
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Personal Details

Your Personal Details

  • Full Name inc. Title:

  • Date of Birth:

  • How would you like to be addressed:

  • Current Address:

  • Contact Telephone Number:

  • Preferred Language:

  • Do you require a Translator?

  • Religion / Beliefs:

Next of Kin Details

  • Name:

  • Relationship to you:

  • Address:

  • Home Telephone Number:

  • Work Telephone Number:

  • Mobile Telephone Number:

Emergency Contact Details - (if different from Next Of Kin)

  • Are they the same as 'Next of Kin'?


  • Name:

  • Relationship to you:

  • Primary Contact Number:

  • Secondary Contact Number:

GP Details

  • GP Name:

  • Surgery Name:

  • Surgery Address:

  • Telephone Number:

  • Out of Hours Telephone Number:

Care Manager / Social Worker Details

  • Name:

  • Address:

  • Office Telephone:

  • Out of Hours Telephone:

Funding Details

  • Date Paperwork Received:

  • Social Services Review Date:

  • Funding Sources:

  • Total Care / Support Hours Required:

Existing Support

What Existing Care / Support do you Currently Receive? Details of any Existing Care / Support you currently receive: (name of person/organisation - contact details inc address - type of Care/ Support and days/times)

About You and Your Life History

About You and Your Life History - Note: Consider things such as Birth Place, Growing Up, Work, Family, Relationships, Significant Dates, Interests/Hobbies, TV Programs, Books/Papers, Food & Drink likes/Dislikes):

Medical and Medication

Medical and Medication Information

  • Known Allergies

  • Medical History

  • Does the Service User take Medication?

  • Current Types of Medication (Consideration MUST be given to the type of Medication and level of Staff Interaction as some Medication Types and Administration Methods will require 'Specialist Training')

  • List ALL Current Medications: (see MAR Sheet for details etc.)

  • Medication Dispensing:

  • Does the Service User Self Medicate?

  • Complete a 'Medication Self Assessment' form

  • Are Staff Required To have involvement with Service User Medication?

  • What Level of Input will be required by Staff?

  • Does any Medication Assistance require Staff to have 'Specialist Training'?

  • Specialist Training Requirements:

  • Are there any 'Special' Training Requirements as per Local Authority?

  • Local Authority Requirements:

  • Is a MAR Chart in Place and Ready for use?


  • Difficulties taking Medication e.g. Swallowing, Spilling Liquid Meds etc?

  • Details of any Difficulties:

  • Does Management of Prescribed or Un-Prescribed Medication(s) have 'Potential' to Cause Risk?

  • Details of any Potential Risks:

  • Is All Appropriate Documentation On File? e.g. MAR Sheets, Controlled Drugs Records, Disposal Forms etc.

  • Details of requirements:

  • Are there any 'Controlled Drugs'?

  • Are they Adequately Stored?

  • Details of Storage Improvement Requirements:

  • Is a 'Consent to Treatment' Form required? (Mental Health)


  • Any Relevant Notes or Information:

Skin Care

Skin Care and Pressure Care

  • Are there any Skin Care Concerns at this time?

  • Skin Care Products to use:

  • Skin Care Routine:


  • Select Chart

  • Complete Chart when Printed

  • Complete Chart when Printed

  • Any Relevant Notes or Information:

Pressure Care Concerns

  • Are there any Pressure Care issues at this time?

  • Pressure Care Aids:

  • Pressure Care Routine:


  • Select Chart

  • Complete Chart when Printed

  • Complete Chart when Printed

  • Any Relevant Notes or Information:

Turns Monitoring requirements

  • Is a 'Turns Monitoring' Form Required?

  • Completed and included with the Care Plan?

  • Any Relevant Notes or Information:

Sight - Hearing - Communication


  • Service Users Levels of Verbal Communication and Conversation are:

  • Do they Respond Well to YES / NO Type Questions?

  • What other types of Communication can be used? (Picture/Note Pad/Sign etc)

  • Any Relevant Notes or Information:


  • Service Users Sight is:

  • Does the Service User Wear Glasses?

