Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Event name

  • Prepared by

  • Date & time conducted

  • Location (if not in system)

  • Event Organiser name

  • Contact on site at time of assessment (if different to event organiser)

  • Reason for assessment


Certification and Documentation

  • Public Building Form 5 Certificate of electrical compliance received

  • Public Building Form 2 received

  • Advice of Structures / Certificate of Structures Form received

  • Public Building Form 4 Certificate of Approval on premises and displayed

Site Layout and Emergency Egress

  • Event layout as per assessed site plan

  • Exit signs provided on all designated exits

  • Exit signs clearly visible and illuminated if at night

  • Exit doors/gates easily opened

  • Exit paths clear and unobstructed, exit to open space

  • Exits sufficient for event occupancy

First Aid facilities

  • As per conditions of approval

  • Clearly visible and accessible

Security (if applicable)

  • As per conditions of approval

Fire Safety

  • Fire fighting equipment adjacent any electrical generator or switchboard

  • Fire fighting equipment adjacent any flammable liquid or gas containers

  • Fire fighting equipment adjacent any food cooking areas

  • Fire equipment serviced 6 monthly

  • Flammable liquids stored properly

  • Open fires guarded/approved

Electrical safety

  • Generators safely positioned and public access prevented

  • Portable electrical equipment/tools, leads and power boards tested and tagged

  • Electrical connections protected from water

Sanitary Facilities

  • Facilities provided as per conditions of approval

  • Facilities in good repair/ hygiene and easily accessible

  • Lighting sufficient for building use and cleaning


  • Noise sources as per conditions of approval / Reg 16 / Reg 18 as applicable

Seating and Aisles

  • Fixed seating secured to floor or grouped in 4's

  • Rows less than 42 seats

  • Aisles at end of seat rows clear to exits

Stairs/raised platforms

  • Raised areas provided with guard rails

  • Stairs provided with 2 hand rails

General comments

  • Further comments (if applicable)


  • Site contact phone number

  • Authorised Officer Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.