Conducted on
Prepared by
7.5.1 - Whether documents are Adequacate ?
7.5.2 - Whether formats and media appropriate?
"7.5.2 - Whether documents are reviewed for any changes with users
& updated necessary changes & re-approved?"
7.5.2 - Whether Documents have change details and current revision status ?
- - Whether Latest documents are avl at point of use ?
- - Whether documents are adequately protected where required (e.g. from loss of confidentiality, improper use, or loss of integrity) ?
- - Whether Documents Distribution, storage, preservation,retention and disposal adreesed and followed ?
6.1 - Risks and opportunities
6.1.2 - Is risks and opporunities identified for the depatement ?
6.1.2 - Is actions identified and part of quality management system?
6.1.2 - Is effectiveness of action evaluated ?
8.2 - Training
8.2.1 - Is competency matrix available and complete ?
8.2.1 - Is skill matrix available for current year for all personnel including operators ?
"8.2.1 - Is Skill matrix for previous year Reviewed and gaps Identidfied
8.2.1 - Is Type of training (onjob, class ) identified ?
8.2.1 - Is training plan available and approved ?
8.2.1 - Is trainers and trainees informed about training ?
"8.2.1 - Is training conducted as per training plan and is there action
plan for gaps ?"
"8.2.1 - Is training Plan vs Actual reviewed in Deparment reports
/weekly reports ?"
8.2.1 - Is training records available as list of documents (HR)?
"8.2.1 - Is training feedback form and before and after scores available
? For all trainings ?"
"8.2.1 - Is training effectivenesss reviewed specifically for each person
during Skill matrix review ?"
8.2.1 - Is training details of each employee updated in employee file ?
7.1 - Employee joining /Changes
7.1.2 - Is master list of employee available ?
7.1.2 - Is manpower requition form received and further action taken?
7.2 - Is employee strengths and areas of training identified during selection wrt Competancy and skill matrix?
7.2 - Is employee records updated on adding new qualifications,training and training feedback ?
7.2 - Is induction programme and records available ?
7.2 - Is Skill matrix updated on addition of employee ?
7.2 - Is responsibility authority updated on changes ?
7.2 - Is organisation chart updated on changes ?
7.1 - HR Policy
7.1.1 - Is HR policy available for current year ?
7.1.1 - Is Policy approved by management ?
7.1.1 - Are eployee welfare schemes implemented if planned ?
7.1.1 - Is List of holidays available and displayed ?
"10.3 - Is there any continual improvement project is identified for
the department (Kaizen,VAVE…)?"
10.3 - Is action taken for completing continual improvement projects as per plan ?
10.3 - Is action taken for NCR during 5S audit ?
9.2.2 - Are corrective actions taken for NCR raised during Internal audit ?
9.2.2 - Are corrective actions effective so that it is not repeated ?