
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • 1. Legal Appointments

  • 1.1 The person appointed as Competent Person for Machinery is in possession of the required technical qualifications as prescribed or written permission has been obtained from the Department of Labour for the appointment of a person with a lesser qualification?

  • 2. Non-Legal Appointments

  • 2.1 The following are not required by law, but may be advisable to consider:<br>- Ladder inspector<br>- Portable gas container inspector<br>- Portable electrical equipment inspector<br>- Lifting machine and lifting tackle inspector<br>- Persons responsible for conducting hazard identifications and risk assessments<br>- BA Set inspector<br>- Refrigeration inspector<br>- Oxy acetylene set inspector

  • 3. Health and Safety Representative System.

  • 3.1 Are minutes being kept of discussions at the H&S Committee meetings and are all issues as per the legal requirements discussed during these meetings?

  • 4. Reporting and recording of incidents and Occupational diseases.

  • 4.1 Are all incidents as required by the legislation reported to the office of the DOL in the prescribed format and within the prescribed time period?

  • 4.2 All incidents are recorded on the Annexure 1 register and investigated within 7 days after the occurence thereof?

  • 4.3 Are H&S reps involved when investigating incidents?

  • 5. General duties of employees

  • 5.1 Are systems of work provided for all critical tasks performed (SOP's)

  • 5.2 Are HIRA's being conducted. Baseline, Issue and Task based HIRA's to be done.

  • 5.3 Are all new employees being inspected after purchase or installation to ensure that they comply with the OSHA requirements?

  • 5.4 Are employees provided with the necessary health and safety instructions and training wrt the work they perform and safety precautions to be taken. Training records should be available.

  • 5.4 Are employees provided with the nic

  • 5.5 Is discipline being inforced wrt health and safety issues and are records available in the regard?

  • 5.6 Are supervisors who are knowledgeable on tasks to be performed available during all working hours?

  • 6. Duties imposed on employees.

  • 6.1 Could evidence be found suggesting that staff fail to comply with company rules or report for medical or other evaluations?

  • 6.2 Employees are not alloweed to interfere or misuese items provided in the interest of health and safety

  • 7. Contractor Management.

  • 7.1 Are all contractors contracted for construction work required to submit Health and Safety and fall protection plans prior to being allowed to commence with the construction work?

  • 7.2 Are steps taken to ensure that the principle contractor complies with the provisions of his health and safety plan?

  • 7.3 Are all principle contractor contracted for wok registered and in good standing with COIDA? In date Letter of Good Standing must be available.

  • 8. Indemnities

  • 8.1 Are all independent contractors that perform work on the premises required to sign an indemnity which requires of them to comply with the OHSA?

  • 9. Provision and use of Personal Protective Equipment and Facilities.

  • 9.1 Has a HIRA been conducted that perform work on the premises required to sign an indemnity whhich requires of them to comply with the OHSA?

  • 9.2 Are all PPE and safety equipment provided free of charge and properly maintained?

  • 9.3 Employees are not allowed to remove PPE from the premises?

  • 9.4 Are all employees trained in the correct use, maintenance and limitations of PPE issued?

  • 9.5 Employees are not required or permitted to perform work without the use of the required PPE

  • 10. First aid equipment and first aid provisions.

  • 10.1 Is a first aid box available in the workplace?

  • 10.2 Is the name of the trained first aider indicatted on the first aid box?

  • 11. Storage of flammable liquids

  • 11.1 All flammable liquids in excess of 40 litres stored in a properly constructed flammablee liquid store. To ensure compliance the store should conform to the following requirements:<br>- Must be constructed with fire resistant material, and should be at least 2 hour fire resistant.<br>- The store to be bunded with a bund that will be capable of containing 110% of the maximum amount of liquids stored in the area in the event of a spillage?<br>- The store to be ventilated<br>- The store to be marked with signs<br>- Adequate amount of fire fighting equipment available<br>- The store is to be fitted with a foam inlet consisting of a 65mm male instaneous coupling of mild steel pipe work that leads into the store. The foam inlet been marked with a sign displaying the words ''foam inlet''

  • 11.2 Has permission been obtained from the Local Authority when storing in excess of 200 litres of flammable liquids.

  • 12. Stacking of articles.

  • 12.1 All free standing stacking done in safe manner in compliance with the minimum legal requirements

  • 12.2 All racking systems used are well maintained , safe for use and capable of sustaining the weight placed on it?