  • Glasses required:

  • Other Relevant Information: (contact lenses etc)

  • Any Relevant Notes or Information:


  • Service Users Hearing is:

  • Is a Hearing Aid or Hearing Device Used?

  • Details of Devices Used by Service User:

  • Any Relevant Notes or Information:

Mobility and Dexterity

Mobility and Dexterity

  • Able to Walk Unaided?

  • Requires the use of the following items:

  • Details of Other Equipment or Device:

  • Is there a Risk relating to any of the Mobility Aids?


  • Able to Go Out Alone?

  • Will Staff be required to assist the Service User on External Activities?

  • Details:

  • Complete an 'EXTERNAL RISK ASSESSMENT' Form for all external activities

  • Will Staff be required to assist the Service User on External Activities?

  • Details:

  • Complete an 'EXTERNAL RISK ASSESSMENT' Form for all external activities

  • Has the Service User 'Fallen' in the Past 12 months?

  • Details:

  • Complete a 'Falls Risk Assessment' Form

  • Any Relevant Notes or Information:


Personal Hygiene Routines

Showering / Bathing

  • Service User Prefers:

  • Details:

  • Service User is:

  • Bathing Risk Assessment Completed?

  • Details of Preferred Frequency & Day / Time:

  • Showering / Bathing Aids:

  • Details of Other:

  • Details of Preferred Toiletries:

  • Any Relevant Notes or Information:

Hair Care

  • Service User is:

  • Hair Dresser Frequency and Details:

  • Facial Hair

  • Service User Prefers:

  • Details of Other:

  • Shaving Frequency and Details:

  • Details of any Other Hair Removal Requirements:

  • Any Relevant Notes or Information:

Oral Hygiene Routine

  • Own Teeth:

  • Details of Teeth:

  • Dentures:

  • Details of Dentures:

  • At Night, Dentures are to be:

  • Any Relevant Notes or Information:

Foot Care

  • Service User is:

  • Details of Foot Care Routines & Specialist Treatment:

  • Any Relevant Notes or Information:

Dressing / Undressing

Dressing and Undressing Requirements

  • Service User is:

  • Details of All Assistance Required:

  • Any Relevant Notes or Information:

Continence Needs

Bladder Management

  • Service User is:

  • Toileting Regime:

  • Toileting Aids:

  • Management Aids:

  • Catheter Management Plan:

  • Details:

  • Details of Specific Toilet Times / Routines:

  • Any Relevant Notes or Information:

Bowel Management

  • Service User is:

  • Management Aids:

  • Details of Incontinence:

  • Details of Specific Toilet Times / Routines:

  • Any Relevant Notes or Information:

Eating and Drinking

Eating and Drinking Requirements

  • Are there any Enteral (PEG/NGT) Feeding Requirements?

  • Give detailed information as to requirements:

  • Prefers to have Meals in:

  • Details:

  • For Eating, the Service User is:

  • Service User is:

  • Requires a 'Special diet'?

  • Type of Diet is:

  • Are there any foods the Service User SHOULD NOT Consume?

  • Give full details of food items the Service User may not consume and reasons why:

  • Is there a requirement for and specific Eating Aids?

  • Give Full Details:

  • For Drinking, the Service User is:

  • Do they have a 'Preferred' drink?

  • Details of Drinks:

  • Is there a requirement to use a 'Thickener' ?

  • Details of Thickener required:

  • Are any 'Drinking Aids' required?

  • Give Details of Drinking Aids:

Sleeping and Settling

Sleeping and Settling Requirements

  • Usual Time to Rise:

  • Usual Time to Bed:

  • Daytime Rest Routine:

  • Preferred Sleeping Position:

  • Preferences for Bed Coverings / Pillows etc.

  • Sleeping Aids:

  • Sleeping Aids Details:

  • Room Preferences:

  • Night Time Patterns:(e.g. Wanders/Talks/Shouts etc.)

