
  • International Lifeguard Training Program Skill Competency Workbook (SCW)

  • Lifeguard Candidate Name:

  • Profile Photo

  • Training Date:

  • Training Location



Student Resource

Purpose: ILTP Instructors use the Skill Competency Workbook as a tool to evaluate each lifeguard candidate's ability to demonstrate each of the learning objectives of the ILTP curriculum

Scope: The Student Resource Skill Competency Workbook (SCW) must be provided to lifeguard candidates prior to the start of the course to give the candidate an opportunity to review student learning outcomes. All objectives within this document must be properly demonstrated by the lifeguard candidate before being permitted to participate in final practical and written exams

Reference Documents: International Lifeguard Training Program 4th Edition Comprehensive Aquatic Risk Management Program

  • Lifeguard Candidate Name:

  • ILTP Instructor:

  • Date:

OBJECTIVE ONE - Conscious Guest on the Surface OBJECTIVE TWO - Conscious Guest Below the Surface OBJECTIVE THREE - Conscious Guest on the Bottom OBJECTIVE FOUR - Unconscious Guest on the Surface OBJECTIVE FIVE - Unconscious Guest Below the Surface OBJECTIVE SIX - Unconscious Guest on the Bottom OBJECTIVE SEVEN - Spinal Management OBJECTIVE EIGHT - Team Scenarios

SKILL COMPETENCY OBJECTIVE ONE: Conscious Guest in Distress on the Surface

  • Scenario A: The guest in distress is active on the surface facing you
    Scenario B: The guest in distress is active on the surface and facing away from you
    Scenario B: The guest in distress is extra-active on the surface and presents a potential danger to a single rescuer

  • Skill Description - Scenario A

  • Lifeguard activates the EAP

  • Lifeguard performs compact jump entry safely, followed by the approach stroke

  • Lifeguard extends the tube in front with both hands prior to one body length from GiD

  • Lifeguard pushes the tube slightly under water while driving tube into the chest of the GiD

  • Lifeguard locks elbows and keeps arms straight while maintaining tube position

  • Lifeguard drives GiD to point of safety while communicating with and calming the GiD

  • Lifeguard assists the GiD out of the water, followed by supervisor debrief/rescue report

  • Skill Description - Scenario B

  • Lifeguard activates the EAP

  • Lifeguard performs compact jump entry safely, followed by the approach stroke

  • Lifeguard approaches from behind GiD

  • Lifeguard assumes a vertical position prior to contact with GiD, maintaining tube position

  • Lifeguard extends arms under the GiDs armpits and wraps arms around GiD, maintaining tube position

  • Lifeguard elevates GiD above water level while protecting his/her head

  • Lifeguard swims with GiD to point of safety while communicating with and calming the GiD

  • Lifeguard assists the GiD out of the water, followed by supervisor debrief/rescue report

  • Skill Description - Scenario C

  • Lifeguard activates the EAP (Primary Rescuer)

  • Lifeguard performs compact jump entry safely, followed by the approach stroke

  • Lifeguard attempts to extend tube , recognises the inability to rescue alone and raises fist above head

  • Lifeguard blows whistle (Secondary Rescuer)

  • Lifeguard performs compact jump entry safely, followed by the approach stroke

  • Lifeguards (Primary and Secondary) approach GiD from opposite sides (facing and away)

  • Lifeguard signals to move (Primary Rescuer)

  • The lifeguard that ends up behind extends arms under the GiDs armpits and raises hands

  • The lifeguard that ends up in front of drives the tube into the hands of the opposite lifeguard

  • The lifeguard behind the GiD pulls front rescue tube against the GiDs chest

  • The rescue team swims with GiD to point of safety while communicating with and calming the GiD

  • The rescue team assists the GiD out of the water, followed by supervisor debrief/rescue report

  • Has the Lifeguard Candidate demonstrated Skill Competency for Objective ONE?

  • Candidate Name:

  • ILTP Instructor Signature:

  • Date:

SKILL COMPETENCY OBJECTIVE TWO: Conscious Guest in Distress Below the Surface

  • Scenario: The guest in distress is active (appears to be conscious) below the surface of the water, but within hands reach

  • Skill Description

  • Lifeguard activates the EAP

  • Lifeguard performs compact jump entry safely, followed by the approach stroke

  • Lifeguard arrives directly in front of and above the GiD

  • Lifeguard positions the tube and reaches over the tube and grabs the GiDs hand or arm

  • Lifeguard pivots back and pushes tube under the GiDs armpit/chest while pulling the guest up to the surface

  • Lifeguard locks the extended arms elbow in order to maintain arms length distance from GiD

  • Lifeguard drives/pulls the GiD to point of safety while communicating with and calming the GiD

  • Lifeguard assists the GiD out of the water, followed by supervisor debrief/rescue report

  • Has the Lifeguard Candidate demonstrated Skill Competency for Objective TWO?

