
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.001

  • Client / SiteJames Johnston

  • Conducted Odyssey Nursing Home

  • Prepared by Andreia Collins

  • Location1/13 Fortune ST Commera
  • PersonnelKristine Handerson


  • Date and time of incident21/04/2120

  • Date and time incident was reported. 3 pm

  • To whom was the incident reported?To the supervision

  • Location of incident. (Specify site location)At Odyssey Nursing home

  • Supervisor's NameKristine Handerson

  • Supervisor's Phone Number0412795033

  • Was there any witness(es)? If yes, provide name(s).


  • Name (Person 1):James Johnston

  • Phone:5751005

  • Sex:Masc

  • Age;93 y.o

  • Job Title: bossiness man

  • Time on job: (Yrs & Mos)

  • Job Status:Client

  • Classification:

  • Employee Disposition Status:Retired

  • Medication prescribed? If yes list medications.


  • Describe injury. Booked arm

  • Detail any first-aid or medical treatment administered. (Provide names)St John's Ambulance

  • Property Damage:

  • Photo of damage.

  • Property Damage:

  • Photo of damage.

  • Estimated cost of damage:

  • Vehicle ID:

  • Make/Model:

  • Age:

  • Equipment ID:

  • Model:

  • Age:

  • Detailed description of incident. (Include environmental conditions at time of incident Fall of the bed

  • Environmental photo:

  • Environmental photo:

  • Immediate (Direct Causes):James was not sure where he was caused by Dementis

  • Direct cause photo:

  • Direct cause photo:

  • Contributing (underlying) Factors:

  • Contributing factors photo:

  • Corrective Action (Include detail description of action and person(s) responsible for actions)

  • What was the potential for severity?

  • What could have potentially happened?

  • What is the probability of reoccurrance?

  • Select date

  • SignatureK. Handerson

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.