  • 13. Welding, flame cutting, soldering and similar operations.

  • 13.1 Are the following requirements complied with when performing welding work inside wet or damped environments or inside steel vessels:<br>The insulation of the electrical leads are in good condition<br>The electrode holders are completely insulated<br>Correct PPE is worn<br>One person who iis properly trained and capable of assisting the welder

  • 14. Use of ladders.

  • 14.1 All ladders used on site are constructed of sound material and suitable for the purpose it is being used?

  • 15. Lighting and illumination levels in workplaces.

  • 15.1 An emergency source of lighting is provided in areas where persons are required to work at night or where no natural light enters the workplace.

  • 15.2 Emergency lighting system is being inspected in its entirety at intervals not exceeding once every 3 months.

  • 16. Housekeeping.

  • 16.1 Good housekeeping is being maintained

  • 16.2 All areas such as openings in floors, sides of floors or other elevated areas are provided with guardrails?

  • 16.3 All areas where persons may be struck by falling objects are properly fenced of or provided with a catch platform or net too ensure the safety of persons?

  • 17. Fire precautions and means of egress.

  • 17.1 An adequate amount and suitable type of fire fighting equipment is provided in each workplace as per the legal requirements?

  • 17.2 Workplaces are provided with at least 2 means of egress that are situated as far apart as possible? All fire doors in working order and inspected?

  • 17.3 All fire fighting equipment is inspected annually by a Department of Labour and SABS approved service provider?

  • 17.4 All fire fighting equipment are inspected monthly by staff members apppointed and charged with this responsibility?

  • 18. Facilities of safe keeping.

  • 18.1 Are all employees provided with facilities where they can safely store their personal items?

  • 19. Eating, drinking and smoking in workplaces.

  • 19.1 Are employees prohibited from eating, drinking and smoking in workplaces where chemical substanses are being used, or where employees are exposed to dirt, dust, filth or similar?

  • 20. Provision of seating.

  • 20.1 Are chairs been made availabe to employees who can perform their work while seated?

  • 21. Assessment and air monitoring.

  • 21.1 Are MSDS available for all substances used?

  • 21.2 Are MSDS available in the respective workplaces where the HCS are being used?

  • 21.3 Has a risk assessment been conducted to determine employees exposure to chemical substances as per the legal requiorements?

  • 22. Training of staff.

  • 22.1 Where all staff who mare required to work with HCS been trained on the dangers associated with these HCS?

  • 23. Medical Surveillance.

  • 23.1 Has a formal and uniform medical evaluation program developed wich will contain details on the types of medical evaluations to be conducted on the staff based on the legal requirements?<br>Baseline<br>Biological monitoring<br>Annual<br><br>

  • 24. Labelling, Packaging, transportation and storage of HCS

  • 24.1 Are all HCS used or stored properly identified and labelled as per the requirements?

  • 24.2 Are containers in wich HCS are decanted clearly marked and properly labelled and sealed?

  • 25. Disposal of HCS

  • 25.1 All HCS's destined for disposal are stored and transported in containers that seal well and will not cause exposure?

  • 25.2 After disposal a certificate is obtained from the waste disposal company which is kept on record ?

  • 26. Training on noise and hearing conservation

  • 26.1 Have all staff been trained on noise and hearing conservation within the last 12 months?

  • 27. Medical Surveillance

  • 27. Medical Surveillance

  • 27.1 Are all employes who work in a noise zone or who are exposed to nnoice in excess of the legal noise rating limit subjected to audiometric examination at intervals not exceeding:<br>Pre employment or within 30 of employment<br>Annually for the first 3 years of employment<br>At least every 2 years if no determination in the employees hearing <br>

  • 27.2 A written inventory is being kept of all asbestos or asbestos containing products found in the workplace or in the structure of buildings?

  • 27.3 Have an Occupational hygiene monitoring surveys been conducted as to determine employees exposure to noise, hazardous chemicals substances and other occupational stresses?

  • 28. Operation of major hazard installation.

  • 28.1 An risk assessment are been undertaken at intervals not exceeding 5 years to determine if the activities on the premises constitutes a MHI?

  • 28.2 Has a copy of the assessment been submitted to the offices of the Local Authority and the DOL within 60 days after completion of such an assessment?

  • 28.3 Has the em,ployer placed advertisements in the local papers with the intention of informing the public of the company's status?

