
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • Inspection Date:

  • Application No:

  • Address:
  • Lot No: DP No:

  • The work inspected:

  • Council Officer:

  • "Yes" denotes compliance
    "No" denotes non-conformance
    "N/A" denotes not applicable

  • SITE CONTROLS - General

  • SC01 - Builders sign erected

  • SC02 - PCA sign erected

  • SC03 - Toilet on site

  • SC04 - Sedimentation controls in place & appropriate

  • SC05 - Single site access managed

  • SITE CONTROLS - Earthworks

  • SC05 - Unprotected cut battered correctly (<2m H:L)

  • SC06 - Unprotected fill battered correctly ( 2m H:L)

  • SC07 - Excavation >3m from neighbour's buildings

  • SC08 - Excavations DO NOT effect adjacent structures

  • SITE CONTROLS - Consent conditions & previous inspections

  • SC09 - DA conditions applied with

  • SC10 - Previous inspection instructions complied with


  • P 1 0 1 - Pipe locations as per plan

  • P102 - Work as executed plan provided

  • P103 - Pipe runs <1.2m to untapped fixtures

  • P104 - Pipe runs <2.5m to trapped fixtures

  • P105 - 10Omm concrete support under all gullies and 90 degree elbows

  • P106 - Vent pipe connection > 65mm

  • P107 Vent < 10m from last fixture

  • P108 - Hydrostatic water test successful

  • P109 - Minimum fall of pipework 1.65%

  • P11O

  • P111


  • P E 0 1 - Work as executed plan provided

  • PEO2 - Main Drain? 100mm0 and sewer grade pipe

  • PE03 - Branch lines 2 65mm 0 and sewer grade pipe

  • PE04 - Minimum fall of pipework 1.65%

  • PE05 - MM 75mm bedding material around drains

  • PE06 - MM cover over drain is 300mm or masonry cover

  • PE07 - ORG is outside of building footings and verandah areas

  • PE08 - Unvented branch lines are less than 10m long

  • PE09 - No more than 3WC on any 100rnm 0 branch line

  • PE1O - I/O at all soil connection points to main & S 2.5m from WC

  • PE11 - 1/O at least every 30m on main

  • PE12 - 1/O within Im of boundary shaft (CVC sewer connection point)

  • PE13 - Sewer connection tapered reducer has correct orientation

  • PE14 - Sewer and stormwater not cross connected

  • PE15 - Shallow sewer connection used 45 degrees junction to main house

  • PE16 - Sewer connection bedded correctly

  • PE17 - Sewer / septic connection point witnessed

  • PE18 - Hydrostatic test witnessed

  • PE19

  • PE20

  • Other instructions & notes:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.