Title Page

    The intention of the Hot Work Permit is to provide authorisation to carryout works that produces; heat or sparks capable of igniting combustible or flammable materials (e.g. welding, thermal or oxygen cutting, grinding, abrasive disc metal cutting, open flames and heating)

    1. A Hot Work Permit must be issued by a Responsible Officer (R.O.) (in Regain the R.O. is the Supervisor/Manager of the project) of the person who intends to carry out any process or activity that involves Hot Work.
    2. A person intending to carryout hot work must request a Hot Work Permit from the R.O. at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled commencement of hot work and advise the R.O. of the type of work, the area in which the work is to be carried out and the duration of the intended work.
    3. On receipt of a request for a Hot Work Permit from the person intending to carry out hot works, the R.O. must:
     If required inform the relevant Client Manager (C.M). of the proposal to carryout hot work at sites; and
     seek any special instructions/conditions that are to be included on the Permit from the C.M.
     Follow and fill in the relevant form including any additional instructions, conditions and precautions the permit holder is to abide by;
     complete and sign the Hot Work Permit Form indicating:
     the site location and/or Work Order number;
     the name of the person the Permit is issued to;
     a permit number or reference No;
     the times and dates between which the Permit is valid;
     a precise definition of the area in which the hot work is to be conducted within;
     issue the permit to the review person; and when reviewed and signed off
     issue the Permit to the person intending to carry out the hot work; and
     if required forward a copy of the Hot Work Permit to the relevant C.M.
     Advise the C.M when works are completed
    4 The person carrying out the Hot Work must:
     sign the Permit to indicate acceptance of the conditions and precautions of the Permit
     post a copy of the Permit in a conspicuous position where provided, on notice board(s) where the works are being undertaken on site.
     inform any persons working at the location at the time of the hot work;
     comply with all the conditions and precautions as indicated on the Permit and attachments;
     cease hot work immediately when instructed to do so by the R.O. or C.M.
     Inform the R.O. when the hot work has been completed; and
     remove the copies of the Permit as posted.

  • Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location


  • The General Hot Work Precautions attached to this permit must be in place
    prior to the start of any hot works

  • Site name

  • Job Number

  • Permit Number

  • Issued to

  • Company

  • Contact Number

  • Permit Valid: From

  • Permit Valid: To

  • Location of work

  • Description of Works


  • Position / Designation

  • Name

  • Contact number

  • Signature

  • Date Issued


  • Position / Designation

  • Name

  • Contact number

  • Signature

  • Date reviewed


  • Company

  • Position / Designation

  • Name

  • Contact number

  • Signature

  • Date Accepted


  • Name

  • Date & Time permit closed out

Additional Precautions

  • Note: The duration of the hot work and location as designated on the Permit must not be exceeded and cannot be changed.
    The person carrying out hot work must apply for a new permit if either of these designated features of the permit are varied.



  • Notice is to be provided to the R.O. 24 hours prior to commencing work, with the details relating to the any requirement to isolate any fire detection system.

  • Any people occupying the building are to be notified of the Hot Work prior to commencing the work.

  • A 9-litre water type and a 3.5 kg Carbon Dioxide fire extinguisher is to be provided in the area of the hot work. (See Note below)

  • An attendant or observer is to be provided, on standby in the area where the hot work is being conducted.

  • The permit holder or attendant is to be trained in how to use the firefighting equipment

  • The Hot Work area is to be constantly attended during the hot work and for one hour after the hot work is complete, to check for any potential fire or smouldering.

  • All personnel involved in the hot work are to understand the emergency procedure for contacting the Emergency Services and the R.O.

  • The local zone of the Fire Detection System is to be isolated for the duration of the hot work and the area that is isolated is to be monitored until the system is reinstated.

  • Non-combustible receptacles are to be provided for the disposal of off-cuts, slag, electrode stubs, etc.

  • Flash-back arresters must be fitted on oxy-acetylene welding sets.

  • Spark or flash screens are to be used around the immediate hot work area as appropriate.

  • Flammable or combustible materials, liquids, gases, dusts and oily deposits are to be removed during Hot Work.

  • Combustible floors, structural members, other fixed combustible objects and other material that may be damaged by the work are to be shielded with protective guards.

  • All holes, recesses or shafts where hot metal particles could fall through or lodge undetected are to be fire stopped or shielded with protective guards.

  • The area of hot work is to be barricaded or roped off to prevent access by unauthorised persons.

  • Adequate ventilation is to be provided and fumes or smoke prevented from entering occupied areas.

  • The area in which hot work is to take place is to be swept clean prior to and after performing the works.

  • Insert any additional precautions identified.



  • Have all the general precautions for hot work processes been applied?

  • Have the additional precautions (if any) prescribed been applied?

  • Has the Hot Work site been inspected to ensure that no other uncontrolled hazards exist?

  • Does the permit holder have a telephone and is aware of the method to raise a fire alarm?


  • Has any Fire Detection System been restored?

  • Has a thorough inspection of the hot work area been carried out to ensure the site is safe?

  • Has a person remained at the hot work site for one hour after completion of hot work?

  • Has the area been cleaned up of all debris and fine particles and restored to normal use?

  • Has a thorough inspection of the hot work area been carried out to ensure the site is safe?Has a copy of the signed permit been archived in the Life Cycle System (LMS)

  • Notes:
    1. Fire extinguishers provided for hot work must not be those installed as part of the building extinguisher inventory.
    2. Only Carbon Dioxide type fire extinguishers shall be used on electrically energised (live) circuits or equipment.
    3. Protective guards shall be manufactured from non-combustible sheet (e.g. sheet metal) or thermal barrier cloth with a melting temperature of not less than 1650°C (3000°F)

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