Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Prepared by

  • Date & time conducted

  • Full address (if not in system)

  • Aquatic Facility Name (if not in system)

  • Group number

  • Reason for assessment

  • Proprietor/manager on site at time of assessment


General requirements for all Aquatic Facilities

  • Facility maintained in good repair, clean, sanitary, free of litter and vermin

  • Automatic electric cleaner not in use while the aquatic facility is open

  • Electrical outlets / equipment visually intact

  • Chemicals are not hand-dosed directly into water body when patrons are in the water

  • Water chemistry tests satisfactory at time of visit

  • Water body surface light in colour (not applicable for spas <10m2)

  • Water depth markers clearly visible, permanent and contrasting in colour, numbers minimum 90mm in height

  • Water depth markers located at regular intervals around pool and in min/max depth areas (no further than 7.5 metres apart)

  • Water depth markers provided on both vertical and horizontal surfaces if deck is more than 12.5cm above waterline

  • Skimmer lids and/or overflow grates in good repair

  • Concourse & walkways non-slip, drainage to prevent water accumulating / running back to pool

  • Sanitary facilities clean and in good repair

  • “No use of facility allowed after dark” sign (needed for daylight use facilities only)

Fencing and security requirements

  • Gates/doors automatically close and latch from any release point

  • Gates open away from the water body

  • Gate latch to be located minimum 1.5 m high, or be on inside of gate, 150 mm below top with minimum gate height 1.2m.

  • Internal pool fences & gate to be minimum 1.2m high.

  • Clearance beneath fence not to exceed 100mm.

  • Clearance between vertical barrier rungs not to exceed 100mm.

  • Non-climbing zone arc 900 mm from top of fence or climbing point for barriers <1.8 m high.

  • Where boundary fence forms primary barrier, must be min 1.8m high. Outside can be climbable, though inside 900 mm arc from top must be a non-climbing zone.

Group type facility specific questions

  • What Groupe type is this facility?

Group 1 Facility - Chemical Testing / First Aid / Rescue Equipment / Signage

  • Minimum ONE (1) Cl/Br and pH manual test per FOUR (4) HOURS per water body

  • Approved water test kit used

  • Water quality test log book maintained and available for review

  • Technical operator on-site at all times during operation

  • Lifeguard/s on-site at all times during operation or alternative (refer to Code of Practice)

  • Operations manual and emergency action plan available for review

  • Aquatic facility rules sign (recommended, not mandatory)

  • Rescue equipment in accessible location (e.g. reach pole, throw rope, tube, life jacket)

  • Separate first aid room or area

  • First aid room or area clearly signposted (i.e. green sign with white cross)

  • CPR (resuscitation) notice on display

  • Hand wash basin with potable water

  • Communication system

  • General power outlet

  • Examination bench

  • Washable flooring

  • First aid kit

  • Resuscitation equipment (oxygen tank and mask)

  • Spinal board & extrication collars

  • Pillows & blankets

  • Pocket CPR mask & disposable gloves

  • Stretcher

Group 2 Facility - Chemical Testing / First Aid / Rescue Equipment / Signage

  • Minimum THREE (3) Cl/Br and pH manual test per day per water body

  • Approved water test kit used

  • Water quality test log book maintained and available for review

  • Technical operator not required to be on-site at all times during operation

  • Lifeguard/s on-site at all times during operation

  • Operations manual available for review

  • Aquatic facility rules sign (recommended, not mandatory)

  • Rescue equipment in accessible location (e.g. reach pole, throw rope, tube, life jacket)

  • Separate first aid room or area

  • First aid room or area clearly signposted (i.e. green sign with white cross)

  • CPR (resuscitation) notice on display

  • Hand wash basin with potable water

  • General power outlet

  • Washable flooring

  • First aid kit

  • Pillows & blankets

  • Pocket CPR mask & disposable gloves

  • Stretcher

Group 3 Facility - Chemical Testing / First Aid / Rescue Equipment / Signage

  • Minimum TWO (2) Cl/Br and pH manual test per day per water body

  • Approved water test kit used

  • Water quality test log book maintained and available for review

  • Technical operator not required to be on-site at all times during operation

  • Lifeguard/s not required to be on-site at all times during operation

  • Operations manual available for review

  • Aquatic facility rules sign (recommended, not mandatory)

  • "No life guard on duty" sign

  • Rescue equipment in accessible location (e.g. reach pole, throw rope, tube, life jacket)

  • Separate first aid room or area

  • First aid room or area clearly signposted (i.e. green sign with white cross)

  • CPR (resuscitation) notice on display

  • Hand wash basin with potable water

  • General power outlet

  • Washable flooring

  • First aid kit

  • Pillows & blankets

  • Pocket CPR mask & disposable gloves

  • Stretcher

Group 4 Facility - Chemical Testing / First Aid / Signage

  • Minimum ONE (1) Cl/Br and pH manual test per day per water body

  • Approved water test kit used

  • Water quality test log book maintained and available for review

  • Technical operator not required to be on-site at all times during operation

  • Operations manual available for review

  • Aquatic facility rules sign (recommended, not mandatory)

  • "No life guard on duty" sign

  • CPR (resuscitation) notice on display

Additional requirements for spas

  • Spa safety rules on display

  • Spa emergency stop switch available and sign-posted

  • At least two water depth markers are present within 45 cm of water edge

Additional requirements for spray grounds

  • Spray ground safety rules on display

General comments

  • Further comments (if applicable)

Further Action

  • Follow-up assessment fee for unsatisfactory work: Proprietor to be charged relevant fee for this assessment

  • Further Action

  • Next Assessment Date (assessment may not be on this day)

  • Authorised Officer Signature

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