  • Candidate Name:

  • ILTP Instructor Signature:

  • Date:

SKILL COMPETENCY OBJECTIVE THREE: Conscious Guest in Distress on the Bottom

  • Scenario: The guest in distress is active (appears to be conscious) on the pools bottom. The guest is deep, beyond hands reach

  • Skill Description

  • Lifeguard activates the EAP

  • Lifeguard performs compact jump entry safely, followed by the approach stroke

  • Lifeguard arrives directly in front of and above the GiD

  • Lifeguard releases the tube and executes a feet first surface dive, arriving directly behind the submerged GiD in vertical position

  • Lifeguard reaches across the GiDs chest, grasping the armpit while the other hand feeds the strap, lifting the GiD

  • Lifeguard brings the GiD to the surface, presenting the rescue tube to the front of the GiD asking the GiD to grab it

  • Lifeguard swims the GiD to point of safety while communicating with and calming the GiD

  • Lifeguard assists the GiD out of the water, followed by supervisor debrief/rescue report

  • Has the Lifeguard Candidate demonstrated Skill Competency for Objective THREE?

  • Candidate Name:

  • ILTP Instructor Signature:

  • Date:

SKILL COMPETENCY OBJECTIVE FOUR: Unconscious Guest in Distress on the Surface

  • Scenario: The guest in distress is unconscious and face down at the waters surface

  • Skill Description

  • Lifeguard activates the EAP

  • Lifeguard performs compact jump entry safely, followed by the approach stroke

  • Lifeguard arrives behind the GiD and in a vertical position, keeping the tube between the lifeguard and GiD

  • Lifeguard extends arms under the GiDs armpits and wraps arms around the GiDs chest

  • Lifeguard elevates the GiD back, manoeuvring the tube under the GiDs back to facilitate an open airway position

  • While moving with the GiD toward extrication point, the lifeguard opens the airway of the GiD using the Jaw Thrust with head tilt and quickly assesses for breathing. Lifeguard calls for additional lifeguard/s assistance

  • No obvious spontaneous breathing is detected, the lifeguard confirms assistance from other EAP responders

  • Lifeguard delivers two ventilations and continues with rescue breathing while moving toward the extrication point

  • Lifeguard continues rescue breathing until EAP responders are ready to extricate the GiD

  • Has the Lifeguard Candidate demonstrated Skill Competency for Objective FOUR?

  • Candidate Name:

  • ILTP Instructor Signature:

  • Date:

SKILL COMPETENCY OBJECTIVE FIVE: Unconscious Guest in Distress Below the Surface

  • Scenario: The guest in distress appears to be unconscious below the surface of the water, but within hands reach

  • Skill Description

  • Lifeguard activates the EAP

  • Lifeguard performs compact jump entry safely, followed by the approach stroke

  • Lifeguard arrives directly in front of and above the GiD

  • Lifeguard positions the tube and reaches over the tube and grabs the GiDs hand or arm

  • Lifeguard pivots back and pushes tube under the GiDs armpits/chest while pulling the guest up to the surface

  • Lifeguard rolls the GiD back, manoeuvring the tube under the GiDs back to facilitate an open airway position

  • While moving with the GiD toward extrication point, the lifeguard opens the airway of the GiD using the Jaw Thrust with head tilt and quickly assesses for breathing. Lifeguard calls for additional lifeguard/s assistance

  • No obvious spontaneous breathing is detected, the lifeguard confirms assistance from other EAP responders

  • Lifeguard delivers two ventilations and continues with rescue breathing while moving toward the extrication point

  • Lifeguard continues rescue breathing until EAP responders are ready to extricate the GiD

  • Has the Lifeguard Candidate demonstrated Skill Competency for Objective FIVE?

  • Candidate Name:

  • ILTP Instructor Signature:

  • Date:

SKILL COMPETENCY OBJECTIVE SIX: Unconscious Guest in Distress on the Bottom

  • Scenario: The guest in distress appears to be unconscious on the pools bottom. The guest is deep, beyond hands reach

  • Skill Description

  • Lifeguard activates the EAP

  • Lifeguard performs compact jump entry safely, followed by the approach stroke

  • Lifeguard arrives directly in front of and above the GiD

  • Lifeguard releases the tube and executes a feet first surface dive, arriving directly behind the submerged GiD in a vertical position

  • Lifeguard reaches across the GiD chest, grasping the armpit while the other hand feeds the strap, lifting the GiD

  • Lifeguard brings the GiD to the surface, placing the guest on the rescue tube in an open airway position and calls for additional lifeguard/s assistance

  • While moving with the GiD toward extrication point, the lifeguard opens the airway of the GiD using the Jaw Thrust with head tilt and quickly assesses for breathing

  • No obvious spontaneous breathing is detected, the lifeguard confirms assistance from other EAP responders

  • Lifeguard delivers two ventilations and continues with rescue breathing while moving toward the extrication point

  • Lifeguard continues rescue breathing until EAP responders are ready to extricate the GiD

  • Has the Lifeguard Candidate demonstrated Skill Competency for Objective SIX?

