is safety glazing to BS 6206 or glazing filmed in the vulnerable areas? (e.g. panes > 250mm wide in or adjacent to doors, PE areas, etc)
10.4 - Are windows restricted to prevent collisions?
10.5 - Are pathways / walkways stable underfoot and without significant trip hazards? (e.g. no potholes, no raised/sunken slabs)
10.6 - Is outdoor play equipment adequately maintained and in good condition? (checked annually by competent person, weekly checks by site staff)
10.7 - Is there sufficient storage space and is it reasonably tidy?
10.8 - Are playing fields / pitches visually inspected before use and free from hazardous materials?
Section 11 - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
11.1 - Is PPE available, suitable for the task/job?
11.2 - Are employees trained in the use and limitations of PPE?
Section 12 - Work at Height
12.1 - Is there awareness of where work at height takes place on the premises and who carries it out?
12.2 - Is there evidence that work at height risks specific to the premises have been assessed including existing places of work and fragile surfaces?
12.3 - Have people who are required to work at height undergone appropriate training?
12.4 - Are staff aware on the restrictions on roof work imposed by Oldham Council?
12.5 - Is there evidence that work equipment has been selected appropriate to the tasks and areas of work?
12.6 - Where equipment is premises based is there awareness and systems to ensure that this equipment is only for use by school/college employees?
12.7 - Is there evidence that equipment for work at height is subject to inspection, examination and test by competent people?
12.8 - Is access to low roofs restricted and are any fragile surfaces identified with suitable signage?
12.9 - Has planning for rescue from work at height situations been taken into account?
Section 13 - Lone Working
13.1 - Have individuals or groups of employees been identified as lone workers?
13.2 - Is there a suitable lone worker policy in place?
13.2 - Have specific risk assessments been undertaken identifying the risks associated with lone working? Are they suitable and sufficient?
13.4 - Have all relevant employees been trained and are they aware of the lone working procedures in place and their responsibility for working within them?
Section 14 - Manual Handling Operations
14.1 - Are manual handling operations assessed taking into account the load, the nature of the task, the working environment and the individuals' capabilities?
14.2 - Where a significant risk is identified, has a specific manual handling assessment been carried out and formally recorded?
14.3 - Where hazards exist are the control measures identified in the assessments implemented and monitored by supervisors/managers?
14.4 - Have employees received appropriate training to carry out those manual handling tasks which cannot be eliminated?
14.5 - Where mechanical aids are provided to assist employees with lifting and handling - are they easily accessible, suitably maintained and serviced where necessary and employees suitably trained in their use?
Section 15 - Lifts & Lifting Equipment
15 - Are there any lifts or lifting equipment?
15.1 - Are all passenger lifts fitted with safety devices to prevent a person being crushed, trapped, struck or falling from the lift?
15.2 - Are lifts/equipment marked with it's safe working load?
15.3 - Is there a means of raising alarm in all lifts in event of failure, are these tested and recorded?
15.4 - Is there a clear procedure to be followed in event of a person becoming trapped in the lift/equipment and are people competent to follow the procedure?
15.5 - Are all lifts/equipment examined at statutory intervals (every 6 months for people or 12 months for loads only) by competent person, recorded in terms of inspections, maintenance and testing?
15.6 - Are window cleaning hoist/safety eye bolts inspected by a competent person?
Section 16 - Swimming Pool Management
16 - Is there a swimming pool?
16.1 - Does the school/college have a swimming pool policy?
16.2 - Does the policy include the Normal Operating Procedures (NOP) and the Emergency Action Plan (EAP) ?
16.3 - Are staff suitably qualified to carry out pool rescues?
16.4 - Is sufficient rescue equipment and signage in place?
16.5 - Are suitable and sufficient risk assessments available that specifically deal with the issue of pool safety?
16.6 - Can the area be closed off/secured when no staff are in the pool area?
16.7 - Are pool plant records kept? i.e. water readings - free, combined, PH, Air & Water temperature
16.8 - Does the plant operator hold the ISRM pool plant operators certificate?
16.9 - Are water samples taken each month and tested for micro-organism issues by a UKAS accredited Laboratory? Are records kept of the results?
16.10 - Are Procedures in place for hiring out the pool to outside organisations?
Section 17 - First Aid
17.1 - Is there an adequate number of First Aiders on site at all times?
17.2 - Is there an adequate amount of First Aid kits available at all times?
