Executive Summary

  • Site

  • Location
  • Conducted on

  • Auditors

  • Audit members

Overall Summary

  • Positive Observations:

  • Opportunities for Improvement (OFI):

  • Minor Non-conformances:

  • Major Non-conformances:

Terms of Reference

  • Date of Terms of Reference (ToR):

  • Lead Auditor

  • General Information:

  • Objectives & deliverables:

  • Scope of Works:

  • Timeline and Milestones:

  • Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Risk Management:

  • Review and Approval:

  • Lead Auditor Signature:

  • Auditee Signature:

Kick off meeting

  • Date of kick off meeting:

  • Minutes:

  • Closing time:

  • Attendees
  • Name:

Risk Management

  • Questions align to the Safework Australia COP for How to manage work health and safety risks

  • Are all high risk tasks covered under a SWP ?

  • Have all SWPs been revised and made site specific within the last 12 months?

  • Have workers signed off on the relevant SWPs for the tasks they are conducting?

  • Are workers aware of and able to communicate the Hewitt Fatal Risks and their subsequent Critical Controls?

  • Are Critical Control posters displayed on the site noticeboard or on walls on site?

Hazard Reporting

  • Are hazards reported and recorded in SAS?

  • Are hazards adequately dealt with and corrective actions closed out in a timely manner?

Onboarding Inductions Training Competence


  • Have workers been set up in SAS?

  • Are all workers in Employment Hero the HR system?

  • Have workers provided relevant certificates and tickets?

  • Have workers declared any pre-existing medical conditions and are managers aware?

  • Have workers declared any previous workers compensation claims or restrictions?


  • Does the Site Induction cover off on the key site hazards risks, controls to implement, emergency response requirements and site safety rules?

  • Have all workers completed the site specific induction?

  • Have all Contractors completed the Contractor Induction prior to starting work?

  • Have all visitors completed the visitor induction?

  • Have all pilots and workers getting in planes completed the aviation induction?

  • Are all induction records recorded in SAS?


  • Is there an up to date training needs analysis matrix maintained for the site?

  • Do workers hold current licences or certificates for tasks they are completing?

  • Have copies of all tickets and licences been taken and stored in a central point?

  • Has the training register been updated and maintained with training records?


  • Have workers been assessed as competent for the tasks they are completing or equipment they are operating? (e.g. horse & motorbike assessments, telehandler grid assessments)

  • Have competencies been conducted by a authorised and competent person?

  • Are competency records been uploaded and saved in a central location?

  • Has the training register been updated and maintained with competence assessments?

Communication and Consultation

  • Are weekly PEPP talks conducted and relevant information communicated and feedback sought from workers?

  • Do worker representatives attend the HSC meetings?

  • Are site noticeboards up todate with the following; WHS Policy, WHS Alerts, PEPP minutes, and HSC meeting minutes?

  • Where workers raise hazards or issues are they appropriately dealt with in a timely manner?

  • Are daily prestart meetings held to communicate the tasks for the day and relevant safety messages?

Emergency Preparedness

First Aid

  • Has a documented First Aid risk assessment been conducted for the site?

  • Is there a fully charged Defibrilator present available at relevant locations across site?

  • Are First Aid kits located throughout site at relevant locations to effectively respond in an emergency situation?

  • Are First Aid kits adequately stocked and contain necessary items to adeqautely respond to the various emergencies that may arise?

  • Are First Aid and Defibrillator locations adequately sign posted?

  • Are there sufficient personnel trained in First Aid and CPR?

Emergency Response

  • Does the Station have a detailed emergency response plan which includes details on the management of relevant emergency scenarios that may arise?

  • Has the site completed their bushfire preparedness checklist and closed all actions prior to fire season?

  • Are emergency muster points sign posted and in a safe location?

  • Are emergency drills undertaken on a regular basis for the various scenarios that may arise?

  • Are emergency exit signed and lighting functional as per AS 2293 in buildings / sheds with multiple rooms or sections?

  • Are all emergency exit routes and doors compliant to AS 2293 and clear of obstacles?

Incident Management

  • Have all events been adequately managed to prevent disturbance to the scene until photos and release of the scene for Regulator notifiable events has occurred?

  • Have all events been reported to senior management in the agreed timeframes?

  • Have all events been entered into SAS within 24 hours of occurring?

  • Have all involved persons provided documented witness statements outlining the events?

  • Has sufficient evidence been collected to allow for thorough investigation? (e.g. photos, SWPs, training records)

  • Have all events been investigated and systemic contributing factors and corrective actions to prevent reoccurrence identified?

  • Are all events investigated and closed out within agreed timeframes?

