Title Page
Report Reference
Date of review
Report reviewed by
Suggested review date
Persons consulted
1. Health and Safety leadership
Is there a school level H&S lead?
Has the health and safety lead received appropriate training, such as IOSH managing Safely?
Is there a named Governor lead for H&S?
Have governors been provided with access to governor hub?
2. Health and Safety information
Is there a valid and up to date HSE Law poster?
Is there a public liability insurance on display and in date?
Is there a procedure to induct visitors to site?
Does this include fire safety procedures?
Safeguarding arrangements?
Incident procedures?
Prior to site visits is there information available on accessibility? (Parking and entrances)
3. Policy
Is there a Health and Safety policy?
Has the policy been signed and dated by the Headteacher?
Has the policy been signed and dated by the Chair of Governors or Board of Trustees?
Are there appropriate roles and responsibilities identified proportionate to the size of the school?
Is the health and safety policy effectively communicated with colleagues?
4. Training
Is there a health and safety training plan or matrix?
Is induction training provided for all colleagues?
What is the training percentage total of the school on e-learning?
Have all colleagues been provided access to e-learning?
5. Consultation and inspection
Is health and safety information communicated to all colleagues?
Are colleagues consulted on health and safety matters?
6. Incident reporting and First Aid
Are relevant accidents and incidents recorded on Parago?
Are stage 2 investigations conduced and closed in a reasonable timeframe?
Are serious incidents (RIDDOR) reported to the HSE?
Is there a process to review trends, especially with frequent minor incidents?
Has there been an assessment of first aid needs?
Are there sufficient trained first aiders for the size and complexity of the school?
Are there first aid posters on display?
Are first aid provisions checked?
7. Risk assessment
Is there a risk assessment policy, system, or process?
Is there a register or list of risk assessments?
Do senior management review risk assessments?
From the samples provided is the quality sufficient to the size and complexity of the school?
Have all relevant colleagues completed RA training?
Are classroom checklists completed by teachers for their own spaces?
8. Stress and Wellbeing
Is there a school level policy or procedure on the management of stress?
Is there a school level RA for the management of stress?
Is the RA suitable for the size and complexity of the school?
Have all colleagues been provided access to shinymind?
Have all colleagues been provided with information on the trust EAP service?
9. Young workers and expectant mothers
Are there young persons (under the age of 18) employed at the school?
Have the risks to any young persons who are employed been risk assessed?
Are risk assessments completed for new and expectant mothers where notified and requested by the individual?
Are reasonable adjustments made for any new and expectant mothers?
10. DSE
Are there up to date DSE assessments for all colleagues?
Are the school managing any reasonable adjustments as a result of DSE assessments?
Are the school providing where requested eye sight tests to DSE users?
11. Security
Have the school completed a security survey or risk assessment?
Have the school responded appropriately to gaps in it's security arrangements?
Have reasonable measures been taken to prevent unauthorised access in school?
12. Fire safety
Is there a fire safety policy or procedure?
Is the school taking reasonable steps to close it's fire safety risk assessment actions? (Within the timeframes specified)
Does the school have access to firehub?
Is there an emergency evacuation plan for the premises?
Have personal emergency evacuation plans (PEEPs) been prepared for all persons who may require assistance in the event of an emergency?
Are new colleagues provided with training and information on fire safety as part of their induction?
Where evac-chairs are provided is there sufficiently trained persons?
Is there a sufficient amount of fire wardens available for the size and complexity of the school?
Are Fire wardens displayed on communication boards?
13. Asbestos
Are there any buildings built before 2000?
Is there a site-specific asbestos management plan that has been reviewed within the last 12 months?
Is regular condition monitoring of asbestos carried out?
Are contractors provided with asbestos information before starting any intrusive building works?
14. Property defects
Is there a process for all colleagues to report property defects?
Are defects tracked and managed and responded to by priority?
Is there evidence of corrective actions?
Are senior leaders involved with the review of property defects?
Is the school actively seeking to reduce the risk by procuring low risk alternatives?
Is there a COSHH register onsite?
Are there appropriate MSDS's available?
Are COSHH RA's completed and communicated?
Have colleagues completing RA's been trained?
Is COSHH being stored correctly?
Are there spill kits available?
Is there a process for disposing of contaminated watse?
16. Playground equipment
Is there external playground equipment that should be subject to inspection and maintenance?
Is there a Register of Play Inspectors International (RPII) or equivalent annual assessment and inspection?
Are weekly checks made of play equipment?
Is there a risk assessment covering playgrounds and external spaces?
Are there procedures in place for supervision of external spaces including before / after school, break and lunchtimes?
17. Forest School
Does the school operate a forest school?
Is there a names lead for Forest School?
Has that lead undertaken specific training on running Forest Schools, such as the Level 3 Leader Training
Are risk assessment in place for Forest School activities
18. Trees
Has the school in place a rolling three survey programme?
Are defect and issues managed to ensure trees are safe?
19. Vehicle and people movements
Is there a risk assessment covering vehicle and pedestrian movements on site?
Are there suitable procedures and measures to manage vehicle and pedestrian movements on site?
Are there suitable checks on colleagues on drivers licences and insurance that cover driving for business?
20. HSE Classroom check
Are HSE Classroom checks undertaken?
21. Minibuses
Does the school have a minibus?
Are appropriate vehicle checks and maintenance carried out?
Are drivers legally able and competent to drive a minibus?
Are ten weekly checks being carried out?
Has the school undertaken a use of minibus risk assessment and shared with relevant colleagues?
22. School lettings
Do the school let any part of their property?
Does the school have a school lettings policy?
Is health and safety information including roles and responsibilities provided to event organisers?
Is confirmation sought of what activities event organisers will be providing whilst on school premises?
23. Swimming pools
Is there a swimming pool on site?
Are there normal operating procedures (NOP) and emergency actions procedures (EAP) for use of the swimming pool?
Is there a risk assessment for the swimming pool?
Is training provided for persons managing and maintaining the swimming pool?
Are pool plant chemicals appropriately managed?
Are there sufficient lifeguards available?
24. School Dogs
Does the school have a school dog?
Does the school have a ‘Dogs in School’ risk assessment?
Has the dog been assessed by a competent Clinical Animal Behaviourist (such as those accredited by the Animal Behaviour and Training Council (ABTC)?
Have parent consent forms been completed?
25. Curriculum
Are lesson activities risk assessed?
Are PE lessons risk assessed?
Has PE and sports equipment been inspected and maintained?
26. School journey management
Is there an educational visits policy?
Is there a named Educational Visits Coordinator (EVC)?
Has the EVC been trained and records available?
Is there a defined approval process for educational visits?
Are risk assessments completed for educational visits?
27. Risk Register
Have any risks been identified in R1?
Are the risks sufficient and appropriate?
Have actions been created to reduce or remove the risk?
28. School tour
Are corridors free from trip hazards?
Are exits free from obstruction?
Are floors free from excess damage/trip hazards?
Is there sufficient indoor lighting?
Is there sufficient external lighting?
Are there any other areas of concern?