Site conducted
Client / Site
Audit commenced on
Audit completed on
Prepared by
Exemplar Global Lead WQMS Auditors Michael Lawrence #129230 and Sean Hinton #133942
Key Documents
Relevant RWMP
Documents audited not otherwise captured with photographs
Element 1: Commitment to the Responsible Use and Management of Recycled Water
Responsible use of recycled water
Involve agencies (stakeholders) with responsibilities and expertise in protection of public and environmental health
Ensure that design, management and regulation of recycled water schemes is undertaken by agencies and operators with sufficient experience.
Regulatory and formal requirements
Identify and document all relevant regulatory and formal requirements.
Identify governance of recycled water schemes for individual agencies, designers, installers, operators, maintainers, owners and users of recycled water.
Ensure responsibilities are understood and communicated to designers, installers, maintainers, operations employees contractors and end users.
Review requirements periodically to reflect any changes.
Are there any specific NSW Health Requirements that have been notified for the scheme, and if so, were the requirements met? (Licence Requirement)
Is the RWMP a single cohesive document which specifies the actions taken to implement the 12 Elements of the AGWR? (Licence Requirement)
Authorised Purposes (Licence Requirement)
Toilet Flushing
Washing machines
Cooling towers
Car Washing
Water Features
General wash down
Dust suppression
Street cleaning
Process water at non-potable/ recycled water treatment plant
Was there any evidence identified of unauthorised uses?
Partnerships and engagement of stakeholders (including the public)
Identify all agencies with responsibilities for water resources and the use of recycled water.
Regularly update the list of relevant agencies.
Establish partnerships with agencies or organisations as necessary or where this will support the effective management of recycled water schemes.
Identify all stakeholders (including the public) affecting, or affected by, decisions or activities related to the use of recycled water.
Engage users of recycled water; ensure responsibilities are identified and understood.
Develop appropriate mechanisms and documentation for stakeholder commitment and involvement.
Recycled water quality policy
Develop a recycled water policy, endorsed by senior managers, to be implemented within an organisation or by participating agencies.
Ensure that the policy is visible and is communicated, understood and implemented by employees and contractors.
Element 2: Assessment of the Recycled Water Supply System
Source of recycled water, intended uses, receiving environments and routes of exposure
Identify source of water.
Identify intended uses, routes of exposure, receiving environments, endpoints and effects.
Consider inadvertent or unauthorised uses.
Recycled water system analysis
Assemble pertinent information and document key characteristics of the recycled water system to be considered.
Assemble a team with appropriate knowledge and expertise.
Construct a flow diagram of the recycled water system from the source to the application or receiving environments.
Does the schematic accurately reflect the scheme?
Periodically review the recycled water system analysis.
Assessment of water quality data
Assemble historical data about sewage, greywater or stormwater quality, as well as data from treatment plants and of recycled water supplied to users; identify gaps and assess reliability of data.
Assess data using tools such as control charts and trends analysis to identify trends and potential problems.
Hazard identification and risk assessment
Define the approach to hazard identification and risk assessment, considering both public and ecological health.
- Compliant
- Compliant (minor shortcoming)
- Non-compliant (non material)
- Non-compliant (material)
- Not applicable/ not assessed
Periodically review and update the hazard identification and risk assessment to incorporate any changes.
Identify and document hazards and hazardous events for each component of the recycled water system.
Were all likely hazards identified effectively?
Estimate the level of risk for each identified hazard or hazardous event.
Consider inadvertent and unauthorised use or discharge.
Determine significant risks and document priorities for risk management.
Evaluate the major sources of uncertainty associated with each hazard and hazardous event and consider actions to reduce uncertainty.
Element 3: Preventive Measures for Recycled Water Management
Preventive measures and multiple barriers
Identify existing preventive measures system wide for each significant hazard or hazardous event and estimate the residual risk.
Evaluate alternative or additional preventive measures that are required to ensure risks are reduced to acceptable levels.
Document the preventive measures and strategies, addressing each significant risk.
Critical control points
Assess preventive measures throughout the recycled water system to identify critical control points.
Establish mechanisms for operational control.
Document the critical control points, critical limits and target criteria.
Which CCP is being audited?
What are the CCP limits?
Do the critical limits match validation documentation?
Does the CCP achieve the required log reductions if implemented as stated?
Is the CCP implemented as stated?
Element 4: Operational Procedures and Process Control
Operational procedures
Identify procedures required for processes and activities applied within the whole recycled water system (source to use).
Document all procedures and compile into an operations manual.
Are all operational procedures fully implemented? (Licence Requirement)
Operational monitoring
Develop monitoring protocols for operational performance of the recycled water supply system, including the selection of operational parameters and criteria, and the routine analysis of results.
Document monitoring protocols into an operational monitoring plan.
Does the monitoring undertaken during the audit period match the monitoring plan?
Operational corrections
Establish and document procedures for corrective action where operational parameters are not met.
Were corrective actions undertaken as expected?
Establish rapid communication systems to deal with unexpected events.
Equipment capability and maintenance
Ensure that equipment performs adequately and provides sufficient flexibility and process control.