  • Have safety alerts been developed and rolled out for all Class 1 & 2 events?

  • Have all corrective actions been added to SAS and closed out with evidence in agreed timeframes?

Just Culture

  • Where workers actions or inaction has contributed to an event, has the worker been put through the just culture process to fairly and justly determine their level of involvement?

  • Have all just culture records been saved against the workers profile in employment hero?

Injury Management

  • Have injured workers been treated with first aid on site when injured and emergency services called in emergency situations?

  • Have all workers who require medical treatment been triaged by Priority care for non-emergency situations?

  • Have all workers who have been treated by a medical practitioner obtained a work capacity certificate / certificate of capacity from the medical provider to indicate the level of capacity prior to returning to work?

  • For workers who are on restricted duties, has a return to work plan been developed and signed by the relevant parties?

  • Can Managers demonstrate that they offered suitable duties for all workers for those workers who are unfit for any duties?

  • Have all workers compensation claims / events requiring medical treatment and above been lodged with the regulator / insurer within the 48 hour time frames?

  • Is the injured at work poster and priority care poster displayed on relevant site notice boards?

Contractor Management

  • Have scopes of work along with relevant insurances been submitted and approved 7 days prior to contractors starting on site?

  • Have work orders been developed and signed by all contractors on site prior to starting?

  • Are contractors that are on site in the contractor register?

  • Have managers continued to source contractors insurances when they expire to ensure those on site are current?

  • Have managers reviewed and renewed scopes of works and had new work orders raised every 12 months or where there are significant changes?

  • Have managers sourced and reviewed risk assessments for contractors that are conducting high risk work on site prior to them starting?

  • Can managers demonstrate that they have inducted contractor workers?

  • Can managers demonstrate that they are keeping an eye on them where it is determined that they are not their own PCBU?

Inspections, Audits, Corrective Actions


  • Have managers, assistant managers, and head stockpersons been undertaking critical control inspections at least weekly?

  • Is there evidence such as photos, comments, or corrective actions documented on critical control inspections to communicate the level of implementation and effectiveness of controls?

  • Where non-conformances are found in inspections, have corrective actions been documented or added to SAS for tracking?

  • Are general safety inspections conducted for non-high risk tasks to confirm compliance with legislative requirements? (e.g. housekeeping, first aid, PPE compliance)

Corrective Actions / Tasks

  • Are corrective actions from inspections, audits, hazards, incidents added to SAS to be tracked?

  • Are tasks / corrective actions in SAS closed out within agreed timeframes?

  • Are corrective actions assigned accountability to one person to ensure they actioned?

  • Are corrective actions closed out with supporting evidence that demonstrates management of the risk?

Asbestos Management

  • Has a Hazmat survey been conducted for the site to confirm the presence or absence of asbestos material?

  • Is there an asbestos register developed in the last 5 years for sites where asbestos is known to exist?

  • Are asbestos materials / structures in a condition that limits potential exposure of fibres to workers?

  • Has appropriate signage and barriers been put in place to prevent unauthorised disturbance of asbestos?

  • Has safe disposal of asbestos waste and contaminated material been undertaken by a licenced removalist where over 10m^2 or appropriately trained persons where under 10m^2 (sealed and labelled)?

  • Where asbestos has been removed from site have clearance certificates been provided, available and asbestos register updated?


  • Are av gas stores separated from other fuel types?

  • Are Hewitt aircraft earthed prior to and during refuelling?

  • Is refuelling taking place on site in designated refuelling areas?

  • Are refuelling areas clear of ignition sources?

  • Are Pilot flight and duty time logs up to date and without breaches?

  • Are daily inspection certifications and aircraft time-in-service logs completed and up to date?

  • Are aircraft logbooks filled out on Sharepoint and up to date?

  • Are aircraft maintenance release forms complete and up to date?

  • Are pilot licences, training and medicals up to date and current?

  • Are planes serviced and maintained within OEM timeframes and free from know faults and damage?

Confined Space

  • Is there a register of confined space equipment for site and is all equipmented tested and tagged / callibrated?

  • Has all electrical equipment been tested and tagged within the last 12 months?

  • During confined space work, is there evidence of trained standby person being in place for the duration of the activity?

  • Are confined spaces sign posted and secured when not in use?

  • Are confined space entry permits issued by an authorised person for confined space entry?

  • Is there a register of confined space equipment for site and is all equipmented tested and tagged / callibrated?

Electrical Safety

  • Has all electrical equipment been tested and tagged within the last 12 months?

  • Are electrical leads and equipment in good working condition and appear to be inspected prior to use?

  • Is RCD protection installed and functioning on all electrical boards / general power outlets (GPOs)?

