Audit Title
Conducted on
Prepared by
Business Details
Person in charge at time of inspection
Phone number
Inspection report delivered via:
- Email to above address.
- Not sent.
- Post to subject premises.
Inspection type:
- Routine.
- Re-inspection.
- Complaint.
Procedures Conducted on Premises
Type of procedure(s) undertaken at premises
- Dry Cleaning
- Laundering
- Under Ground Retention Tanks
- Vehicle Smash Repairs
1. Dry cleaning machines are maintained in a proper working order at all times.
2. All machines are checked regularly for leaks.
3. Monitor & Record the quantity of PERC (perchloroethylene) used against the waste being generated.
Chemical Storage
Ensure: Containers used to store chemicals and their waste products should be:-
4. All chemicals are clearly labelled.
5. Kept separate from other chemicals and stored under cover.
6. Kept in a place where they cannot be knocked over and spilled.
7. All chemical containers are tightly sealed & chemically resistant.
8. Kept away from drains and sewers.
9. Kept away from heat-producing sources.
10. Chemicals & waste must be stored in a container spill tray ( chemically resistant polyurethane or stainless steal) or in a bunded area so that if there is a leak or spill, the waste & chemicals are contained.
11. The storage or bunding capacity must be large enough to hold the full volume (100%) of the chemicals or waste liquids being stored at the premises.
Spillage Response
12. Ensure all staff handling PERC (perchloroethylene) have completed the PERC licence course.<br>(This course is offered through Dry Cleaning Institute of Australia or TAFE)
13. Clearly have displayed copy of the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for PERC (perchloroethylene).
14. Have occupational health & safety clean-up plans for leaks & spills.
15. Have a maintained spill kit or kits on the site near machines & chemical / waste storage areas.
16. All staff trained in use of spill kits and where kits are stored.
Handling & Disposal
17. Handling of chemicals / waste are dealt with according to occupational health & safety guidelines.<br>( Company supplying chemicals can provide a MSDS outlining these procedures)
18. Disposal of PERC (perchloroethylene) waste to be removed by an approved waste transporter and taken to an EPA- licensed facility. Receipts to be kept and shown when requested by Authorised Officer.
Further action required:
- Nil - Premises satisfactory.
- No reinspection required - ensure all abovementioned non compliances are attended to prior to next routine inspection.
- Reinspection 24 hours.
- Reinspection 7 days.
- Reinspection 14 days.
- Reinspection 28 days.
- Reinspection 60 days.
- Reinspection 90 days.
- Reinspection 180 days.
- Warning letter.
- Abatement /Direction
Inspection NOTES:
Business Owner/Operator
Authorised Council Environmental Health Officer
Authorised Council Environmental Health Officer's phone number
- Michael Hendry 9367 9076
- Donna Clements 9367 9073