Title Page
Facility Name
Patient Home Address
Healthcare Worker
Conducted on
Home Healthcare Worker Safety Checklist
Home Healthcare Worker Safety
My home health employer has an active safety program with a safety manager and a safety committee that includes employees from across the company
My employer provides initial and annual safety training
Annual training reviews new safety issues identified throughout the previous year
I have received training in ergonomics and safe patient handling and have a way to obtain necessary ergonomic equipment for the home I work in
Training includes latex allergy hazards, and nonlatex gloves are made available
The bloodborne pathogens plan is part of training, is updated annually, and is always available to workers
I am a part of the selection process for needle devices with safety features
I consistently follow standard precautions with all blood and potentially infectious materials
I have a properly labeled, leak-proof, puncture-resistant sharps container
An infection control plan has been developed
I consistently follow infection control and prevention measures (e.g., hand washing)
I am taught how to identify stressors and techniques for reduction
I have access to an employee assistance plan or other means of counseling support
There is a no-weapons policy for patient homes, or a policy requiring weapons to be disabled and locked up before the worker arrives
Locations of new patients are researched to determine local crime statistics
I am taught how to recognize violent or aggressive behavior and how to defuse an angry patient
I am taught to recognize illegal drug activities
I am taught what to do if I feel uncomfortable about a patient’s community or if I believe that I am in danger
Iam taught how to identify verbal abuse and what to do about it
There is an animal control policy requiring animals to be restrained
I am taught how to deal with bad weather
I am taught what to do in the event of a chemical spill or an act of terrorism
I am taught safe driving skills and how to report incidents and traffic offenses
My employer verifies safe driving records for all home healthcare providers
I have a cell phone or other reliable way to communicate with an employer or law enforcement
I am taught to observe surroundings and park in well-lit areas, away from visual obstructions
I wear sturdy, low-heeled, slip-resistant shoes
Additional Comments
Healthcare Worker Name & Signature