Title Page
Conducted on
Induction completed by
Employees Name
I have either been given a copy, or verbally had my job role explained to me
I have been given a copy of the Company Staff Handbook and have received my contract of employment
I have read and understand the content of the Company Health and Safety Policy
I have been shown where the first aid provisions are and know who I should speak to if there is a first aid incident?
I am aware of the process in the event of a fire or other serious incident and know where my nearest assembly point is
The following processes have been discussed with me
* Payroll - When and how
* Fault Reporting and who to speak to
* Safety around the Factory Floor - Being aware of lifting and moving equipment
* How to report an absence - Call main line and my line manager
* Security and how to clock in
* Use of lockers and mobile phones
* Car parking and where to park
* How to book holiday
We have a number of internal company policies. Below are the ones that I am required to read and signing this document at the end is me confirming I have read and understand the content held within them
ICP 001 - Outworkers
ICP 002 - Uniform
ICP 003 - Company Vehicles
ICP 004 - Hand and Power Tools
ICP 005 - Equipment Use
ICP 006 - Lone Workers
ICP 007 - Lifting Equipment
ICP 008 - Young Persons
ICP 009 - New and Expectant Mothers
ICP 010 - Noise
ICP 011 - Hot Works
ICP 012 - Use of Display Screen Equipment
ICP 013 - Manual Handling
ICP 014 - Car Parking and Lockers
ICP 015 - Free Cards
ICP 016 - Storage, Stacking or Shelving
ICP 017 - Working from Home
ICP 018 - Company Expences
ICP 019 - Clocking In and Holiday
ICP 020 - Eye Tests
ICP 021 - Visitors
ICP 022 - Key Holders
Probation Requirements
You will initially be on probation. During probation, the company will have certain criteria it will want you to achieve in order to ensure you pass probation. These include
Attendance • There should be no incidents of absence in the first 3 months. If for any reason, you do have an absence, you must have called in using the correct procedure for contacting your line manager
Breaks • Breaks being kept to the time allocated
Complaints • There are to be no complaints from customers, peers or managers
Lateness • You should be at work, and ready to start your shift at the right time
Attitude • You need to display a positive attitude when at work. This includes around customers, colleagues and management. You should remain professional at all times
Mobiles • You are not to use your mobile whilst on shift
Uniform • You are expected to turn up suitably dressed in a clean, ironed clothes for each shift. If you have been given uniform, you should be wearing it
Working methods • You will be expected to be efficient at your job and work to the standards expected by your line manager
Honesty • You are expected to be honest about all areas of the business.
Productivity • You are expected to able to increase your level of productivity during your probation period
Other * Use the notes section to capture any other requirements set by the line manager for passing probation
I am happy that I have understood everything covered during this induction. My signature confirms this
Employee Signature