
  • Which Interim Inspection is this?

  • Did you visit the house or did the household send information by email?

  • Property Address

  • Type of Tenancy

  • Inspected by:

  • Conducted on

  • Which Interim Inspection is this?

  • Have you been asked to check anything while you are at the house?

  • What have you been asked to check?

External Front

  • Take a photo of the front of the house

  • Is the front of the house clean and free from rubbish?

  • Take a picture

  • Should the household be charged for this?

  • Any Extra Comments/ Work needed?

  • Take a picture of the problem

  • Write down what the issue is

  • Is the property Let for the coming year?

Entrance Hall

  • Does the front door unlock, open, close and lock easily?

  • Does the front door open straight into a bedroom?

  • Take pictures looking at and away from the front door

  • Is the entrance hall clean and tidy?

  • Are there items blocking the escape route?

  • Take a picture

  • Any Extra Comments/ Work needed?

  • Take a picture of the Issue

  • Write details of the issue



  • Enter Location of the boiler

  • Give details of where the boiler is

  • Is there a Carbon Monoxide Detector near to the boiler

  • Take picture showing the location of the detector

  • Is the property ALL ELECTRIC?

  • Arrange to have a Carbon Monoxide Detector fitted and charge the landlord

Common Room

Common Room

  • Is there a Common Room or just a Kitchen?

  • Take pictures to show the room, and condition of the room.

  • Is the room clean and tidy?

  • Any Extra Comments/ Work needed?

  • Take a picture of the Issue

  • Write Details



  • Take pictures to show the room and condition of the room

  • Is the room Clean and Tidy

  • Check Inside all the appliances. Are they clean?

  • Any Extra Comments/ Work needed?

  • Take a picture of the Issue

  • Write Details

Downstairs Services

  • Is there a bathroom or toilet downstairs?

  • Take pictures to show the room and condition of the room

  • Is the room Clean and Tidy?

  • Any Extra Comments/ Work needed?

  • Take a picture of the issue

  • Write Details


Bedroom 1

  • Take pictures to show the room and condition of the room(s)

  • Is the room clean and tidy?

  • Any Extra Comments/ Work needed?

  • Take a picture of the issue

  • Write Details

Bedroom 2

  • Is there a second bedroom?

  • Take pictures to show the room and condition of the room(s)

  • Is the room clean and tidy?

  • Any Extra Comments/ Work needed?

  • Take a picture of the issue

  • Write Details

Bedroom 3

  • Is there a third bedroom?

  • Take pictures to show the room and condition of the room(s)

  • Is the room clean and tidy?

  • Any Extra Comments/ Work needed?

  • Take a picture of the issue

  • Write Details

Bedroom 4

  • Is there a fourth bedroom?

  • Take pictures to show the room and condition of the room(s)

  • Is the room clean and tidy?

  • Any Extra Comments/ Work needed?

  • Take a picture of the issue

  • Write Details

Bedroom 5

  • Is there a fifth bedroom?

  • Take pictures to show the room and condition of the room(s)

  • Is the room clean and tidy?

  • Any Extra Comments/ Work needed?

  • Take a picture of the issue

  • Write Details

Bedroom 6

  • Is there a sixth bedroom?

  • Take pictures to show the room and condition of the room(s)

  • Is the room clean and tidy?

  • Any Extra Comments/ Work needed?

  • Take a picture of the issue

  • Write Details

Bedroom 7

  • Is there a seventh bedroom?

  • Take pictures to show the room and condition of the room(s)

  • Is the room clean and tidy?

  • Any Extra Comments/ Work needed?

  • Take a picture of the issue

  • Write Details

Bedroom 8

  • Is there an eighth bedroom?

  • Take pictures to show the room and condition of the room(s)

  • Is the room clean and tidy?

  • Any Extra Comments/ Work needed?

  • Take a picture of the issue

  • Write Details

Stairs and Landing

  • Take pictures of the landing and stairs walls and carpets

  • Is the landing and stairs clean and tidy

Upstairs Bathroom

  • Is there a bathroom upstairs?

  • Take pictures to show the room and condition of the room

  • Is the room Clean and Tidy?

  • Any Extra Comments/ Work needed?

  • Take a picture of the issue

  • Write Details

Fire Safety

  • Is there a fire alarm panel in the property?

  • Enter the date of the last Monthly Test

  • Does the fire door close under its own pressure, do the door closers work and are the intumescent strips intact?

  • Describe the faults here

  • Take photos of the problems

  • Issue works to have the faults rectified.

  • Are you actually at the property?

  • Carry out a test on the interlinked fire detection. Is the fire detection working?

  • issue works to have the faults rectified. This is a high priority repair

  • Add the Video of the Smoke Alarm Test Here as a link from Google Drive if the test was sent by email.

  • Does the property have Emergency Lighting?

  • Take a photo of each Emergency Light

  • Is the light on the Emergency Light Red?

  • Issue a job to 1st Stop to attend.


  • Is there any evidence of unsafe practices by tenants (candles, blocking escape routes etc)

  • Detail the issues here, and email the household with a warning.

  • Take photos of the issues

Advice for Tenants to get full deposit back (Information on Third Interim Inspection Only)

  • Which Interim Inspection is this?

  • Moving Out
    When your tenancy ends you need to move out of the residence promptly. For most people, this will be
    Monday 31 July 2023 at 10am. Your Tenancy Agreement will tell you the end date of your tenancy.

    If you are moving out earlier than your contract end date, please let us know that you are going and return your keys in person if possible.

    Returning keys:
    At the end of your contract, your keys must be returned to Sulets.
    Failure to do this will result in a lock change being carried out at the property, for which you will be charged.

    Even if you are returning to the same house the following year, you must still return your keys.

    To return your keys in person you need to:
    Bring them to our Shop in the DMU Campus Centre.
    We are open Monday to Thursday 9.00am to 5.30pm and Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm.

    To return your keys by post you need to:

    Put your keys in an envelope with your Full Name and Home Address written on the front. Put your envelope inside another envelope and send Recorded Delivery to:
    Sulets, Ground Floor, Campus Centre Building, Mill Lane, Leicester. LE2 7DR

    Keys must be received by Thursday 3 August 2023 or a charge will be incurred.

    We will carry out a property inspection during the first two weeks of August. If any cleaning or rubbish removal is needed, this will be chargeable and this will be the responsibility of the entire household.

    Your Belongings
    Please take everything with you when you leave. All items left in a property after the contract ends will be disposed of immediately. Residents will incur charges if this happens.

    Redirect your Post
    Before you leave: Contact Royal mail ( to redirect your post. Sulets accepts no responsibility for mislaid or lost mail and cannot re-enter the property to claim mail delivered after the contract ends.

    Staying Next Year?
    If your entire household has booked again in the same house for next year, you may leave your belongings in the house, but please take any valuable items home with you and remember, you still need to return your keys.

    If you are living in a Sulets Premium house, where cleaning is included, you will only get your last interim clean, so remember to throw away any perishable food and make sure you have put any rubbish in your bins outside. You will be charged for any rubbish that we need to clear away after you have gone.

    Any Questions
    Please don’t leave it too late. Call us now on 0116 467 0315 or email
    Thank you for choosing Sulets this year. We hope you have a great Summer.


Recommended Works (For Landlord Information Only)

  • Is there any work that you recommend is carried out over the next holiday period?

  • Which is the next period when the work would need to be carried out?

  • Detail the works here

  • Take any photos which show the issue

Sign Off

  • Which Interim Inspection is this?

  • Students are advised that:

  • Is the house in good enough condition for us to take marketing photos now?

  • Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.