  • Have all RCDs been tested within the last 6 months and appear to be in good working order?

  • Has all electrical work been completed by a licenced electrician?

  • Are all defective or damaged electrical tools and equipment been removed from service and/or tagged out?

Facilities and Amenities

  • Do all assets appear to be structurally sound and not present a risk of collapse or expose workers to other dangers?

  • Is lighting sufficient for works required to be undertaken?

  • Is there a fridge, kettle, toaster, and microwave available?

  • Is there an adequate supply of drinking water available?

  • Are crib facilities clean and tidy and sufficient waste bins provided?

  • Are crib rooms and toilets free from the storage of tools and equipment?

  • Are there adequate number of toilets in good condition to support the workforce?

  • Are toilet blocks clean and tidy and appear to be serviced regularly?

  • Is there adeqaute hand washing facilities provided to enable workers to maintain good standard of personal hygiene?

  • Is there an adequate supply of toilet paper, hand towels / paper, and soap?

  • Is accessible and secure storage available for workers to store personal items?

  • Are smoke alarms fitted and functioning in crib rooms?

Fire Management

  • Does the site have an up to date bushfire management plan?

  • Has the Bushfire Management Plan been communicated to the workforce and workers trained on fire management?

  • Does the site have a functioning fire truck?

  • Is there sufficient fire response equipment (extinguishers / fire blankets) present on site to be able to respond in an emergency situation?

  • Has all fire response equipment been inspected, tested and tagged within the agreed timeframes (i.e. 6 months for fire extinguishers, 12 months for fire hoses)?

  • Is all fire response equipment adequately sign posted?

  • Are fire blankets present at BBQ and kitchen areas?

  • Is an up to date register of all fire equipment on site maintained?

  • Are smoke alarms fitted, hard wired and functioning in all residential areas?

  • Have smoke alarms been tested within the last 12 months?

Hot Works

  • Are hot work areas designated on site and free from combustible materials, contain fire extinguishers and surrounded by fire proof barriers?

  • Where hot works are conducted outside of designated hot work areas, has a hot work permit been raised and approved by the relevant Manager?

  • Are deliberate burns conducted in accordance with external stakeholder requirements, approved by Hewitt Management, and conducted outside total fire ban periods?

  • Are workers trained and competent in the use of fire starting equipment where required, fire fighting equipment, and the associated equipment associated with the task?

  • Is the correct PPE available and being worn for various hot work activities?


  • Is there evidence that firearims are not loaded until onsite and ready to be used?

  • Are firearm ammunition and bolts stored separately?

  • Are firearms stored in a secure, locked gun safe when not in use?

  • Are safety pins engaged at all times when not firing?

  • Are all firearms holders and users licenced for the state they currently reside in and fore the firearms they operate?

  • Are all firearms registered and listed on the Hewitt firearms register?

  • Are guns safes made of at least 2mm thick steel and bolted to the floor or wall where they weigh less than 150Kg?

  • Have firearms outside category A/B firearms received exemption from the CEO to be stored on site?

  • Are firearms that are being transported and stored in vehicles being done so in accordance with the relevant state laws and guidelines including: not being loaded, firearm in a secure container or fully enclosed gun bag out of sight, vehicle locked, ammunition in a seperately secured case?

  • If firearms are stored in a centrally located safe, is a sign in / sign out register in place and being complete?

Fitness For Work

  • Are workers being tested for alcohol or other drugs to ensure fitness for work on a random basis or post incident where it is identified as a potentail contributing factor?

  • Is worker fatigue being managed through adhering to defined rosters and management of overtime?

Hazardous Chemicals

  • Are there functioning safety showers and eye wash stations available at chemical storage areas and mixing stations?

  • Are safety showers and eye wash stations clearly sign posted?

  • Are all chemicals stored in accordance with SDS separation and segregation requriements?

  • PPE is provided and used in accordance with SDS requriements to protect workers against exposure to chemicals?

  • Workers handling chemicals have recieved training in the selection, use, and maintenance of PPE?

  • Do all workers involved in spraying of pesticides and herbicides hold chem cert training?

  • Are workers able to demonstrate access to current SDS for chemicals stored and used in the workplace?

  • All containers used to store or handle chemicals are correctly labelled?

  • Is a chemical register maintained and up to date for the quantities of chemical, group of chemicals, used, stored or handled at the workplace?

  • Are warning placards prominently displayed at storage areas where the total quantity of chemicals exceeds the placard quantities listed in the WHS Regulations?

  • Are measures in place and effective to control spills / overflows / leaks / minimise static electricity / control vapour / fume generation?

