Title Page

  • Document No.

  • What is this audit?

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

A.1 Critical Non-Conformances

  • Hot water should be available and managed throughout the site

  • High risk pest infestation should be identified and actioned

  • Serious breach of temperature control should be identified and actioned (chilled food left at ambient, broken fridges)

  • Serious problem with fixtures, fittings and equipment that can cause imminent risk to health

  • Problems

B.1.1 Temp Control

B.1.1.1 Is chilled storage temperature control satisfactory?

  • Service Wells

  • Walk in curtains

  • Teppan

  • Ramen

  • Wok

  • Fry

B.1.1.2 Is frozen storage temp control satisfactory?

  • Temps under -18 degrees

  • Storage correct

  • Curtains effective

B.1.1.3 Hot Holding at or above 64 degrees

  • Chicken Stock

  • Miso Soup

  • BBQ chicken

  • Long Grain Rice

  • Short Grain Rice

  • Brown Rice

  • Katsu Sauce

B.1.1.4 Cooling

  • What product did you witness the cooling process for?

  • What time did the product start cooling?

  • What did the cooling process look like? (Include note with product and time if it is available)

  • Cooked food transferred from cooking gastro

  • Food below 8 degrees within 90 minutes

  • Photo of cooling process after 1 hour (include note with updated temp if available)

  • Photo of final cooled product with time and product

B.1.1.5 Cooking/ Reheating

  • Raisukaree REHEATED to 75 degrees for 30 seconds

  • Duck Leg REHEATED to 75 degrees for 30 seconds

  • Chicken Gyoza REHEATED to 75 degrees for 30 seconds

  • Chicken Katsu COOKED to 75 degrees for 30 seconds

  • Salmon Surface COOKED to 75 degrees for 30 seconds

B.1.1.6 Hot Water Availability

  • Kitchen Hand Basin 35 - 45 degrees

  • Bar Hand Basin 35 - 45 degrees

  • Bar Equipment Sink over 50 degrees within 2 minutes

  • Potwash Sink over 50 degrees within 2 minutes

  • Glass Washer Equipment Sink over 50 degrees within 2 minutes

  • Prep Area Equipment Sink over 50 degrees within 2 minutes

  • Service Equipment Sink over 50 degrees within 2 minutes

B.1.1.7 Probes

  • 2 x RTE probes available and numbered

  • 2 x Raw Food, Dishwasher Safe Probes available and numbered

  • All probes calibrated correctly

  • Probe Wipes Available

  • Designated clean, labeled container for probe equipment

B.1.2. cross contamination

B.1.2.1 POTENTIAL Cross Contamination (storage/prep/service)

  • Food decanted out of cardboard when opened

  • Shelves labeled correctly

  • No damaged tins

  • Color coded chopping boards available

  • Color coded knives available

  • Nothing on floor

  • Designated areas for prep clearly identified and staff are knowledgable

  • Color coded tongs available

  • Designated Scales

  • Equipment wash sink clean and labeled

  • Ice scoop clean and in labeled container

  • Food Wash Sink labeled and staff knowledgeable

  • Only food and knives stored on chopping boards

  • Oil bottles labeled

B.1.2.2 ACTUAL Cross Contamination

  • Colored coded equipment used correctly

  • Benches sanitized and wiped between prep

  • No utensils left in products

  • Colored cloths available, stored correctly and used effectively

  • Yellow board on line used ONLY for cooked meat

B.1.2.3 Allergen contamination Controls

  • Nuts stored in sealed containers on line and labeled

  • Dedicated colored plastic chopsticks in use for ramen noodle separation

  • Line utensils stored correctly during service

  • All chefs aware of correct allergens protocol when receiving orders

  • Senior Chef fully knowledgeable on Allergens

B.1.2.4 Chemical Control

  • Sanitizer and Multipurpose labeled and stored correctly only on line

  • Line chemicals to be sprayed onto cloths only. Not directly on bench during service

  • High risk chemicals separated and labeled

B.1.2.5 High Risk Physical Contamination

  • No glass in kitchen

  • All food covered while in storage

  • Glass bottled sauces stored in high sided gastro on low shelf

  • Damaged noodle baskets removed from use

  • Damaged storage containers removed from use

B.1.2.6 Low Risk Physical contamination

  • Hair covered

  • Loose misc items stored correctly (labels, paperwork)

  • No blue tac on site

  • Stainless covering plastic removed

B.1.3 personal hygiene

B.1.3.1 Hand Washing Practises

  • All staff witnessed washing hands at required times

  • Gloves not worn out of kitchen

  • Hand soap correctly used

  • Correct sinks being used

B.1.3.2 Personal Hygiene Policy

  • Senior Chefs Uniform

  • 2IC Uniform

  • Line Chef Uniform

  • Line Chef Uniform

  • Long hair contained in hairnets

  • No uniforms worn on break or while eating

  • Sores/lesions covered appropriately

  • Staff room clean, tidy, nothing on floor

B.1.3.3 Hand Washing Facilities

  • Hand sinks clean, clear and labeled

  • Single use hand towel available for drying and dispenser clean and attached to wall

B.1.4 Stock Rotation

B.1.4.1 Stock Rotation of Perishable Goods

  • Any labels that have been blatantly relabelled NOT by a Head Chef must have a photo for tracking and all chefs in kitchen must be immediately briefed on correct procedure and signature acquired to show understanding

  • 'Re-labeled' date labels?

