
  • Project Name

  • Conducted on

  • Location
  • Field Supervisor

  • Project Manager

  • Prepared by


  • Job Site Standards professionally posted

  • iConstructors jobsite entrance sign and project sign are properly installed and clean

  • Completion date signage conspicuously posted in trailer and building


  • Construction debris properly disposed and dumpster location free of all debris

  • Port-o-let on-site and properly serviced

  • iConstructors walk-off mat in trailer, or similar black mat if iConstructors mat not available

  • Construction trailer is clean and organized

  • Permit cards properly displayed and organized

  • Jobsite materials organized in a professional manner.

  • Sidewalks and adjacent roads clean

  • Mechanical and Electrical rooms properly maintained

  • Roof clean of all debris


  • Silt fence installed and properly maintained

  • Flooring/Wall/Millwork protection to iStandards

  • Filter media properly secured on all return air dampers and grills

  • iConstructors door handle wall protectors onsite and properly utilized

  • Vacuum cleaner on-site and working


  • iConstructors Safety Manual on-site

  • All required SDS Sheets on-site for products and materials supplied by iConstructors

  • SDS Sheets Reviewed Include:

  • First Aid Kit properly stocked and on-site

  • Fire extinguisher onsite, charged and properly tagged and located in building

  • All electrical power provided through OSHA approved GFI receptacles

  • All electrical cords used are safe and a minimum of 14 gauge wire

  • Rebar caps in place

  • Scaffolding erected and properly maintained including red tags

  • Proper fall protection in place and located at proper heights

  • All job site personnel are wearing hard hats

  • Are there spare hard hats on site for Guests to utilize?

  • Proper, safe lighting provided throughout the job site


  • Field Supervisor drawings are in PlanGrid and have been properly reviewed, annotated, and color coded to reflect important notes, exceptions, concerns, and construction legend depiction

  • Field Supervisor drawings are utilizing iConstructors standard layers in PlanGrid.

  • Please select layers being utilized

  • RFI's and Submittals have been uploaded by the PL and the Field Supervisor has properly hyperlinked them to the area they relate to

  • Work completed such as concrete, framing, plumbing, wall devices, etc. generally has been verified for accuracy of location and existence by the Field Supervisor as depicted by a green dot on the object and assigned to the Verified layer

  • PlanGrid "Issues" are used to reflect punch-list and follow-up items. Each issue reflects room #, includes a photo, and description of the issue

  • As-built drawings are being kept and updated regularly and assigned to the As-Built layer


  • SWPPP logs on-site and properly maintained for sites over 1 acre in size

  • Toolbox safety meeting agendas and sign in sheets being maintained and easy to locate

  • OVERALL, job site is neat, orderly, and professional in appearance


  • Comments

  • Person that completed the report

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.