  • All unused or excess chemicals and materials are removed and disposed of in accordance with SDS and relevant regulatory requirements?

  • All controlled waste receipts from removal of hazardous chemical waste and containers are maintained in a central location?

Horses and Motorbikes

  • Are helmets being worn by inexperienced horse riders?

  • Are helmets being worn by all motorbike riders?

  • Are all horse and motorbike riders wearing SPOT devices with tracker mode turned on?


  • Have all workers been assessed for their horse riding capability?

  • Have riders been assigned appropriate horses to match their riding expertise?

  • Are pre-start inspections of horse feet, shod, tack and back has been visually complete prior to riding?

  • Have horse riders been assessed and assessments documented for workers to transition from beginners to advanced and not be required to wear helmets?


  • Are Motorbikes being prestarted before use and faults identified and recorded?

  • Are motorbikes being serviced in accordance with OEM requriements?

  • Are riders maintaining agreed positions around the herd to prevent dispersion or working cattle into a heightened state?

  • Are riders wearing closed in shoes to facilitate safe riding (i.e. no lose laces)?

Live Animals

  • A physical barrier is able to be maintained between workers and beast when on foot in force yards forward?

  • Are beast able to be secured in the crush prior to interactions with workers and doing so?

  • All yard barriers are fitted with functioning positive bolt / slam shut spring loaded gate latches?

  • Have all workers completed the Livestock Handling course?

  • Have workers signed off on the SWP for mustering & working with livestock in yards?

  • Are workers wearing adequate shoes / boots when working with cattle in yards?

  • Are workers avoiding overcrowding of livestock in pens where they are required to enter to reduce the risk of incident and injury?

  • Are workers remaining in the safe zone when handling livestock and not making sudden movements or applying unnecessary pressure to the animals?

  • Are loading ramps and chutes designed to minimise animal stress and avoid the need for workers to enter the race to move animals?

  • Workers are not entering cattle transports (unless Hewitt owned and operated)?

Machinery and vehicles

  • Seatbelts are installed and being worn by operators and passengers of vehicles?

  • Isolation and LOTO is available and in place for servicing and maintenance of vehicles or mobile plant?

  • Are emergency stops fitted and functioning on fixed plant?

  • Are tyre cages available and used when inflating tyres?

  • Is roll over protection available and in good condition on all ATVs (side by sides / buggies)?

  • Are recovery kits inclusive of recovery blankets available on site and being used to revover vehicles instead of chains?

  • Is in vehicle monitoring system (IVMS) fitted and functioning in all farm vehicles?

  • Are IVMS reports being reviewed and disciplinary action being taken for poor driving behaviours?

  • Are operators licenced and verified competent to operate the items of plant or vehicles being driven?

  • Is there evidence of mobile phones not being used when operating mobile plant or vehicles?

  • During loading / unloading of trucks with mobile plant is the truck driver in the cab or in the designated safe zone (i.e. forward of the cab)?

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Workers are wearing collared long sleeve shirt, full length jeans, and covered shoes in neat tidy condition?

  • Are workers wearing hats whilst working outdoors to protect themselves from sun exposure?

  • Are workers wearing eye protection where tasks require it (i.e. welding, using pressure washer, grinding)?

  • Are workers wearing hearing protection where sign posted or for noisy tasks?

  • Do workers have access to sunscreen and carrying suitable supply of drinking water with them for the tasks they will be undertaking?

Remote Worker (SPOT Devices

  • Have all workers been issued a SPOT device and the SPOT register and tracer track updated?

  • Are all workers wearing their SPOT device and have it on and tracking?

  • Have all workers been trained in the use of SPOT devices and the different button functions?

  • Have managers advised WHS when there are changes to SPOT allocation so the SPOT register and tracer track can be (and has been) updated?

Rotating Plant and Equipment

  • Is guarding in place as per original engineering manufacturer requirements and compliant to AS4042?

  • Are energy sources isolated and LOTO to undertake servicing and maintenance?

  • Are emergency stops in place, functioning as intended and tested on a regular basis?

  • Are documented prestarts undertaken for plant and equipment and fauts or damage identified?

  • Are systems in place to manage complex isolations including Isolation Permits as needed?

Working at Heights

  • Is there evidence demonstrating workers don't climb cattle trucks?

  • All access ladders and catwalks above 2m high have compliant handrails?

  • Silo hatches are able to be opened from the ground to prevent the need to climb silos?

  • Roof access activities have been controlled by a working at heights permit?

  • Anchor points installed on roofs have been approved and tested?

  • Workers who are required to wear a harness have been trained in working at heights?

  • Working at heights equipment is tested and tagged annually and registers maintained?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.