17.3 - Is there evidence that an annual review of First Aid provision is carried out?
17.4 - Is there evidence that regular checks of First Aid Equipment is carried out?
17.5 - Are there adequate facilities available for the disposal of Sharps?
Section 18 - Car Parking and Vehicle/Pedestrian Segregation
18.1 - Is there sufficient numbers of parking spaces available for the number of staff?
18.2 - Are traffic routes and parking bays clearly marked?
18.3 - Are speed restrictions and/or one way systems in place to manage traffic?
18.4 - Is there adequate vehicle/pedestrian separation within the premises?
Section 19 - Heating/Ventilation/Extraction systems
19 - Are there any Air Conditioning units on site?
19.1 - Is there evidence that servicing and F Gas checks of Air Conditioning equipment is carried out every 6 months.
Section 20 - Control of Contractors
20.1 - Is a competent person involved in preparing specifications for the work or agreeing that any proposed work is acceptable?
20.2 - Are all contractors vetted, prior to commencement of works?
20.3 - Are job specific method statements and risk assessments obtained from contractors, checked by a competent person and communicated to the school/college?
20.4 - Are meetings held directly with the contractor to discuss the intended work and how it will affect normal school/college operation?
20.5 - Are contractors monitored whilst undertaking work? If so, how?
20.6 - Is a Permit to Work system used for controlling high risk activities?
20.7 - Are health & safety files held onsite for all completed construction works?
Section 22 - Minibuses
22 - Does the school/college own or operate Minibuses?
22.1 - Are all Drivers' licences checked to ensure they have the right class of licence to drive minibuses? i.e. D or D1 on the licence or did they pass their test pre-January 1997?
22.2 - Are all Minibus drivers MIDAS trained?
22.3 - Are suitable and sufficient risk assessments carried out for the use of the minibus?
22.4 - Is there a procedure in place to ensure all minibus drivers are medically fit?
22.5 - Are pre-use checks of the minibus carried out each day and documented?
22.6 - Does the minibus have a current MOT and is it regularly serviced?
22.7 - Are seat belts fitted to the minibus?
22.8 - Does the minibus carry a first aid kit, fire extinguisher, high visibility vest and warning triangle?
22.9 - Are powered lifts tested and inspected every 6 months and are documents available?
Section 23 - Site Risk Assessments
23.1 - Are Risk Assessments completed for high risk activities carried out by the Site team?
23.2 - List examples of the risk assessments reviewed at the time of the audit:
23.3 - Are Risk Assessments reviewed periodically i.e. every 12 months?
Section 24 - Oil Storage Tanks
24 - Are there any Oil Storage Tanks on site?
24.1 - Is there evidence that regular inspections of Oil Storage Tanks, Bunds, Pipework and surrounding areas is being carried out?
Section 25 - Automatic Doors/Gates/Barriers
25 - Are there any Automatic Doors/Gates/Barriers on site?
25.1 - Is there evidence that regular servicing of Automatic Doors/Gates/Barriers is carried out?
Section 26 - Catering Equipment
26 - Is there any Commercial Catering Equipment on site?
26.1 - Is there evidence that cleaning, sterilising and testing of Extraction Fans/Canopies is carried out every 6/12 months?
Section 27 - Lightning Conductors
27 - Is the building fitted with a Lightning Conductor?
27.1 - Is there evidence that annual visual inspection of Lightning Conductors is carried out?
27.2 - Is there evidence that 5 yearly testing of Lightning Conductors (as part of the Fixed Electrical Wiring) is carried out?
Section 28 - Sewage/Water Treatment/Septic Tank and Oil Interceptors
28 - Are there any Sewage/Water Treatment/Septic Tank or Oil Interceptors on site?
28.1 - Is there evidence that tanks are being pumped out every 6 months?
28.2 - Is there evidence that annual servicing of lift pumps is being carried out?
Section 29 - High Risk Curriculum Areas inspected
Details of any High Risk Curriculum Areas inspected during audit:
Area No.
Details of Health & Safety Issue identified:
Location (if required)
Photo (if required)
Section 30 - Any other H&S Matters
Details of any other H&S issues identified at time of audit and not covered elsewhere:
Issue No.
Details of Health & Safety Issue identified:
Location (if required)
Photo (if required)
Section 3 - Closing Meeting
Summary of findings of audit
General Notes
School/College Representatives Signature
Auditors Signature