  • As a trained wagamama chef I understand that 'Re-labelling' under ANY circumstance is against Local Council Regulations AND wagamama International standards. If I see a label or a product I'm unsure of I will IMMEDIATELY inform the most senior person in the restaurant.

  • As a trained wagamama chef I understand that 'Re-labelling' under ANY circumstance is against Local Council Regulations AND wagamama International standards. If I see a label or a product I'm unsure of I will IMMEDIATELY inform the most senior person in the restaurant.

  • As a trained wagamama chef I understand that 'Re-labelling' under ANY circumstance is against Local Council Regulations AND wagamama International standards. If I see a label or a product I'm unsure of I will IMMEDIATELY inform the most senior person in the restaurant.

  • As a trained wagamama chef I understand that 'Re-labelling' under ANY circumstance is against Local Council Regulations AND wagamama International standards. If I see a label or a product I'm unsure of I will IMMEDIATELY inform the most senior person in the restaurant.

  • As a trained wagamama chef I understand that 'Re-labelling' under ANY circumstance is against Local Council Regulations AND wagamama International standards. If I see a label or a product I'm unsure of I will IMMEDIATELY inform the most senior person in the restaurant.

  • Defrosted food has a 'defrost' label

  • ALL open food has a 'Use by Date'

  • Any 'Out of Date' food is discarded

B.1.4.2 Stock Rotation of Long Life Foods

  • Date coded 'decanted' product should match bulk product label

  • All bulk dry goods must have 'Best Before' dates

  • No frozen goods beyond 'Best Before' date

  • Shakers 7 days

B.2.1 Structure Condition

B.2.1.1 Dishwash Area Structure Condition

  • Ceiling

  • Ventilation and pipes

  • Doors

  • Floor

  • Lighting Level

  • Shelves

  • Walls

B.2.1.2 Food PrepArea Structure Condition

  • Ceiling

  • Ventilation and pipes

  • Taps/machinery

  • Floor

  • Lighting Level

  • Shelves

  • Walls

B.2.1.4 Non-Food Area Structure Condition

  • Tables

  • Ventilation and pipes

  • Exterior

  • Floor

  • Lighting Level

  • Shelves

  • Walls

B.2.3 Structure - Pest Control

B.2.3.1 High Risk Pest Control Management

  • Cockroach Activity Managed

  • House Fly Activity Managed

  • Mouse and Rat Activity Managed

B.2.3.2 Low Risk Pest Control Management

  • Fruit Fly Activity Managed

  • Ant Activity Managed

  • Pigeon Activity Managed

B.2.3.3 Pest Proofing

  • 2 x Managed electric fly killers installed and functional and on a service plan

  • Check behind fridges on Line and where pipes meet the ceiling.

  • Flashings are filled

  • Bottom of all doors leading outside should have 'mouse brush' attached.

  • Door gaps filled

B.2.3.4 Control Products Placed Correctly

  • Glue boards

  • Bait Boxes

B.2.4 Structure - Cleanliness

B.2.4.1 Kitchen Equipment

  • Teppan and Utensils

  • Noodle Boiler and Baskets and pots

  • Wok Range and Woks

  • Fryers, oil

  • All Bain maries

  • Steam oven

B.2.4.10 Kitchen Utensils

  • Line Chopping Boards

  • Line Knives

  • No labels on containers

  • Shakers on line

  • Whisks/ladles/sieves

  • Can opener/scissors/robot attachments

B.2.4.14 Crockery and Drinking Vessels

  • Plates

  • Ramen Bowls

  • Drinking Vessels

B.2.4.16 Line Fridges and 'Wells'

  • Fridges clean and Engines

  • Storage containers

  • Work Surfaces

B.2.4.16 Walk in Fridge and Freezer

  • Walls/floors/ceiling/vents

  • Storage Containers

  • No ice build up

B.2.4.19 Ice Machine

  • Vents

  • Interior/exterior

  • Mould evident?