Is there appropriate duty/standby equipment for key processes?
Establish a program for regular inspection and maintenance of all equipment, including monitoring equipment.
Are there regular internal calibrations of monitoring equipment?
Are calibration solutions available and in date?
Are there regular external maintenance and calibration of monitoring equipment?
Materials and chemicals
Ensure that only approved materials and chemicals are used.
Establish documented procedures for evaluating chemicals, materials and suppliers.
Is there any mechanism established for ensuring the quality of chemicals delivered?
Element 5: Verification of Recycled Water Quality and Environmental Performance
Recycled water quality monitoring
Determine the characteristics to be monitored.
Determine the points at which monitoring will be undertaken.
Determine the frequency of monitoring.
Was the verification monitoring program implemented as stated?
Were all analyses undertaken in a NATA laboratory or equivalent?
Ensure monitoring data are representative and reliable.
Are records, including chain of custody retained?
Application site and receiving environment monitoring
Determine the characteristics to be monitored and the points at which monitoring will be undertaken.
Documentation and Reliability
Establish and document a sampling plan for each characteristic, including the location and frequency of sampling, ensuring that monitoring data is representative and reliable.
Satisfaction of users of recycled water
Establish an inquiry and response program for users of recycled water, including appropriate training of people responsible for the program.
Complaints and responses should be evaluated according to type, pattern, and change in the number of complaints received.
Short-term evaluation of results
Establish procedures for the short term review of monitoring data and satisfaction of users of recycled water.
Develop reporting mechanisms internally, and externally, where required.
Were any exceedances identified and reported immediately?
Corrective action
Establish and document procedures for corrective responses to non-conformance or feedback from users of recycled water.
Establish rapid communication systems to deal with unexpected events.
Element 6: Management of Incidents and Emergencies
Define communication protocols with the involvement of relevant agencies and prepare a contact list of key people, agencies and businesses.
Develop a public and media communications strategy.
Incident and emergency response protocols
Define potential incidents and emergencies and document procedures and response plans with the involvement of relevant agencies.
Train employees and regularly test emergency response plans.
Investigate any incidents or emergencies and revise protocols as necessary.
Element 7: Operator, contractor and end user awareness and training
Operator, contractor and end user awareness and involvement
Develop mechanisms and communication procedures to increase operator, contractor and end user awareness of and participation in recycled water quality management and environmental protection.
Operator, contractor and end user training
Ensure that operators, contractors and end users maintain the appropriate experience and qualifications.
Identify training needs and ensure resources are available to support training programs.
Document training and maintain records of all training sessions.
Element 8: Community Involvement and Awareness
Consultation with users of recycled water and the community
Assess requirements for effective involvement of users of recycled water and the community.
Develop a comprehensive strategy for consultation.
Communication and education
Develop an active two-way communication program to inform users of recycled water and promote awareness of recycled water quality issues
Provide information on the impacts of unauthorised use.
Provide information on the benefits of recycled water use.
Element 9: Validation, Research and Development
Validation of processes
Validate processes and procedures to ensure that they control hazards effectively.
Has the chlorine contact time been calculated to ensure effective disinfection?
Does the CCP ensure that the CT is met at all times and flows?
Are UV systems validated for the expected flow rate, turbidity and UVT?
Revalidate processes periodically or when variations in conditions occur.
Design of equipment
Validate the selection and design of new equipment and infrastructure to ensure continuing reliability.
Investigative studies and research monitoring
Establish programs to increase understanding of the recycled water supply system.
Use information to improve management of the recycled water supply system.
Element 10: Documentation and Reporting
Management of documentation and records
Document information pertinent to all aspects of recycled water quality management.
Develop a document control system to ensure current versions are in use.
Establish a records management system and ensure that employees are trained to complete records.
Periodically review documentation and revise as necessary.
Establish procedures for effective internal and external reporting.
Produce an annual report aimed at users of recycled water, regulatory authorities and stakeholders.
Was reporting in accordance with the Reporting Manual (Licence Requirement)
Element 11: Evaluation and Audit
Long-term evaluation of results
Collect and evaluate long-term data to assess performance and identify problems.
Document and report results.
- Compliant
- Compliant (minor shortcoming)
- Non-compliant (non material)
- Non-compliant (material)
- Not applicable/ not assessed
Audit of recycled water quality management
Establish processes for internal audits.
Are external audits conducted as required?
Document and communicate audit results.
- Compliant
- Compliant (minor shortcoming)
- Non-compliant (non material)
- Non-compliant (material)
- Not applicable/ not assessed
Element 12: Review and Continual Improvement
Review by senior managers
Senior managers review of the effectiveness of the management system.
Evaluate the need for change.
- Compliant
- Compliant (minor shortcoming)
- Non-compliant (non material)
- Non-compliant (material)
- Not applicable/ not assessed
Recycled water quality management improvement plan
Develop a recycled water quality management improvement plan.
Ensure that the plan is communicated and implemented, and that improvements are monitored for effectiveness.
Were all high priority actions undertaken in the timeframes committed?
Has the effectiveness of the improvement action been reassessed through the risk assessment process?