Location of audit
Conducted on
Prepared by
What is the location of this inspection (field, row, etc.)
Pagina zonder titel
Inspection of the front of the module
Are all modules free from damage? (scratches, broken cells, including module frame etc.)
Inspection of the rear of the module
Are all diodes and connectors free from damage?
Are all modules free from damage? (scratches, broken cells, etc.)
Is the correct type of module installed? (evidence of label)
Module mounting
Is the module oriented correctly according to the leap frog?
Are the modules installed correctly? (are all 4 bolts present, top module east-west distance 15 cm, etc)
Are the modules installed in the correct inclination? (10 degrees +/-1 degree)
Are the module fixings installed with the correct torque? (12-16Nm)