  • Seals clean

B.2.4.21 Bar Area

  • Juice machine and area

  • Coffee Machine and area

  • Walls/floor/behind fridges

B.2.4.20 Structure and Non-Food Equipment in Service/Prep Area

  • Pipework

  • Bins

  • Vents/hood extracts

  • Clock

  • Anti-fatigue Mats

  • Flooring and behind fridges

  • Light Fittings

B.2.4.21 Dry Stores

  • Ceilings/walls/floors

  • Doors - back and front

  • Ducting

  • Light fittings and switches

  • Shelving

B.2.4.22 2 Stage Cleaning

  • Raw food areas being cleaned down 2 stage witnessed

  • Correct cloths

  • 5 minute 'contact time' being adhered to

B.2.4.23 Non-Food Aread

  • No rubbish

  • Corridor walls and floor clean

  • Exterior

  • Toilets

  • Baby Chairs

B.2.4.25 Cleaning Equipment

  • Cloths washed minimum every 30 minutes

  • Brooms/mops/buckets/sweepies/squeegee

  • Correct chemicals in dishwasher and set to correct wash cycle and temp of 82 degrees

  • Correct chemicals in glass washer and set to correct cycle and above 82 degrees

  • Dishwash trays clean

  • Decarboniser set to correct temp of 80 degrees and PPE readily available

  • Dishwasher, spray arms clean

  • Glass washer, nooks and crannies clean

  • No sponges in use. No tray for holding wet cleaning equipment

B.3.1 Management - HACCP

B.3.1.1 Current Food Safety Manual Present

  • Manuals present on site

  • If sections missing, are they located

B.3.1.2 Delivery Checks

  • Temps taken every day on 'High Risk' foods

  • Remedial action recorded and followed up in log book

  • No unexplained gaps in records

B.3.1.3 Fridge Freezer Temps

  • Records complete to date with remedial action followed up

  • No 'defrost' readings

  • 'Probe' temp checks clearly noted and method explained

  • Probes calibrated monthly and are currently correct

B.3.1.4 Cooking Reheating

  • Corrective action taken where necessaru

  • 'High Risk' foods recorded every shift

  • Records complete to date

  • 'Cooking' temp reaches 75 degrees for 30 sec

  • 'Reheating' temp reaches 75 degrees for 30 sec

B.3.1.6 Hot Holding

  • Remedial action

  • Records complete

  • All products kept at or above 64 degrees

  • No products kept for longer than 2 hours

B.3.1.7 Calibration

  • Monthly records of 0/100 probe checks with method explained

  • Remedial action taken

  • Records up to date

B.3.2 Management - Staff Medicals

B.3.2.1 Health Screening Questionairre

  • Completed, signed, checked questionairres available for EVERY staff memer

  • Where relevant 'return to work' questionaries complete and filed

B.3.3 Management - Cleaning Records

B.3.3.1 Cleaning Records

  • Current BOH schedule in place and current

  • Current FOH schedule in place and current

  • Manager signed off all completed duties

  • Canopys and '2 Stage Cleaning' included in schedule

B.3.4 Management - Inspection Records

B.3.4.1 Local Authority Audit

  • Most recent audit available with action sheet

  • Action list to be compliant with Local recommendations

  • Letter/certificate of Compliance from audit to be available

B.3.4.2 Pest Control

  • Current Pest Contract available

  • Action complete from recommendations from last service and marked off. If no action is it signed to show understanding

B.3.4.3 Local Suppliers

  • Approved Suppliers list updated for current suppliers

  • Current Supplier 'control' certificates available

  • Supplier 'Assessment Questionaire' complete for each supplier and filed

B.3.5 Management - Allergens

B.3.5.1 Allergy Guides

  • Local Allergen and modification guides up-to-date

  • Allergen guide available

  • Local products have allergen info available

  • Modification guide available

B.3.6 Management - training/knowledge

B.3.6.1 Food Safety Training

  • Have all FOH staff been trained in the correct procedures regarding allergens?

  • Have all BOH staff been trained in the correct procedures regarding allergens?

  • All FOH have read, understood and signed 'Essentials of Food Hygiene' and filed

  • All BOH have read, understood and signed 'Essentials of Food Hygiene' and filed

  • All relevant staff have attended the 'Food Safety Awareness' course within 3 months of start date. Certificates issued and filed.

B.3.6.2 Training Summary

  • Is the Food Hygiene Training Summary available and up to date within the month?

  • Are staff scheduled in for training where relevant?

B.3.6.3 HACCP (Gm/HC)

  • Does the General Manager have a good knowledge of HACCP?

  • Does the Head Chef have a good knowledge of HACCP?

  • Do the remaining staff have a good knowledge of HACCP?

B.3.6.4 Allergens knowledge

  • Does the General Manager have a good knowledge of Allergens?

  • Does the Head Chef have a good knowledge of Allergens?

  • Do the remaining staff have a good knowledge of Allergens?

B.3.6.5 Policies

  • Is the current 'Health and Safety' policy updated, signed and amended as necessary to local laws?

B.3.6.6 Health and Safety Training

  • All FOH read, understood and signed 'Essentials Health and Safety' and filed on first day.

  • FOH Health and Safety Awareness course attended within 3 months of start date. Certificate issued and filed

  • All BOH read, understood and signed 'Essentials Health and Safety' and filed on first day.

  • BOH Health and Safety Awareness course attended within 3 months of start date. Certificate issued and filed

  • FOH 'Fire Policy Training', 'First Aid' signed off by staff and filed

  • BOH 'Fire Policy Training', 'First Aid' signed off by staff and filed

C.1 Internal Audits

  • Have the food hygiene action points from the previous audit been addressed?

D.1 Manager

  • Who is the manager in charge?

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