  • Details of any Night Time Checks Required:



  • Does the Service User manage their own finances

  • Contact details for Finance Management:

  • Have they made any Advanced Decisions?

  • Contact details of responsible Person:

  • Have they prepared a Will?

  • Contact details of responsible Person:

Risk Assessment

General and Physical Health

  • Do you have any General or Physical Health Considerations?

  • Details:

  • Do the above considerations have the potential to cause Risk?

  • Details:

  • Is there a Risk of Injury from Slips and Falls?

  • Details:

Falls Risk Assessment

  • Age:

  • Mobility:

  • History of Falls?

  • Sensory Impairment?

  • Other Factors

  • Medication Side-Effects?

  • Loss of Sensation?

  • Oedema Lower Limbs?

  • Shortness of Breath?

  • Dizziness or Light-headedness?

  • Pain?

  • Muscle Wastage or Weakness?

  • Incontinence and tries to Rush to toilet?

  • Problems with Balance?

  • Confusion or Aggression?

  • Poor Fitting Footwear?

  • Wanderer?

  • Trip Hazards around the Home?

  • Select Total Score:

  • Is the score LOWER than 14?

  • Service User is LOW RISK - NO Management Plan required at this time

  • Is the Score LOWER than 8?

  • Service Users with a Score of 8 or Below ARE AT HIGH RISK..!!!
    Review Care Plan provision and consider the person to be HIGH DEPENDENCY
    Review Staffing input requirement.

  • Complete a Falls Risk Management Plan for a HIGH RISK Service User

  • Service Users with a Score of 13 or Below ARE AT MEDIUM RISK..!!
    Their Condition and Care Plan should be Monitored Closely and staff should ensure that the person has all necessary personal items close to hand to minimise risk.

  • Complete a Falls Risk Management Plan for MEDIUM RISK Service User.

  • Select date

  • Staff Member Completing Risk Assessment:

  • Is there a Risk Relating to Mobility Aids?


  • Is there a Requirement for a Moving & Handling Assessment?


  • Is there a Requirement to Assist with Bathing & Showering?


  • Is there a Risk from Smoking?


  • Is there a Requirement for an 'External Activities' Risk Assessment?


  • Any relevant Notes or Information:

Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing

  • Do you have any Mental Health considerations?

  • Do identified Mental Health considerations have a potential to cause Risk?

  • Details of the Risks:

  • Who is likely to be at Risk?

  • Complete a 'Triggers & Precipitating Factors' Form

  • What is the 'Level of Risk'?

  • Complete a 'Risk Management Plan'

  • Do you have any Emotional Wellbeing considerations?

  • Do identified Emotional Wellbeing considerations have a potential to cause Risk?

  • Details of the Risks:

  • Who is likely to be at Risk?

  • What is the 'Level of Risk'

  • Complete a 'Risk Management Plan'

  • Complete a 'Triggers & Precipitating Factors' Form

  • Are there any Risk of the Service User 'Wandering'?

  • Details:

  • What is the 'Level of Risk'?

  • Complete a 'Risk Management Plan'

Considerations on the use of Bedrails

  • Is there a likelihood of Falling Out of Bed?

  • Consider the use of Bedrails after using the Risk Matrix Tool

  • Would the Service User feel 'Anxiuos' if they DID NOT have Bedrails?

  • Consider the use of Bedrails after using the Risk Matrix Tool

  • Are Bedrails Likely to Reduce Independence?

  • Consider the Safety aspect of use after using the Risk Matrix Tool

Bedrail Safety

  • Are Bedrails to be used?

  • Is there a likelihood that the Service User may 'Climb Over' the rails?

  • Complete a Risk Management Plan

  • Is the Bed and Mattress suitable for the Rails?

  • Arrange for suitable equipment before using bedrails

  • Are there any 'GAPS' between the rail and any part of the bed that the Service User could potentially 'Trap' parts of their body?

  • Arrange for suitable equipment before using rails

  • Are the Bedrails in good condition?

  • Details:

  • Arrange for Rails to be Serviced / Replaced

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.