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Heat Action Plan

Initial Check

  • How many documented incidents of heat-related illnesses have been reported in the past year, if any?

  • Can you provide a copy of the heat action plan for review purposes?

  • When was the last time the heat action plan was reviewed and updated?

Heat Risk Assessment

  • Identify heat risks within the indoor working area

  • Identify heat risks within the outdoor working area

  • What control measures are in place to mitigate these risks?

Existing Heat Safety Practices

  • Are all workers provided with adequate breaks and access to shaded or air-conditioned rest areas during hot weather?

  • Are there adequate water breaks and water refilling stations accessible to all employees?

  • Are there multiple control measures in place for various risks, incidents, and accidents?

  • Have these control measures properly communicated to all employees in the last quarter?

  • Is there a documentation practice in place for recording any heat-related illnesses and their respective corrective action or control measure?

Heat Safety Training

  • Are employees properly trained on heat safety practices and emergency procedures regarding heat illnesses and injuries?

  • Are employees provided with the right educational materials for heat safety?

  • Are simulated heat emergencies carried out regulary as part of employee training for heat safety?

Emergency Preparedness

  • Please describe the procedures outlined in the heat action plan for heat stress prevention and response.

  • Is there an alert system in place for when heat levels exceed safe working levels?

  • Have all the emergency preparedness procedures been properly communicated to employees?

  • Are reminders regarding heat and summer safety sent to employees regularly, even outside of summer?

  • Is the business properly equipped with the right supplies to deal with a heat emergency, should one arise?


  • Are there any feedbacks from employees regarding this heat action plan? If yes, list them down here.

  • Are there any points for improvement or review, if needed? If yes, list them down here.

  • Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.