Title Page
WestConnex M4E - Parramatta Road - Our Approach Our Controls around Our Activities and Tasks Meeting
Activity or Task:-
What type of meeting is being performed?
- Inspection (Conducted by supervision).
- Observation (Conducted with the workers at the workfront)
Organization / Company
Conducted on
Supervisor responsible for Work Area
- Christian Timney
- Simon Baldwin
- Michael Paton
- Pauric Smith
- Brandon Perrin
- Ben Ashcroft
- David Wilson
- Brandon Leong
- Dave King
- Peter Masiorski
- Ben Forbes
- Vaughan Kimmins
- Mitch Stevens
- Bob Isaac
- John Kim
- Karly Douglas
- Joe Vu
- Judy Zabbia
- Kendall Cooke
- Adrian Daley
- Chris Axe
- Mitch Lawrence
- Brandon Taylor
- Ben Hudson
- Sam Field
- Dan Pearce
- Sebastian Wang
- Pat White
- Tyson Smith
- Mark Pavone
- Dan Cullura
- Trent Inman - Marshall
- Jimmy Mullarkey
- Michael McKennedy
- Michele Butler
- Dane Brookes
- Darren Hill
- Wade Needham
- Tony Wittcomb
- Joe Brennan
- Bo Yang
Additional Members on Inspection
- Christian Timney
- Simon Baldwin
- Michael Paton
- Pauric Smith
- Brandon Perrin
- Ben Ashcroft
- David Wilson
- Brandon Leong
- Dave King
- Peter Masiorski
- Ben Forbes
- Vaughan Kimmins
- Mitch Stevens
- Bob Isaac
- John Kim
- Karly Douglas
- Joe Vu
- Judy Zabbia
- Kendall Cooke
- Adrian Daley
- Chris Axe
- Mitch Lawrence
- Brandon Taylor
- Ben Hudson
- Sam Field
- Dan Pearce
- Sebastian Wang
- Pat White
- Tyson Smith
- Mark Pavone
- Dan Cullura
- Trent Inman - Marshall
- Jimmy Mullarkey
- Michael McKennedy
- Michele Butler
- Dane Brookes
- Darren Hill
- Wade Needham
- Tony Wittcomb
- Joe Brennan
- Bo Yang
Other Observation team members
Take a photo of the area, activity or task and discuss the Above The Line Controls with the team.
ITS ESSENTIALS - Are We Working Above The Line?
1. Are we going to be Working at Heights
How is work being preformed ?
Is the EWP set up on a stable surface clear of open edges, pits and culverts
Is there fixed edge protection, no potential to fall
Are the handrails secure, deck, any open penetrations bigger than 200mm X 20mm covered
Is the ladder secured from falling over?
Can anything fall that might strike someone below or damage equipment
All items and materials need to be made secure or prevent the item falling below.
Is their a potential to fall from one level to another?
What controls are in place to prevent a fall?
- Edge protection is in place to prevent from falling from a truck or a vehicle tray
- Keeping clear from edges by 2m or more where there is a drop of 2m or more.
- Watching where I'm going, eyes on the path
- Use of temporay edge, barriers or handrails to prevent falls under 2m.
2. Is activity being preformed Near Mobile Plant
Are controls in place to prevent workers from entering POZ
What controls are being used
- A Vehicle barrier that prevents the mobile plant from accidentally moving into work area
- A Pedestrian barrier that prevents workers from entering POZ
Are Controls in place to temporarily halt mobile plant prior to worker entering the POZ
Is positive communication in place between worker and mobile plant
All ground engagement tools / implements been lowered to the ground prior to entering POZ
Plant controls are disengaged to ensure that inadvertent operation or movement cannot occur
Plant operators hands have been visibly removed from the controls
Any motion of the plant has ceased
Will mobile plant need to be reversed?
Spotters are clear of the moving mobile plant
The Spotter has been clearly identified by the Plant operator as the person who will guide them.
Spotters remain in line of sight to mirrors
Spotters provide positive communicates to all personnel in area when mobile plant is turning or reversing to keep them clear, until the plant is clear
Reversing plant only moves when asked to.
Are we refueling mobile plant?
Refueling operator has the keys during the whole operation until back in cab.
Plant Operator is in a safe location clear of the refueling area or behind a barrier
3. Are any Temporary Works being used ie:<br><br>- Formwork <br>- Scaffolding <br>- Crane or Piling Pads<br>- Excavation Support <br>- Lifting Point Design
Are the Temporary Works secure?
Scaffolding secure built on solid ground kickboards secure, tied in mid rails hand rails secure?
Formwork secure from falling
Are lifting points being used?
4. Is work being carried out near Live Services
Have all known services been physically identified and operators know the safe approach distances?
5. Working Near Live Traffic
Have suitable barriers been erected to protect workers
6. Does work involve Mobile Cranes or Lifting Operations
Is the crane working on level ground?
Has the weight of the item to be lifted identified and not beyond the SWL?
Is the load secure from falling or striking anyone or anything
If picking and carring is the weight being lifted at a maximum 66% of the SWL limit?
7. Does the activity involve working on or coming in contact with Live Electricity
Is a RCD unit in place.
Have all energy sorces been isolated
has there been a test for dead prior to work
Work Area, Environment, Weather
Housekeeping is well controlled
Waste is placed in the bins provided
All Leads are off the ground
Tools and materials are stored neatly and away from walkways
Plant, tools and equipment being used are correct
Will this activity involve dirt being tracked on to the road? Are controls in place to wash and check wheels?
Is access egress from the area suitable for the workers or Plant operations?
Are we going to be affected by noise, vibration, temperature, dust, weather, wind? What should we protect ourselves with?
- Hearing Protection being used
- P2 Dust Masks required
- Shade breaks for extreme heat
- Water bottles
- Hot Works Protection - Fire Extinguishers Fire Blankets
- Understanding chemicals requirements
- Dust suppression required
- Items secured for inclement weather
- Not using electrical items in the wet
Do the workers know to stop if the work is unsafe or at risk, and only restart when the activity / task has an above the line control?
Any new Hazards from the previous shift?
Please enter Items requiring action
Action Required:
Assigned to:
Date due
Take a photo of close out evidence
Date evidence of action was controlled or closed
Person conducting Its Essential - Our Controls Meeting
Other team members.
- Christian Timney
- Simon Baldwin
- Michael Paton
- Pauric Smith
- Brandon Perrin
- Ben Ashcroft
- David Wilson
- Brandon Leong
- Dave King
- Peter Masiorski
- Ben Forbes
- Vaughan Kimmins
- Mitch Stevens
- Bob Isaac
- John Kim
- Karly Douglas
- Joe Vu
- Judy Zabbia
- Kendall Cooke
- Adrian Daley
- Chris Axe
- Mitch Lawrence
- Brandon Taylor
- Ben Hudson
- Sam Field
- Dan Pearce
- Sebastian Wang
- Pat White
- Tyson Smith
- Mark Pavone
- Dan Cullura
- Trent Inman - Marshall
- Jimmy Mullarkey
- Michael McKennedy
- Michele Butler
- Dane Brookes
- Darren Hill
- Wade Needham
- Tony Wittcomb
- Joe Brennan
- Bo Yang
Add other observers name(s)
Take a group selfy of the team that completed this meeting.