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Housekeeping Periodic Health & Safety Checklist

Risk Assessment and Hazard Reporting

  • Are reports of hazards promptly investigated?

  • Have our risk assessments been reviewed during the last 12 months?

  • Have safe systems of work and work procedures identified in risk assessments been adopted and are they followed in practice?

Personal Protective Equipment

  • Is personal protective equipment being used by employees as instructed by management?

  • Is a record of the issue of personal protective equipment being maintained?

  • Is personal protective equipment inspected and serviced as required with records retained?

  • Does all the PPE comply with current legislation concerning the design and manufacture of PPE (i.e. is it CE marked)?

  • Is suitable storage provided for PPE?

Welfare/Working Environment

  • Are all light fittings in working order?

  • Are all light switches in a satisfactory state (i.e. not loose, cracked or broken)?

  • Are all doors and window furniture (locks, catches, latches) in effective working order?

  • Are all panes of glass in doors and windows in a suitable condition (i.e. not shattered or cracked) and of the correct type for the location?

  • Are waste receptacles sufficient in number, convenient in location and regularly emptied?

  • Is all waste disposed of and taken out of the premises on a daily basis?

  • Is hot water and cold drinking water available for use?


  • Are cleaning materials stored in designated areas?

  • Are there sufficient warning signs, such as yellow cones etc available at the premises?

Slips, Trips and Falls

  • Are sufficient cleaning regimes carried out and a planned schedule followed to maintain good, general housekeeping standards?

  • Are all staircases and corridors free from obstruction?

  • Are all stairways fitted with suitable banisters or handrails?

  • Is all flooring in public areas in a good condition and free from cables and other tripping hazards?

  • Are floors clean and free from slipping hazards?

Manual Handling Assessment

  • Have you assessed and controlled the risks to your workforce from manual handling?

Use of Hazardous Substances and Agents

  • Are all hazardous substances correctly labelled?

  • Are hazardous substances risk assessments readily available?

Working at Height

  • Has all 'work at height' equipment been inspected recently and have the outcomes from the inspections been actioned and records retained?

  • Are employees who are working at height, following safe systems of work/work procedures ?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.