  • 29. On-site Emergency plan
  • 29.1 A on-site emergency plan been developed for all workplaces that will constitute for Major hazard installations?

  • 30. General safeguarding of machinery.

  • 30.1 Are all dangerous parts of machinery that are within normal reach properly safeguarded by means of insulation, fencing, screening etc?

  • 30.2 Are all revolving components of machinery (such as shafts, pulleys,couplings, drive belts, chains ext.) that are situated in such a position or of such construction that they will endanger the safety of persons properly safeguarded or placed outside the reach of persons?

  • 31. Use of grinding machines

  • 31.1 The grinding machine has been fitted with work rests that are situated not more than 3mm from the stone?

  • 31.2 A sign has been made at the machine, which prohibits the doing of grinding work without the use of eye protection?

  • 32. Use of lifting machinery and lifting tackle.

  • 32.1 The maximum permissable mass load which the machine has been designed for is clearly indicated on the lifting machines?

  • 32.2 All hooks are so designed that the accidental disconnection of material cannot take place?

  • 32.3 All lifting tackle is examined and inspected at intervals not exceeding 3 months?

  • 32.4 All lifting machinery are inspected by a competent person at intervals not exceeding 6 months?

  • 32.5 All lifting machines are subjected to a load test performed by a competent person at intervals not exceeding 12 months?

  • 32.6 Are inspections and tests available for all inspections and tests conducted on lifting machines?

  • 32.7 Are forklifts inspected daily as per the internal health and safety policy?

  • 32.8 Are all load tests performed by entities who has registered with the DOL and with ECSA?

  • 32.9 All operators of lifting machines are in poossession of a training certificate?

  • 32.10 All operators of lifting machines are in possession of medical certificates of fitness and optometrist certificates

  • 33. Use and operation of pressure vessels.

  • 33.1 The pressure vessels are inspected and tested by a person registered for this purpose by the DOL at intervals not exceeding 36 months. A record is being kept of all inspections and tests conducted.

  • 33.2 All piping that forms of a pressure equipment system should be inspected and tested after installation and before use. All inspections to be conducted by a person registered for this purpose by the DOL.

  • 34. Transportable gas containers.

  • 34.1 All gas cylinders used or stored are placed in trolleys or stored in such a manner that the cylinders cannot roll or fall.

  • 34.2 Only LPG specially designed for the purpose and fitted with the required safety devices is used on forklifts?

  • 35. Electrical Installations

  • 35.1 Are certificates of compliance available for the whole electrical installation?

  • 36. Electrical Switchboards.

  • 36.1 All electrical switcheboards are fitted with safety panels as to ensure that live electrical equipment is placed outside of reach? All opening between breakers should be closed as to prevent access to live electrical wires.

  • 37. Electrical machinery in hazardous locations.

  • 37.1 Certificates are available for each piece of flame or dust proof electrical equipment installed?

  • 37.2 Allflame and dust proof electrical equipment must be inspected at intervals not exceeding 24 months? A record should be available.

  • 38. Use of portable electrical equipment

  • 38.1 All portable electric tools toghether with its flexible cords and plugs are kept in a serviceable condition?

  • 38.2 Are portable electric tools inspected monthly as per the company policy?

  • 39. Use of scaffold.

  • 39.1 Scaffolds are inspected weekly, after rian, after erection and before use by the scafold erecttor appointed for this purpose? A record of all inspections should be available in the form of a register.

  • 39.2 Portable scaffold erected in safe manner and in compliance with the minimum requirements as per the SANS 10085 code of good practice.

  • 40. Conditions of building and structures and records to be kept after completion of the structure.

  • 40.1 All buildings and structures are inspected by a competent who can declare on the safety of these structures at intervals not exceeding : every 6 months for the first 2 years after construction or every year thereafter.

  • 40.2 A safety file ,which contains all the documents as per the construction regulations and a final completion certificate as issued by the designer are available for all construction work previousely undertaken on the premises?

  • 41. Conditions of building and structures and records to be kept after completion of the structure.

  • 41.1 Every shifts man or supervisor is to inspect his area of responsibility, including all machines under his direction and control, on a weekly base.

  • 41.1 Every shiftsman or supervisor is to inspect his area of responsibility, including all mchines under his direction and control, on a weekly base.

  • 41.2 Every manager is to inspect his area of responsibility, including all macines under his direction and control, on a monthly base.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.