  • Candidate Name:

  • ILTP Instructor Signature:

  • Date:

SKILL COMPETENCY OBJECTIVE SEVEN: Suspected Spinal Skills and Extrication (Two or Multiple Rescuers)

  • Scenario A: The guest in distress is conscious on the surface holding his/her neck and in pain (shallow water)
    Scenario B: The guest in distress is conscious below the surface holding his/her neck and in pain (deep water)

  • Skill Description

  • Skill Description - Scenario A

  • Lifeguard activates the EAP and calls for additional lifeguard/s assistance

  • Lifeguard performs ease in entry safely, approaches the GiD, minimising wave action

  • Lifeguard uses immobilisation technique appropriate for the situation while communicating with the GiD

  • Lifeguard adjusts to overarm rise grip technique (if necessary) for placement on backboard

  • Lifeguard moves the GiD to the extrication point while communicating and maintaining stabilisation

  • Lifeguard and other rescuer/s secure GiD to the backboard, followed by appropriate care on deck

  • Skill Description - Scenario B

  • Lifeguard activates the EAP and calls for additional lifeguard/s assistance

  • Lifeguard performs ease in entry safely, approach stroke to a position just above the GiD

  • Lifeguard submerges feet first to the side of the GiD, applying the vice grip while moving up at an angle

  • Lifeguard breaks the surface rolling the GiD face up while maintaining stabilisation. Confirm breathing

  • GiD is breathing. Lifeguard and other rescuers move the GiD to the extrication point following EAP

  • Lifeguard and other rescuer/s secure GiD to the backboard, followed by appropriate care on deck

  • Has the Lifeguard Candidate demonstrated Skill Competency for Objective SEVEN?

  • Candidate Name:

  • ILTP Instructor Signature:

  • Date:

SKILL COMPETENCY OBJECTIVE EIGHT: Health Care Provider Level CPR/AED & Oxygen Administration/First Aid (Multiple Rescuers Respond)

  • Scenario A: An unresponsive guest is observed in the pool
    Scenario B: An unresponsive guest is observed on deck
    Scenario C: A responsive guest requiring First Aid care is observed on deck

  • Skill Description

  • Skill Description - Scenario A

  • Lifeguard activates the EAP, enters the water safely and performs an appropriate rescue

  • Responding lifeguards bring all equipment, including AED, Oxygen, BVM, V-Vac, O2 port etc

  • Responding lifeguards position equipment, put on gloves, make sure pool is clear and confirms EMS

  • In water lifeguard places guest in an open airway position and quickly assesses breathing (none)

  • In water lifeguard determines no breathing and begins rescue breathing using a mask

  • Responding lifeguards and the in water lifeguard work together to safely extricate the guest to deck

  • Upon extrication, a member of the lifeguard team checks for a pulse for 10 seconds (pulse found)

  • The lifeguard team begins rescue breathing with O2 support (O2 port or BVM) for 2 minutes

  • Pulse is reassessed for up to 10 seconds. NO PULSE. Start CPR. 30 compressions, 2 breaths

  • Chest does not rise and fall. Re-tilt, readjust mask, reattempt results in visible chest rise, return to CPR

  • AED is ready, chest is prepared. AED is attached, follow prompts, resume CPR when appropriate

  • Switch compressors every AED analysis or when a rescuer is fatigued

  • Skill Description - Scenario B

  • First responding lifeguard surveys the scene (scene is safe) activates the EAP

  • Responding lifeguards bring all equipment, including AED, Oxygen, BVM, V-Vac, O2 port etc

  • First responding lifeguard (and all subsequent responders) put on exam gloves before performing care

  • First responding lifeguard checks for RESPONSIVENESS and NORMAL BREATHING (no breathing)

  • First responding lifeguard positions for pulse check for 10 seconds

  • PULSE IS PRESENT. Lifeguard/s begins rescue breathing, appropriate for the age of the guest

  • On 10th ventilation GiD vomits food and other stomach contents. Roll to recovery position, clear mouth

  • Resume rescue breathing. Chest does not rise and fall, re-tilt, readjust, chest still does not rise and fall

  • Begin mid sequence FBAO, beginning with 30 chest compressions, look in mouth, see nothing

  • Provide two ventilations. Chest rises and falls. Resume rescue breathing for remainder of 2 minutes

  • Pulse is reassessed for up to 10 seconds. NO PULSE, Start CPR, 30 compressions, 2 breaths

  • AED is ready, chest is prepared. AED is attached, follow prompts, resume CPR when appropriate

  • Switch compressors every AED analysis or when a rescuer is fatigued

  • Skill Description - Scenario C

  • First responding lifeguard surveys the scene (scene is safe) activates the EAP. Requests to help

  • Responding lifeguards gather equipment and come to scene

  • First responding lifeguard checks for responsiveness and breathing (Guest is responsive/breathing)

  • First responding lifeguard performs a secondary check (finds symptoms in selected scenario)

  • Additional lifeguards arrive on scene; first responding lifeguard updates team regarding symptoms

  • Lifeguard team provides appropriate care for the symptoms found

  • After care is provided, the lifeguard team monitors the guest / places in appropriate position

  • Complete documentation, debrief with Supervisor

  • Has the Lifeguard Candidate demonstrated Skill Competency for Objective Eight?

  • Candidate Name:

  • ILTP Instructor Signature:

  • Date:

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