Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Injured name
Was it our company's employee or subcontractor
Who do they work for?
Hazard and Incident Details
Incident Category
- Injury/ Illness
- Near Miss
- Hazard
- Death
- Other
1. Injured Person (if applicable)
Contact Number/ Email
Home address
Date of hire
Social #
Take photo of injured person (where appropriate)
2. Job Details (if applicable)
Job Title
Location of job site
Job Number
Crew Leader or Direct Supervisior
Start time
Hours worked
3. Injury / Incident Details
When did it occur?
When was it reported?
Who reported it?
What was the employee doing just before the incident occurred?
What happened? (How the injury occurred)
Was a death involved?
This is REPORTABLE to OSHA within 8 hours from time of death.
Type of injury?
- Laceration
- Fracture
- Sprain
- Amputation
- Eye Injury
- Other
What is the other type of injury?
Which eye was injured?
- Left
- Right
Did this result in the loss of a eye?
This is REPORTABLE to OSHA within 24 hours to injury.
This is a OSHA RECORDABLE on the 300 Log. (Unless hospitalized then it is a REPORTABLE)
What was amputated?
This is REPORTABLE to OSHA within 24 hours from time of injury.
Was treatment beyond first aid? If so this is a OSHA RECORDABLE on the 300 Log.
This is a OSHA RECORDABLE on the 300 Log. (Unless hospitalized then it is a REPORTABLE)
Injury location
Methos of Injury
What directly caused the injury?
Take/ upload photo evidence of incident, environment, person(s) involved
4. Treatment or Follow up
OSHA Recordable
Any work-related injury or illness that results in loss of consciousness, days away from work, restricted work, or transfer to another job.
Any work-related injury or illness requiring medical treatment beyond first aid.
Any work-related diagnosed case of cancer, chronic irreversible diseases, fractured or cracked bones or teeth, and punctured eardrums. -
Was medical treatment required?
Where was the treatment?
What is the Name and location of Urgent Care?
How was the worker transported?
Who transported the employee?
Why did the employee take his own vehicle?
Did anyone go with the employee?
Who was it?
Why did the employee travel alone?
What Ambulance transported the worker?
Where was the worker transported?
What is the Name and location of the Emergency Room?
How did injured person get transported?
What was the treatment?
Was there a lost of time worked?
How long of time was lost?
When is or can the employee return to work
Was worker put on restricted duties or restrictions?
How long is the restricted duties?
When is or can the employee return to normally duty
Was employee hospitalized (admitted) overnight as an in-patient?
How long was the employee hospitalized?
This is REPORTABLE to OSHA within 24 hours to injury.
Date reported to regulatory authority (leave blank if not required)
5. Witness Statements (if applicable)
Witness signature (if applicable)
6. After action and Root Cause
Was there a Fall?
What height?
Was proper fall protection being used?
Was there a violation?
What was the violation?
All Equipment must be returned to Matt Magrisi - Safety Coordinator ASAP.
What type of system was being used? (In depth)
Was the worker wearing PPE?
What PPE would they have needed to wear to protect from injury?
Was the employee issued or had PPE available to them?
What PPE were they wearing?
Was the PPE adequate protection?
Recommended action?
Narrative of Incident
Process for mitigation of further injuries?
7. Completion
Name of person completing report?
Signature of reporting person